Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It is an accurate analogy. Your statement is your way of ending the dissociation. That goddamn buffoon is still demonstrating his pathology for all to see. He still claims his inauguration was the largest ever. Trumps delusion has spread to his supporters, or they could have been delusional before Trumps arrival
The Hitler card has been being played for a few years now. Long before trump started running. It's just a political tactic to scare simple minded people in to voting a certain way. Nothing less.
And the ignorant fucks of meso's alt right will never change their train of thought. It is in a one way direction over the cliff on the Trump train.
Again you spew the same rhetoric. If someone doesn't aqueous to your views then they are ignorant,stupid,racist ect ect. You make this too easy as you are simply following the handbook laid out by the progressive left. It's what cost you the election and will continue to do so. Insults and claiming you have some sort of intellectual superiority is laughable. Surely you can muster up discussion without resulting to Hitler references or name calling. I rarely see it but for one who proclaims to be superior in intellect to Trump supporters you certainly have not shown that here. Then again I may be misinterpreting your genius considering my decreased intelligence as a Trump voter.
I think the emotional reaction too "destroying peoples lives" is just that. An emotional reaction. Yeah America is a great damn place to be. Everyone should have the opportunities we have. Sincerely i mean that. But its not reality and we cant save everybody. And the ones that stand in line and do it the right way are welcome with open arms. America has sovereignty over our borders. We can and should be able to protect our borders like anybody else. Which in turn means protecting our people. Try crossing the border in to Russia illegally and see what happens. Or China. You and i both know youd never see the light of day again. But hey were assholes in America right? Give the immigrant a license, a phone, govt assistance and favorable laws that help the low man rise to the top. That is faaaaar more than any other country is gonna do for an illegal immigrant. Then you have the leaches. The ones that come here and eat our food, use our schools and enjoy our freedoms and then turn around and launch a terrorist strike on unassuming targets. Mothers, daughters, sons, fathers. Dead. So it is no secret that many use Americas mercy against us. Radical Islam will continue to attack us from within because they can and up until now we have some what allowed it. This is not a nice world and we are far too inviting here. So idgaf about Jose or Muhammed who will have to tunnel in here or be barred because of a freakin wall to make their quest for America a lil harder. Or placing a hold on countries where KNOWN terrorists come from to emmigrate here. I sincerely dont give a fuck. Yeah life is tough and we cant save em all or sustain em all.

And these "sanctuary cities". Tax payer dollars go to these cities and they refuse to obey federal law which undoubtedly opens up their citizens to harm. They say fuck it we will not discriminate any and all who want to come will come and they are welcome here. This is foolish and their really isnt any defending it. Its not about compassion its about security. So revoke their federal tax dollars. Done. Have a great life San Fran. Have a great life Chicago. Have a great life NY.
I lived in NY 28 yrs of my life and its is a testament to who runs that damn place and why life is fucking miserable there. Thats on them and the ones that they allow to make policies. Which traditionally is the democrats. No jobs, miserable economy and too boot they WANT all the illegals they can handle. Fucking insanity. Chicago and their worst crime rate in America also happens to be a gun free zone. More failed liberal policies. I mean failed. There is no fucking way around that. No justification. We can go on and on. Its not really a political thing as it is a "policy" thing and that is Liberal policies suck and they dont work.

I agree with most of your statements. We should protect our land from illegal immigration. What is proposed is a complete sweep of all undocumented immigrants. Some of which came here as a baby as a child. Some of them have American partners. What's being proposed will infringe on our own citizens.Not every undocumented immigrant is a criminal. We are not looking at this as an humanitarian issue but a political and economical one. I can't win the political argument in this climate. But the economy will not be better off without them. Ask all the farmers who can't get an American to work the wages he can effort to pay :$
This is more complicated than a few patriotic stans. These are human lives and most of them go to work and spend money for living( corner stone of a good economy, having more people in it for more production and consuming)
So unles you fundamentally hate immigrants their existence is not the issue. Americans don't want the jobs they do. I own a small business. I put adds on every spring for qualified individuals for labor intense work. If I don't prepare my self with h-2 visa holders from Mexico, I will be short handed like always. There is rhetoric and there is truth. Illegal immigrants aren't taking the jobs that Americans want. That's my experience for the last seven years
I agree with most of your statements. We should protect our land from illegal immigration. What is proposed is a complete sweep of all undocumented immigrants. Some of which came here as a baby as a child. Some of them have American partners. What's being proposed will infringe on our own citizens.Not every undocumented immigrant is a criminal. We are not looking at this as an humanitarian issue but a political and economical one. I can't win the political argument in this climate. But the economy will not be better off without them. Ask all the farmers who can't get an American to work the wages he can effort to pay :$
This is more complicated than a few patriotic stans. These are human lives and most of them go to work and spend money for living( corner stone of a good economy, having more people in it for more production and consuming.
So unles you fundamentally hate immigrants their existence is not the issue. Americans don't do rhanything jobs they do. I own a small business. I put adds on every spring for qualified individuals for labor intense work. If I don't prepare my self with h-2 visa holders from Mexico, I will be short handed like always. There is rhetoric and there is truth. Illegal immigrants aren't taking the jobs that Americans want. That's my experience for the last seven years
I do believe he has said multiple times that the focus of the deportations are the criminals. You again are spinning emotional non truth. In his last interview he said that plans for the rest of the illegal immigrants are still being discussed. I don't see him deporting every single illegal in the country which would include children. I'm sure at some point a path to citizenship will be offered to those people. I personally can't see that amount of people being rounded up and deported.
You mean the people that lost the election believe in your ideals. Elections have consequences and I don't expect you or others of your ilk to welcome the change.
Empathy for the ones still live in this place like your neighbors like some of your family members and people you love and respect Who has a difference of opinion, is all I'm defending."My Ilk" is still loving patriotic families who still work for the advancement of the American way of life. In my mind it involves all in this beautiful country. Not just the ones who share my point of view. That is why my respect for you and others think like you, won't be effected by a political difference. But I will still speak my truth to have compassion for all Americans.
I agree with most of your statements. We should protect our land from illegal immigration. What is proposed is a complete sweep of all undocumented immigrants. Some of which came here as a baby as a child. Some of them have American partners. What's being proposed will infringe on our own citizens.Not every undocumented immigrant is a criminal. We are not looking at this as an humanitarian issue but a political and economical one. I can't win the political argument in this climate. But the economy will not be better off without them. Ask all the farmers who can't get an American to work the wages he can effort to pay :$
This is more complicated than a few patriotic stans. These are human lives and most of them go to work and spend money for living( corner stone of a good economy, having more people in it for more production and consuming)
So unles you fundamentally hate immigrants their existence is not the issue. Americans don't want the jobs they do. I own a small business. I put adds on every spring for qualified individuals for labor intense work. If I don't prepare my self with h-2 visa holders from Mexico, I will be short handed like always. There is rhetoric and there is truth. Illegal immigrants aren't taking the jobs that Americans want. That's my experience for the last seven years
Its is a complicated issue no doubt.
Exacerbated by the fact we as a country have not enforced the laws on immigration that have always been in effect. So part of the issue is clearly on us. No i dont hate immigrants. Thats fucking asinine. Americans are lazy no doubt. But not all of us. Not even close. I think we work harder than most countries do as a whole. We all want a liveable wage. Thats on us. Not the damn govt. No skills? No experience? Then you get minimum wage. You dont deserve to have it jacked sky high for the govt to GIVE you a living wage. They can earn it and often they do. To some degree hard work "usually" pays off. Rise above get some skills. But i truly believe with the hold my hand govt giving out so many handouts it has crippled the very ppl they claim their policies protect. Get me? I dont recall my grandmother and grand father getting assistance during the great depression. Like so many of our grand parents did during the 20's and 30's they put their nose to the grind stone. Many of whom including mine, were immigrants. Doing unglamorous low paying work. Whats the fucking incentive now days? Many have already realized living at poverty with all the govt assistance may be worth more to them than working a shitty job. Yeah its true. Life can be OK on complete govt assistance. And their are lots of healthy american adults that could otherwise work that completely buy in to this idea. That is the problem. Without it they WOULD have to work undesirable jobs. And they would be damn proud to do it. Like my grandparents were.
Again you spew the same rhetoric. If someone doesn't aqueous to your views then they are ignorant,stupid,racist ect ect.
I was going to say you regurgitate the same bs as well, and yes, sometimes all of the above apply. In your case they most definitely do.

Did you ever answer my questions?
Do you support the President's views on taking the oil of a soverign nation and beginning a war with the entire muslim world?
Do you believe trumps inauguration drew the largest crowd ever?
Do you believe America should break international law and torture?

If you answer yes to any of these questions there is no middle ground pal. You will fall into the category of alt right, aka loco.:)
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I do believe he has said multiple times that the focus of the deportations are the criminals. You again are spinning emotional non truth. In his last interview he said that plans for the rest of the illegal immigrants are still being discussed. I don't see him deporting every single illegal in the country which would include children. I'm sure at some point a path to citizenship will be offered to those people. I personally can't see that amount of people being rounded up and deported.
Yes, president Trump has said multiple times the main focus is clearly on the ones who wish us harm. The known criminals who arent supposed to be here anyway.
This should be a non issue
This is by far the most positive and important thread it was created last year. Even though some of us get hot and argumentative we are still being able to cover opposing points of view.
If we only talk to people like minded we will never understand the opposing point of view. And we cannot have a real good assessment or a solid judgment not hearing the other side.
I personally have a much better understanding of the Trump supporters who are not alt right. And I hope the opposing view, will understand generalizing and monolith all others as Dranged liberals is not productive.
Here is someone who is more intelligent than me can put it in words everyone can relate to.

I was going to say you regurgitate the same bs as well, and yes, sometimes all of the above apply. In your case it most definitely does.

Did you ever answer my questions?
Do you support the President's views on taking the oil of a soverign nation and beginning a war with the entire muslim world?
Do you believe trumps inauguration drew the largest crowd ever?
Do you believe America should break international law and torture?

If you answer yes to any of these questions there is no middle ground pal. You will fall into the category of alt right, aka loco.:)
I have answered the crowd question several times. Again for the tenth time I said Trump commenting on crowd size was childish and silly. I don't believe his crowd was bigger but that really means nothing regardless. As far as taking oil now, I dont really know how I feel about that since I have not researched that particular comment of his. As far as torture goes I have answered that as well in reply to another post recently. Simply read back. Short version is I don't have issues with water boarding terrorists.
I was going to say you regurgitate the same bs as well, and yes, sometimes all of the above apply. In your case it most definitely does.

Did you ever answer my questions?
Do you support the President's views on taking the oil of a soverign nation and beginning a war with the entire muslim world?
Do you believe trumps inauguration drew the largest crowd ever?
Do you believe America should break international law and torture?

If you answer yes to any of these questions there is no middle ground pal. You will fall into the category of alt right, aka loco.:)
IDC about what crowd or how big it was. Thats a stupid point of contention. I really dont care at all about it.
About the torture...
If you had an SOB in your possession and you know his buddies took your loved ones and either killed them or are torturing them or will mail them back to you in pieces. How do you extract the info you need? No it may not be pretty but if i understand your character youd move hell and high water to get the info youd need. Am i right?
Now transfer that to the grand scale.
I dont want any Americans getting hurt because we used "less intense" forms of interrogation. Do what we gotta do. Cmon big Paul didnt think you were this soft?
And this is a good reason for withholding assistance from the poor in the wealthiest nation on earth?
I dont understand this point at all?
We are not wealthy. We are in debt past our fucking balls and continue to afford expensive social programs and insane projects with money we dont have. Govt wastes money and people dont need to be babied. Theres jobs. They just choose to not work them. Living off govt handouts has become a career for many who find it doable rather than work a job they dont want. I have some in my family as im sure you know some lazy leaches as well. There was once a time where folks didnt rely on govt to do everything for them. They were enterprising people. Full of pride and willingness to work. This has been lost. Stop the handouts