Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

IDC about what crowd or how big it was. Thats a stupid point of contention.
Yes it is and anyone who is delusional enough to continue to believe that he had the largest crowd ever should not be president. Who should we believe Trump or our lying eyes?

FYI if a sane republican had won the election suck as Paul Ryan, who I believe is a complete douche I would not be pointing to his insane comments. Trump is solely responsible for the media attention because he continues to speak like a delusional mad man. Did GWB go off the deep end when he lost the popular vote in 2000? No he won the electoral vote and began leading day one.

Trump is in no way qualified to hold the office of President of the United States.
I dont understand this point at all?
We are not wealthy.
Wrong GWT we are, and not only that, we are the wealthiest nation that has ever existed. It is just that the wealth is concentrated in the top 1%.

The 8 wealthiest people on the planet have HALF OF THE WORLD'S WEALTH, and 6 of those 8 are American.
Yes it is and anyone who is delusional enough to continue to believe that he had the largest crowd ever should not be president. Who should we believe Trump or our lying eyes?

FYI if a sane republican had won the election suck as Paul Ryan, who I believe is a complete douche I would not be pointing to his insane comments. Trump is solely responsible for the media attention because he continues to speak like a delusional mad man. Did GWB go off the deep end when he lost the popular vote in 2000? No he won the electoral vote and began leading day one.

Trump is in no way qualified to hold the office of President of the United States.
Well too be fair neither was Obama :)
A junior senator from Illinois?
I dont think your last statement has any bearing on who gets elected or what we judge that criteria on. We wanted change. We voted that way. This time the other side won. Infact Trumps lack of political background to me is a major plus. But i really dont care about crowd size. None at all. Not in the slightest
Sometimes I think that some of you are happy to live on kitchen scraps. Brainwashed is what I see. I see a nation of blissful idiots.
I've travelled to at least 65 countries - including a good number of fairly unsavory totalitarian ones - and held work permits in two different countries - non-Anglo countries too. I can't recall a single nation that didn't pay STRICT attention to their visas, entry permits etc. With the exception of the Vatican :) Why shouldn't the US be strict too? Have all the liberals griping about illegal Mexicans in the US ever been to Mexico? Mexican Immigration and their Federales are no jokes.

If you go to Mexico, for more than 7 days anyway, you have to show US passport (or passport card) and then pay to get your Forma Migratoria Múltiple - the FMM card that Mexico requires.

Sooooooooo - Mexicans over here can't be required to get any kind of gov't ID, but if we go to Mexico, of course we should be OK with having to pay for a Mexican ID. That only makes sense to a liberal.
Wrong GWT we are, and not only that, we are the wealthiest nation that has ever existed. It is just that the wealth is concentrated in the top 1%.

The 8 wealthiest people on the planet have HALF OF THE WORLD'S WEALTH, and 6 of those 8 are American.
How is being in debt trillions label us wealthy? Dont understand that at all. We borrow money. We dont have money. We are in bad shape. Rich ppl dont borrow money. Rich nations dont import more than we export. We have serious issues that need to be addressed what ever party is in office.
Well too be fair neither was Obama :)
We are talking about cray cray remarks which demonstrate trump is actually insane by the book not obama. Like I said If I didn't believe that the man has a mental disorder, i would wait out the 4 years, but he is by most accounts quite mad.
How is being in debt trillions label us wealthy?
For 16 years the most wealthy have paid very little tax. Trump has paid zero for 18 years. Romney paid 13%. This is a small example of why America is in debt. The gdp is 30 billion a year. The top 500 wealthiest have 40% of the nation's wealth. It will be far worse in 4 years, if we don't have an economy broken beyond repair for a couple generations from allowing the rich to pay minimal taxes.
For 16 years the most wealthy have paid very little tax. Trump has paid zero for 18 years. Romney paid 13%. This is a small example of why America is in debt. The gdp is 30 billion a year. The top 500 wealthiest have 40% of the nation's wealth. It will be far worse in 4 years, if we don't have an economy broken beyond repair for a couple generations from allowing the rich to pay minimal taxes.
I dont like rich fuckers either. No i dont like them getting out of responsibilities we all have to endure either. But i do find it curious the only 2 you pointed out happened to be members of the republican party. As if to say Romney and Trump are the reason why. This is ridiculous and near sighted.
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I thought this thread would die after the election was over. Still dividing us I see.
Die after the election? That was my thought in the beginning. But once Trump started picking up steam. Had a feeling this thread may become a daily influence. :) Reading the US members views is humbling.
I dont like rich fuckers either.
I have no problem with the rich as long as they are patriotic and carry their weight. That is not happening now. They have lobbied congress to get very special treatment. THe trickle down economics theory has only made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

They know what is happening, but when the house of cards falls, they will be insulated by their massed fortunes.
I have no problem with the rich as long as they are patriotic and carry their weight. That is not happening now. They have lobbied congress to get very special treatment. THe trickle down economics theory has only made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

They know what is happening, but when the house of cards falls, they will be insulated by their massed fortunes.
Then what are you getting at? How to fix it?