Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I've seen plenty of people's on both sides of the aisle. I'm gonna just have to use common sense on this one. If I new you had a nuke and I wanted to find out where it was inwould torture the dog shit out of you and I "would" find it.

That must be why Rumsfeld kept saying, "we know where they are".

The trouble with torture is the recipient has no reason to believe it will end with useful answers. Quite the opposite, a useful answer guarantees more torture.

The ones doing the torture also tend to be affected with problems almost as dire as the ones tortured. Studies have shown it has a permanent impact on brain activity.
The truth is we have a megalomaniac in the White House whom being controlled by his advisers of alt right. Welcome to hell for a few years.
Except when it involves federal marijuana laws, right?
Well he has been President for what one week now. How about we wait and see what he plans to do if anything. I think making sure criminal illegal aliens are not remaining safe in sanctuary cities may just be slightly more important than marijuana comparatively. Did you take issue with the Obama administration allowing states to ignore federal law on marijuana?
Well he has been President for what one week now. How about we wait and see what he plans to do if anything. I think making sure criminal illegal aliens are not remaining safe in sanctuary cities may just be slightly more important than marijuana comparatively. Did you take issue with the Obama administration allowing states to ignore federal law on marijuana?
His actions are of a disturbed individual than a presidential leader. You don't have to be smart to see what's goin on. He is trying to make policy on the fly 20% tariff on goods from Mexico. Who pays for it Mexico or the American consumer? He has no clue.
He Keep retracting statements and promises. We will be paying for the wall and add to deficit with no real impact according to many studies.
There aren't 3-5 million illegally voting this is fantasy he is selling it to his base. Even republicans are taken back with some of his outrageous statements like torture. It's unbelievable how closed minded people get about their candidate. We are the free world and we open our arms to anyone that's in need. It is one of the American values I greatly cherish. I won't watch it disappear it's in our core and our constitution. Sanctuary cities are New York, Los Angeles, most of New Mexico and so on. People in these cities are all American also. Tax paying patriots who have just different point of view about immigrants.They should not be forced to destroy people's lives for presidents political gain.
I don't believe many Americans want to get ahead on the back of people who may have their lively hood to loose.
That adds so much to the discussion. How about we list all the proven fake hate crimes that have been blamed on Trump but were proven false.
His actions are of a disturbed individual than a presidential leader. You don't have to be smart to see what's goin on. He is trying to make policy on the fly 20% tariff on goods from Mexico. Who pays for it Mexico or the American consumer? He has no clue.
He Keep retracting statements and promises. We will be paying for the wall and add to deficit with no real impact according to many studies.
There aren't 3-5 million illegally voting this is fantasy he is selling it to his base. Even republicans are taken back with some of his outrageous statements like torture. It's unbelievable how closed minded people get about their candidate. We are the free world and we open our arms to anyone that's in need. It is one of the American values I greatly cherish. I won't watch it disappear it's in our core and our constitution. Sanctuary cities are New York, Los Angeles, most of New Mexico and so on. People in these cities are all American also. Tax paying patriots who have just different point of view about immigrants.They should not be forced to destroy people's lives for presidents political gain.
I don't believe many Americans want to get ahead on the back of people who may have their lively hood to loose.
Again I don't agree with everything he says. I think his constant talk of 3 million plus illegal votes is childish and he should be quiet about it. I don't agree with your assessment of illegal aliens. Our Constitution has zero to do with people entering the country illegally. Do you think that you can stroll across the border in to Mexico? What do you think would happen? It's a felony punishable by up to 2 years in prison. If you are not jailed you are certainly deported. If caught a second time it's 10 years in prison. Mexico has a tougher stance by far yet you suggest we should continue the status quo. I don't think so. We should be deciding who comes here and not allowing just anyone to flood in. Reference Germany for one example of why that's completely foolish.

Gregg Phillips, the unlikely apparent source for President Trump's unsupported claim that 3 million or more "illegal voters" cost him the popular vote, says he might be changing his mind about releasing the names of those voters to everyone on the internet.

“If I had my druthers, and they said, ‘Gregg, you can release your list or you can give it to [the Department of Justice],’ I’d instantly agree to give it over to DOJ. They could bump it up against the Homeland Security file,” Phillips told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. “There’s a group of us who don’t think we should release the names at all.”

As of right now, however, releasing the names is the plan, said Phillips, who identifies himself on Twitter as the founder of a voter-fraud reporting app.

On Monday, Trump told congressional leaders he believed 3 million to 5 million people illegally voted in November. A day later, White House press secretary said Trump’s belief was “based on studies and evidence people have presented to him.”

That “evidence” could include the data Phillips claimed to have a week after the election, which gained legendary viral notoriety on the right. The Washington Post's Philip Bump called Phillips' tweet " (Donald Trump's new explanation for losing the popular vote)" back in November.

Here’s the problem: No one has seen any of the data, nor the algorithm Phillips and his group have put it through, let alone confirmed if it’s even possible for any part of it to be true.
Really @DeadFlex ? You really needed to go there huh? You think you sound like a tough guy?

You know what would really make you tough? If you actually carried a mans rifle instead of an aluminum cracker jack pos rifle.

Try a dsarms 308 or kvar when you grow up big guy. You should really keep politics to adults if you cant resort to making veiled threats to fellow Americans.

Grow up "bro"!
Why the fuck would I want to carry around a 308 as a battle rifle when I have a suppressed SBR chambered in 300BLK?

I'll add your tears to the lube, snowflake. Why don't you go join your liberal vanilla latte drinking friends at Starbucks.
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