Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

For decades, France's willing collaboration in the Nazi Holocaust was recognized as the most shameful chapter in the nation’s history, a story recounted in public schools and a crime for which a sitting French president formally apologized. Paris is home to one of the world’s premier Holocaust research centers, and black plaques now adorn the facades of nearly every school from which a Jewish child was known to have been deported.

But despite these displays of public memory, the unthinkable has happened. The National Front — a political party founded by a convicted Holocaust denier — has mounted a surprisingly credible bid for the French presidency.

The party’s founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, now 88, once dismissed concentration camps such as Drancy as a “detail of history,” a remark that landed him in the political wilderness for decades. Now, a very real scenario exists in which his daughter, Marine Le Pen, could win the upcoming French elections.

Has the “past that will not pass” passed after all? Or has it merely ceased to matter?

One man deeply troubled by the question is Serge Klarsfeld, the most prominent living Nazi hunter in France and also Europe.

Now 81, Klarsfeld, a child survivor of the Holocaust, has spent his entire working life tracking down former Nazis alongside his wife, Beate. Those the Klarsfelds have brought to justice include Klaus Barbie, the infamous “butcher of Lyon,” and Maurice Papon, a former civil servant who authorized the transfer of nearly 1,700 Jews from Bordeaux to Drancy. The Klarsfelds also arelargely credited with having successfully pressured subsequent administrations of the French government to acknowledge publicly the country’s complicity in the Holocaust.

In short, they deal in the “details” that the elder Le Pen would rather forget.

And yet.

Sitting in his office, a veritable memory cavern strewn with books in a multitude of languages, stray photocopies of archival sources and oversize maps of various concentration camps, Klarsfeld struggled to put the rise of the National Front into words. Eventually, he sighed.

“I regret finishing my life in a period that so resembles the 1930s,” he said.
His actions are of a disturbed individual than a presidential leader. You don't have to be smart to see what's goin on. He is trying to make policy on the fly 20% tariff on goods from Mexico. Who pays for it Mexico or the American consumer? He has no clue.
He Keep retracting statements and promises. We will be paying for the wall and add to deficit with no real impact according to many studies.
There aren't 3-5 million illegally voting this is fantasy he is selling it to his base. Even republicans are taken back with some of his outrageous statements like torture. It's unbelievable how closed minded people get about their candidate. We are the free world and we open our arms to anyone that's in need. It is one of the American values I greatly cherish. I won't watch it disappear it's in our core and our constitution. Sanctuary cities are New York, Los Angeles, most of New Mexico and so on. People in these cities are all American also. Tax paying patriots who have just different point of view about immigrants.They should not be forced to destroy people's lives for presidents political gain.
I don't believe many Americans want to get ahead on the back of people who may have their lively hood to loose.
I think the emotional reaction too "destroying peoples lives" is just that. An emotional reaction. Yeah America is a great damn place to be. Everyone should have the opportunities we have. Sincerely i mean that. But its not reality and we cant save everybody. And the ones that stand in line and do it the right way are welcome with open arms. America has sovereignty over our borders. We can and should be able to protect our borders like anybody else. Which in turn means protecting our people. Try crossing the border in to Russia illegally and see what happens. Or China. You and i both know youd never see the light of day again. But hey were assholes in America right? Give the immigrant a license, a phone, govt assistance and favorable laws that help the low man rise to the top. That is faaaaar more than any other country is gonna do for an illegal immigrant. Then you have the leaches. The ones that come here and eat our food, use our schools and enjoy our freedoms and then turn around and launch a terrorist strike on unassuming targets. Mothers, daughters, sons, fathers. Dead. So it is no secret that many use Americas mercy against us. Radical Islam will continue to attack us from within because they can and up until now we have some what allowed it. This is not a nice world and we are far too inviting here. So idgaf about Jose or Muhammed who will have to tunnel in here or be barred because of a freakin wall to make their quest for America a lil harder. Or placing a hold on countries where KNOWN terrorists come from to emmigrate here. I sincerely dont give a fuck. Yeah life is tough and we cant save em all or sustain em all.

And these "sanctuary cities". Tax payer dollars go to these cities and they refuse to obey federal law which undoubtedly opens up their citizens to harm. They say fuck it we will not discriminate any and all who want to come will come and they are welcome here. This is foolish and their really isnt any defending it. Its not about compassion its about security. So revoke their federal tax dollars. Done. Have a great life San Fran. Have a great life Chicago. Have a great life NY.
I lived in NY 28 yrs of my life and its is a testament to who runs that damn place and why life is fucking miserable there. Thats on them and the ones that they allow to make policies. Which traditionally is the democrats. No jobs, miserable economy and too boot they WANT all the illegals they can handle. Fucking insanity. Chicago and their worst crime rate in America also happens to be a gun free zone. More failed liberal policies. I mean failed. There is no fucking way around that. No justification. We can go on and on. Its not really a political thing as it is a "policy" thing and that is Liberal policies suck and they dont work.
Not at all. I wish Obama would have done more to reform drug laws at the federal level.
I would agree that I would like to see it reformed as well. I personally don't see the issue with Trump enforcing laws that are already on the books in regards to illegals and immigration. As I have said previously if Trump did not stick to his campaign promises then this thread would be spammed with rhetoric about him deceiving his voter base. Now that he is delivering what he campaigned on it's also a problem. No matter what he does most if not all that didn't vote for him will find fault in every decision. I find it refreshing that a President is actually following through on his campaign promises considering it rarely happens.
Show me any evidence it works. I hope you know what an evidence is. nothing anecdotal....
They don't have evidence that it works, but there would be mass resignations in the intelligence community and military if water boarding would be brought back. There are exceptions and you don't have to look far to find some who would participate participate in war crimes, they can be found in this discussion.

This is the bottom, we the people have a moral obligation to stop our government if it goes rouge and breaks international law. The fact that there are rogue nations who do not respect international law is not an excuse for America to break international law.
I would agree that I would like to see it reformed as well. I personally don't see the issue with Trump enforcing laws that are already on the books in regards to illegals and immigration. As I have said previously if Trump did not stick to his campaign promises then this thread would be spammed with rhetoric about him deceiving his voter base. Now that he is delivering what he campaigned on it's also a problem. No matter what he does most if not all that didn't vote for him will find fault in every decision. I find it refreshing that a President is actually following through on his campaign promises considering it rarely happens.
Im very happy to see him walk the walk as he already talked the talk
Thats why i cast my vote in favor of Mr. T
He is coming in with his balls hanging out and i like that
I like how hes treating Mexico. They dont wanna participate in the wall? Tax em. Done with you. Move on
Im most interested in how he tackles Obama care. Let it collapse and show how terrible it is? Then start from scratch? Reform it? I truly dont know. It will be a HUGE deal if 18 million ppl lose coverage. But it cannot sustain itself and i cannot sustain IT. I hope they figure it out for the better of all of us. Cuz as it is is now and how it was as the Dems passed it is terrible
Anytime someone brings up Hitler or likens a candidate to Hitler it just turns people's off. Folks that use the Hitler card just come off as a joke.
The truth is we have a megalomaniac in the White House whom being controlled by his advisers of alt right. Welcome to hell for a few years.
This is the truth, and he is a textbook case. It is glaringly obvious, but those who are blinded by their own prejudice can't see that. A Lot of folks in Germany once thought they had a great leader, and even after their country was reduced to ruble, there were those that still hated so much that they would have backed him again.
Anytime someone brings up Hitler or likens a candidate to Hitler it just turns people's off. Folks that use the Hitler card just come off as a joke.
Absolutely. It's a way of shutting down discussion and by using that comparison to Hitler they believe they're anointed the moral high ground. I mean what kind of fool would support or have voted for Hitler 2.0? Obviously Trump supporters are beneath them and can't see what they see,which from their eyes is absolute facts.
Growing list of post-election 'hate crimes' turn out to be hoaxes

You may Google for other sources. I believe the cancer known as Buzzfeed also has an article although not as thorough.
Thanks for the link. Staying on the subject
Update: 1,094 Bias-Related Incidents in the Month Following the Election

And to put things in perspective

"Overall, anti-immigrant incidents (315) remain the most reported, followed by anti-black (221), anti-Muslim (112), and anti-LGBT (109). Anti-Trump incidents numbered 26 (6 of which were also anti-white in nature, with 2 non-Trump related anti-white incidents reported).

We’ve also been tracking false reports (13 total), as a handful of high profile incidents have been recently uncovered, including two (I, II) that we had previously counted and have removed for this update."

13 false reports against 1094 verified incidents.
Absolutely. It's a way of shutting down discussion and by using that comparison to Hitler they believe they're anointed the moral high ground. I mean what kind of fool would support or have voted for Hitler 2.0? Obviously Trump supporters are beneath them and can't see what they see,which from their eyes is absolute facts.

And those of us who've been around awhile (I remember when Reagan campaigned against Carter - even if I was a tad too young to vote back then) recall how liberals and the media (pardon the redundancy) were demonizing Reagan like you wouldn't believe. And it's been the same ever since (and probably before - but I don't remember prior campaigns) it's a broken record.

Then you see these "demons" take office (Reagan, the Bushes, and now Trump) and blacks are still drinking from the same water fountains as everyone else, women aren't chained to the stove etc. You quickly realize that liberals simply cannot be taken on their word and only those with very little intelligence or no long term memory would be fooled by their rhetoric.

Republican rhetoric versus the liberals holds much more water - liberals DO spend all their waking moments trying to tax and regulate your life to bits, it's the truth!
Thanks for the link. Staying on the subject
Update: 1,094 Bias-Related Incidents in the Month Following the Election

And to put things in perspective

"Overall, anti-immigrant incidents (315) remain the most reported, followed by anti-black (221), anti-Muslim (112), and anti-LGBT (109). Anti-Trump incidents numbered 26 (6 of which were also anti-white in nature, with 2 non-Trump related anti-white incidents reported).

We’ve also been tracking false reports (13 total), as a handful of high profile incidents have been recently uncovered, including two (I, II) that we had previously counted and have removed for this update."

13 false reports against 1094 verified incidents.

Did you control for the fact that liberals actively solicit such "incident" reports? And that Republicans largely adhere to the "sticks and stones --- but words can never hurt me" philosophy?

Tell a liberal (especially a female or a "protected category" individual) an adult joke and you have a lawsuit and/or public humiliation on your hands - or worse.

I can't recall any media report of any Obama/Hillary supporter getting beaten up in public, but I've read numerous reports on physical attacks on Trump supporters.
Absolutely. It's a way of shutting down discussion and by using that comparison to Hitler they believe they're anointed the moral high ground.
It is an accurate analogy. Your statement is your way of ending the dissociation. That goddamn buffoon is still demonstrating his pathology for all to see. He still claims his inauguration was the largest ever. Trumps delusion has spread to his supporters, or they could have been delusional before Trumps arrival
We are in the process of changing everything we used to stand for because one man says we need to make America First. This is fundemantaly changing this county. That is why we the people are worried and can't give up on it.
I can't live in a world with alternative facts !!!!
Did you control for the fact that liberals actively solicit such "incident" reports? And that Republicans largely adhere to the "sticks and stones --- but words can never hurt me" philosophy?
Another incoherent response from TPL. Hey Einstein if any of that 10 lbs resides between your ears leave it alone. Seems like you have an echo chamber in there.
We are in the process of changing everything we used to stand for because one man says we need to make America First. This is fundemantaly changing this county. That is why we the people are worried and can't give up on it.
I can't live in a world with alternative facts !!!!
And the ignorant fucks of meso's alt right will never change their train of thought. It is in a one way direction over the cliff on the Trump train.
We are in the process of changing everything we used to stand for because one man says we need to make America First. This is fundemantaly changing this county. That is why we the people are worried and can't give up on it.
I can't live in a world with alternative facts !!!!
I just dont understand this...
Its not me being an asshole i just dont understand what your eluding too?
Obama and the past 8 years is NOT what America USED to stand for.
I assume you mean just the change in policy by a conservative President? That happens every time power changes hands. Like it or not America has always been built on conservative principles. Right down to our core.
We are in the process of changing everything we used to stand for because one man says we need to make America First. This is fundemantaly changing this county. That is why we the people are worried and can't give up on it.
I can't live in a world with alternative facts !!!!
You mean the people that lost the election believe in your ideals. Elections have consequences and I don't expect you or others of your ilk to welcome the change.
You mean the people that lost the election believe in your ideals. Elections have consequences and I don't expect you or others of your ilk to welcome the change.
I suspect thats all it is. There are some level headed ppl like massturk and others who just dont like the change in policy. Who arent bad ppl just dont agree.
Then there are ppl like Ashley Judd and that slut Madonna who are so pissed off by our election system they deem the president worthy of death. Threatening to blow up the white house huh? We shoulda spayed that dumb cunt a long time ago. Terrible music to boot. Also these fucking Hitler analogies arent accurate. Not even close. Not by a long shot. Not today. Not tomorrow. Its rhetoric meant to generate hate. Period.