Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I would agree that I would like to see it reformed as well. I personally don't see the issue with Trump enforcing laws that are already on the books in regards to illegals and immigration.
My point was the hypocrisy of using the argument that "you can't pick and choose" which federal laws the local governments choose to follow when a person actually agrees with picking and choosing which federal drug laws States should follow.
Yes it is and anyone who is delusional enough to continue to believe that he had the largest crowd ever should not be president. Who should we believe Trump or our lying eyes?

FYI if a sane republican had won the election suck as Paul Ryan, who I believe is a complete douche I would not be pointing to his insane comments. Trump is solely responsible for the media attention because he continues to speak like a delusional mad man. Did GWB go off the deep end when he lost the popular vote in 2000? No he won the electoral vote and began leading day one.

Trump is in no way qualified to hold the office of President of the United States.

Well if Trump had not got the nod we would have Hillary:eek:. And what would we have to talk about then?
This is a very interesting and informative thread....
Haven't payed much attention to this thread. I've always been a far right republican.
This year I went independent.
Trumps choices for the cabinet members have been a fucking joke. The ONLY good one is Mad Dog, the rest all fucking suck.
Haven't payed much attention to this thread. I've always been a far right republican.
This year I went independent.
Trumps choices for the cabinet members have been a fucking joke. The ONLY good one is Mad Dog, the rest all fucking suck.

Really? I've been quite pleased with his picks. Which ones do you dislike, and who would you like to see there instead?
Wrong GWT we are, and not only that, we are the wealthiest nation that has ever existed. It is just that the wealth is concentrated in the top 1%.

The 8 wealthiest people on the planet have HALF OF THE WORLD'S WEALTH, and 6 of those 8 are American.
Yeah dude we are filthy rich compared to most other countries. There is a income calculator right here Global Rich List where you can find out where you sit in the world.
I recommend everyone do it, it takes ten seconds and really puts things in perspective.
Edit: I actually might even just make a thread on this.
He had a talk with Trump about torture and trump supposedly listened. He has since change his mind. Spooky.
Mad dog being for it or against it?
Trump has already openly talked about bringing torture techniques to the military. I don't agree with this.
I think "Alt right" is a label slapped on any conservative who actually walk the talk - in the hopes of smearing them with some Aryan Nation associations.

Just another liberal ad hominem to toss in their limited vocabulary - add "alt right" to racist, sexist, bigot, Christian etc

As this thread makes clear, liberals can't intellectually disseminate any issue without resorting to labels for the opposing side.

In reality, I think the so-called "alt right" couldn't unite around much other than that political correctness is destroying the west.

Thank you for the laugh and I am serious but do you really not see the contradiction between your first paragraph and the rest of your post.

You were complaining of the blanket labeling which you yourself have been doing all along and once again in the same post by labeling everyone else with opposing views as liberals!

Perhaps I am missing something, explain your logic please.
This year I went independent.
There was never a better time to be independent, but look at what we have. Goldman sachs and exxon mobil run america and the world by proxy.

America is in shock and the rest of the world is in deep shock with the current President. His handlebars are giving it to him straight, and for once in his life he better listen, or his and his family fortune will go down the drain. THat is all he cares about, but it runs a close second to being the most powerful man on the planet. A megalomaniac's wet dream. The only problem is if he doesn't go into seclusion he may be impeached and will certainly lose his job in 2020.
There was never a better time to be independent, but look at what we have. Goldman sachs and exxon mobil run america and the world by proxy.

America is in shock and the rest of the world is in deep shock with the current President. His handlebars are giving it to him straight, and for once in his life he better listen, or his and his family fortune will go down the drain. THat is all he cares about, but it runs a close second to being the most powerful man on the planet. A megalomaniac's wet dream. the only problem is if he doesn't go into seclusion he may be impeached and will certainly lose his job in 2020.
How mad you gonna be when he does a good job and gets re elected?
He had a talk with Trump about torture and trump supposedly listened. He has since change his mind. Spooky.

Speaking of torture. I've heard it said more than once by many politicians that America is not like that... sort of a holier than thou attitude. But we must remember that the School of the Americas was founded back in the 40s.
How mad you gonna be when he does a good job and gets re elected?
I can only pray he does a good job. As of yet there is no hope this leoprd will change his spots. As I said before, if he was sane, I would not be speaking to you about his policies, but he obviously is not and the world sees it..
I can only pray he does a good job. As of yet there is no hope this leoprd will change his spots. As I said before, if he was sane, I would not be speaking to you about his policies, but he obviously is not and the world sees it..
I some how believe if he did a good job it and it was staring you right in the face you wouldnt recognize it. Or own up to it
Much of the perception i have about you is simply you dont like him. Nothing changes that. Not even success.
He is doing exactly what he said he was going to do
Well see how he handles Obama Care
I some how believe if he did a good job it and it was staring you right in the face you wouldnt recognize it. Or own up to it
I'm Big_Paul I own up to my mistakes and apologize when necessary. Have you ever heard a Trump apology. What about ted cruz's father, did he help assassinate Kennedy? Did he get an apology? There is something very dangerous and pathological with a man who feels no need to ever apologize.
Anytime someone brings up Hitler or likens a candidate to Hitler it just turns people's off. Folks that use the Hitler card just come off as a joke.

Absolutely. It's a way of shutting down discussion and by using that comparison to Hitler they believe they're anointed the moral high ground. I mean what kind of fool would support or have voted for Hitler 2.0? Obviously Trump supporters are beneath them and can't see what they see,which from their eyes is absolute facts.

The Hitler card has been being played for a few years now. Long before trump started running. It's just a political tactic to scare simple minded people in to voting a certain way. Nothing less.

Oh the fucking Hitler analogies...
Ridiculous down to its core
Drama queens

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect:

“It is a despicable insult to Holocaust survivors around the world, and to the nation he is about to lead, that Donald Trump compares America to Nazi Germany,” .

“The President-elect has denigrated our nation and its commitment to freedom on the eve of his inauguration. He must retract his tweet and apologize to survivors and to our entire nation.”

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League:

"No one should cavalierly draw analogies to Nazi Germany, especially the next leader of free world. It is not only a ridiculous comparison on the merits, but it also coarsens our discourse and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust."