Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Here is one order summarized.

Multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

I don't see any issues with this. I don't see what's to debate here. More border security agents? Yes please. Building a wall to increase security on our border? Sure why not it was a campaign promise. Stripping federal funds from sanctuary cities? 100% agree. You don't get to pick and choose what laws you want to follow. Ending catch and release? Absolutely. Never should of been that way to begin with.

Please feel free to point out your objections and I will be happy to discuss minus anyone's emotions or virtue signaling.

The so called wall will not stop illegal immigration, at best it may slow it.

People will find a way to cross the border regardless, if you need a proof look no further than the West Bank wall or Berlin Wall.

Rounding up and deporting existing illegal residents is an exercise in futility because it won't be long before they are back or replaced by others.
As long as the incentives for people to risk life or limb in pursuit of a better life exists neither a wall or fire is going to stop them.
Now let us assume that immigration illegal or not is an issue to begin with which I don't believe it is but just an assumption.
Wouldn't you think that eliminating the incentives is a better solution for the problem?
Perhaps a joint economic/industrial zone on the border instead of a wall. It certainly won't cost taxpayers $25 billion dollars and it will actually create jobs at both sides.
Both please answer Do we torture. president says it works. Rest of America says No. care to stand up for that statement? Anyone ?
The so called wall will not stop illegal immigration, at best it may slow it.

People will find a way to cross the border regardless, if you need a proof look no further than the West Bank wall or Berlin Wall.

Rounding up and deporting existing illegal residents is an exercise in futility because it won't be long before they are back or replaced by others.
As long as the incentives for people to risk life or limb in pursuit of a better life exists neither a wall or fire is going to stop them.
Now let us assume that immigration illegal or not is an issue to begin with which I don't believe it is but just an assumption.
Wouldn't you think that eliminating the incentives is a better solution for the problem?
Perhaps a joint economic/industrial zone on the border instead of a wall. It certainly won't cost taxpayers $25 billion dollars and it will actually create jobs at both sides.
Just slowing it and stopping some would be improvement. Never said it would stop it. Also I have no interest in assisting Mexico in providing for their citizens. I don't think it's our job to help their citizens while ours are struggling. Worrying about others first before taking care of our own people has gone on long enough.

Again can any of you Trump haters say one positive thing?
Just slowing it and stopping some would be improvement. Never said it would stop it. Also I have no interest in assisting Mexico in providing for their citizens. I don't think it's our job to help their citizens while ours are struggling. Worrying about others first before taking care of our own people has gone on long enough.

Again can any of you Trump haters say one positive thing?

I like his taste in women.
Other than that I like a couple of his positions.
But he constantly contridicts himself and his hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

How many trillion do you think a wall would cost? Trillions to merely slow the flow of immigration? I thought he was going to end wasteful spending?
How about him approving of torture? Im all for punishing jihadists but torture doesn't work.

Whatever happened to being the good guys? Torture is what al queda and isis do. So now we are going to act like them?

Oh yeah...and torture doesn't work.
Actually, without torture(its called waterboarding) we would have never gotten to Osama Bin Laden. So the FACT is, torture of terrorists may be the only way to get information that could prevent unnecessary innocent lives lost. So youre defending the rights of terrorists that want you and i dead now? Terrorists have NO rights and youre goddamn right im all about torturing them if it helps put an end to their actions.
You see, this is why I stepped out of this thread. I cant stand the bs. No point in wasting any more energy on this topic. Wont change a thing.
Interesting you caught that, it was intentional, but you didn't catch the repetitive labeling of everyone with opposing views as liberal! Kind of selective?
He will always evade the tough questions and return to the usual rant. It really gets old. GR you need some new material.

Answer the questions I asked you sir. Torture and voting fraud you know. Until then Steve Bannon says you should shut up:) see you tomorrow bro.
Both please answer Do we torture. president says it works. Rest of America says No. care to stand up for that statement? Anyone ?
Actually I believe half of Americans believe in torture and not the "Rest of America" which means all Americans but Trump. Hard to have a discussion with this type of rhetoric. As to my personal feelings I don't have a problem with it when it involves the terrorist scum we are dealing with. They have no problem chopping of heads amongst other brutal things so I don't have one ounce of sympathy for them.
Actually, without torture(its called waterboarding) we would have never gotten to Osama Bin Laden. So the FACT is, torture of terrorists may be the only way to get information that could prevent unnecessary innocent lives lost. So youre defending the rights of terrorists that want you and i dead now? Terrorists have NO rights and youre goddamn right im all about torturing them if it helps put an end to their actions.
Actually, without torture(its called waterboarding) we would have never gotten to Osama Bin Laden. So the FACT is, torture of terrorists may be the only way to get information that could prevent unnecessary innocent lives lost. So youre defending the rights of terrorists that want you and i dead now? Terrorists have NO rights and youre goddamn right im all about torturing them if it helps put an end to their actions.
You are so smart.

JK you are a fucking imbecile.
Both please answer Do we torture. president says it works. Rest of America says No. care to stand up for that statement? Anyone ?
Who is the rest of America that you're referring to? You know how every American thinks and feels now? Fuck terrorists and their so called rights. They put themselves in the position to be tortured when they started killing innocent women, children, etc
Actually, without torture(its called waterboarding) we would have never gotten to Osama Bin Laden. So the FACT is, torture of terrorists may be the only way to get information that could prevent unnecessary innocent lives lost. So youre defending the rights of terrorists that want you and i dead now? Terrorists have NO rights and youre goddamn right im all about torturing them if it helps put an end to their actions.

Can you provide proof to that statement? Because all the evidence I have read from interigaters and even general madis proves otherwise.

Just like when the bush administration said waterboarding KSM provided intel, well that was proven to be bs.
He will always evade the tough questions and return to the usual rant. It really gets old. GR you need some new material.

Answer the questions I asked you sir. Torture and voting fraud you know. Until then Steve Bannon says you should shut up:) see you tomorrow bro.
I'm sorry if you asked me a serious question. It's really hard to tell when you are in a discussion or in the midst of some emotional breakdown. I believe the torture answer I just replied to so you can refer to that. As far as voter fraud goes I answered that as well earlier but will again so you don't have to go back. I think Trump bringing up voter fraud again was petty and he shouldn't have done it. I think he has a big ego and he doesn't know how to let that go. I think it's silly and childish. I also don't have a problem with him wanting it investigated since it will prove him to be correct or just silly and egotistical.
Actually, without torture(its called waterboarding) we would have never gotten to Osama Bin Laden. So the FACT is, torture of terrorists may be the only way to get information that could prevent unnecessary innocent lives lost. So youre defending the rights of terrorists that want you and i dead now? Terrorists have NO rights and youre goddamn right im all about torturing them if it helps put an end to their actions.

Dude, you need to take a timeout. Its insulting you saying I care about the rights of terrorists. I have more respect for you than to say some bullshit like that. Im all for punishing people that are actually guilty.

You must if missed the part where Im all for punishing jihadists.

The problem is I dont have faith in my government to even know who our enemies are.

Do you think its ok to get people locked up in prision without trial? You have that much faith in the government that took us to war with iraq? Lied about wmd?
Lied about iraqs involvement in 911?
Who is the rest of America that you're referring to? You know how every American thinks and feels now? Fuck terrorists and their so called rights. They put themselves in the position to be tortured when they started killing innocent women, children, etc

How do you know who the terroists are??
Let me guess..they are muslims!
Do you think its ok to get people locked up in prision without trial? You have that much faith in the government that took us to war with iraq? Lied about wmd?
Lied about iraqs involvement in 911?
That same intelligence bureau also has come out with several statements regarding Trump,Russians, and the election yet most if not all in the left take it as absolute fact. You cant blindly follow everything the government says then chastise others for believing the government will act accordingly when it comes to torture. I agree with you though that government shouldn't be blindly trusted with anything but that should also apply to some beliefs you may hold as truth also.
Actually I believe half of Americans believe in torture and not the "Rest of America" which means all Americans but Trump. Hard to have a discussion with this type of rhetoric. As to my personal feelings I don't have a problem with it when it involves the terrorist scum we are dealing with. They have no problem chopping of heads amongst other brutal things so I don't have one ounce of sympathy for them.

How do you know who is a terrorist or not? Of course none of us have a problem punishing actual terrorist.

You have so much distrust for our government on nearly everything right?

Well, why in the hell would you figure in this particular instance they know what they are doing? Makes no sense to me.
Who is the rest of America that you're referring to? You know how every American thinks and feels now? Fuck terrorists and their so called rights. They put themselves in the position to be tortured when they started killing innocent women, children, etc

Senate leader Mitch
General Mattis
House speaker
CIA director
All military families who understand their loved ones should be safe while they are serving
And everyone with a moral code in this country
Senate leader Mitch
General Mattis
House speaker
CIA director
All military families who understand their loved ones should be safe while they are serving
And everyone with a moral code in this country
That wouldn't be the rest of the country so you are incorrect in your previous statement. Also your last line is uneeded virtue signaling and helps nothing. You don't have the moral high ground.