Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

That same intelligence bureau also has come out with several statements regarding Trump,Russians, and the election yet most if not all in the left take it as absolute fact. You cant blindly follow everything the government says then chastise others for believing the government will act accordingly when it comes to torture. I agree with you though that government shouldn't be blindly trusted with anything but that should also apply to some beliefs you may hold as truth also.

I cant speak and dont speak for the left so cant help you there.
Just slowing it and stopping some would be improvement. Never said it would stop it. Also I have no interest in assisting Mexico in providing for their citizens. I don't think it's our job to help their citizens while ours are struggling. Worrying about others first before taking care of our own people has gone on long enough.

Again can any of you Trump haters say one positive thing?
But we are not helping the Mexican people. We are discussing solutions to illegal immigration. A known well proven solution is to eliminate the cause not the symptoms with less money from our pockets. Besides a joint industrial zone means jobs on both sides.
Anyway what else, what other Trump policies/promises/actions do you support and why?
That wouldn't be the rest of the country so you are incorrect in your previous statement. Also your last line is uneeded virtue signaling and helps nothing. You don't have the moral high ground.
you so politely ignored the people this matters the most military families
typical demagogue. You are very helpful with your statement I must agree
But we are not helping the Mexican people. We are discussing solutions to illegal immigration. A known well proven solution is to eliminate the cause not the symptoms with less money from our pockets. Besides a joint industrial zone means jobs on both sides.
Anyway what else, what other Trump policies/promises/actions do you support and why?
Why exactly am I doing the work for you? I would be happy to discuss any executive order that you have issue with. I believe I previously asked you to list them and voice your concerns with them. I have no issues with any of them so I would think the onus would be on you to present your objections for discussion. I have no problems discussing it with anyone.
you so politely ignored the people this matters the most military families
typical demagogue. You are very helpful with your statement I must agree
Actually the people that matter the most are the entire country and you happen to leave them off that list or conveniently lumped them in with your statement of "everyone", which was false. There is not right or wrong here as it's just your personal feelings and other people's feelings. Im not here to debate personal feelings as you appear to be. We are both entitled to our feelings and my view isn't factually wrong and in that respect neither is yours. It's just feelings.
Actually the people that matter the most are the entire country and you happen to leave them off that list or conveniently lumped them in with your statement of "everyone", which was false. There is not right or wrong here as it's just your personal feelings and other people's feelings. Im not here to debate personal feelings as you appear to be. We are both entitled to our feelings and my view isn't factually wrong and in that respect neither is yours. It's just feelings.
Wrong sir
When our men and women serve for their country ,if they were to be captured they should be able to expect to be treated under Geneva convention rules. What you're suggesting is putting men and women in harms way so no it is not an opinion but a Fact for men and women who is serving for this country I just don't think you get it
Why exactly am I doing the work for you? I would be happy to discuss any executive order that you have issue with. I believe I previously asked you to list them and voice your concerns with them. I have no issues with any of them so I would think the onus would be on you to present your objections for discussion. I have no problems discussing it with anyone.
We have, that is exactly what I and many others here been doing. Feel free to go back and read the posts you missed but just as a reminder my original questions post wasn't directed to anyone in particular, you choose to answer and reply.
I agree with going after sanctuary cities
I agree with pulling out of the tpp and going for a better deal
I agree with the executive order on the pipelines
I agree with the federal hiring freeze
I agree with the executive order that does away with the mandatory obamacare enrollment.
And I agree torture works and we should only be doing it during an extreme time.
Show me any evidence it works. I hope you know what an evidence is. nothing anecdotal....
I've seen plenty of people's on both sides of the aisle. I'm gonna just have to use common sense on this one. If I new you had a nuke and I wanted to find out where it was inwould torture the dog shit out of you and I "would" find it.
Wrong sir
When our men and women serve for their country ,if they were to be captured they should be able to expect to be treated under Geneva convention rules. What you're suggesting is putting men and women in harms way so no it is not an opinion but a Fact for men and women who is serving for this country I just don't think you get it
How did that work out when we were waterboarding before? Do you really think that terrorists,which is what I thought we were discussing, care about rules? I'm sure the beheadings will no longer take place and will certainly not if we strictly forbid it. Foolish to think they care about any rules put in place. I will agree with you though that torture would open us up to problems in wars with actual countries as it pertains to our soldiers who are captured. You make a good point there.
We have, that is exactly what I and many others here been doing. Feel free to go back and read the posts you missed but just as a reminder my original questions post wasn't directed to anyone in particular, you choose to answer and reply.
I have to admit I don't keep up on the thread as it's swamped with twitter shares on an hourly basis. I will go back and try to find some objections/comments you have made and reply to them.
I will agree with you though that torture would open us up to problems in wars with actual countries as it pertains to our soldiers who are captured. You make a good point there.
There's only one way that folks would ever know that we tortured. That's if someone on the inside talks. Keep the circle small my friend... keep it small.
So short sided.terrorist been doing this Had been tortured by Third World countries for years. It never works if it worked Israel would be a bomb free place. If that was the case at all the torturing we could've done behind closed doors there would be no enemy leaders left every few years. Bu not the case. High ranking CIA and Homeland security and military officers directly State the fact torture doesn't work. These people gave their life's works for the field and I rather take their insight over yours what works and what doesn't when it pertains to torture
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The greatest concern right now, however, is the threat to the Balkans posed by clandestine Kremlin spy-games that I’ve termed Special War: espionage, subversion, propaganda and terrorism. Back in November, operatives linked to Russian intelligence attempted to stage a violent coup in Montenegro, the tiny ex-Yugoslav republic on the Adriatic which is seeking NATO membership, and politicians in Belgrade who are less than enthusiastic about getting in bed with Moscow consider such shadowy assassins to be a threat to themselves too. Given Putin’s habit of disposing of people he dislikes in unpleasantly nefarious ways, this appears to be a legitimate worry.

What Putin wants in the Balkans seems plain enough, namely political chaos that will distract the West, which made itself the region’s ward in the 1990s. He will happily risk a local war to achieve that, since it won’t be Russians doing most of the dying. The political solutions crafted by NATO a generation ago are increasingly frail, and Moscow plans to reap its reward. Putin, like many Russians, views Western intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo as an affront to the Slavic Orthodox world, and he plans on revenge.

Right now, NATO is deploying troops in Poland and the Baltics to deter Russian adventurism, as I’ve been counseling for years, but Kremlin saber-rattling in 2017 to test the Alliance’s resolve may instead come in the Balkans, where states are weak and Western control looks shaky. Given how terrifically badly things went the last time Russian intelligence aided and abetted clandestine Serbian machinations in Bosnia, the United States and our European allies need to urgently calm down Southeastern Europe before its problems get out of hand and mass violence returns to that perennially troubled region.
As a career diplomat,I experienced many transitions & never saw anything like this dangerous purge of public servants now underway at State.