Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect:

“It is a despicable insult to Holocaust survivors around the world, and to the nation he is about to lead, that Donald Trump compares America to Nazi Germany,” .

“The President-elect has denigrated our nation and its commitment to freedom on the eve of his inauguration. He must retract his tweet and apologize to survivors and to our entire nation.”

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League:

"No one should cavalierly draw analogies to Nazi Germany, especially the next leader of free world. It is not only a ridiculous comparison on the merits, but it also coarsens our discourse and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust."

Stupid tweet
Only a quarter as stupid as whats being slathered all over this thread by our good doctor and what i see on TV by politicians and the like.
@gr8whitetrukker I have listed many reasons on this thread why I believe he should be removed for office. I believe I am correct. THat is why I am speaking out on mesorx political discussion forum.

I did spend 2 hrs yesterday going door to door speaking to people in my redneck community though. I only had the door slammed in my face one time and the cops drove by twice. I waved and smiled. People want to hear about things. I was shocked.

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect:

“It is a despicable insult to Holocaust survivors around the world, and to the nation he is about to lead, that Donald Trump compares America to Nazi Germany,” .

“The President-elect has denigrated our nation and its commitment to freedom on the eve of his inauguration. He must retract his tweet and apologize to survivors and to our entire nation.”

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League:

"No one should cavalierly draw analogies to Nazi Germany, especially the next leader of free world. It is not only a ridiculous comparison on the merits, but it also coarsens our discourse and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust."

I stand behind my statement. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are using it. It's childish. Even when trump does it.

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect:

“It is a despicable insult to Holocaust survivors around the world, and to the nation he is about to lead, that Donald Trump compares America to Nazi Germany,” .

“The President-elect has denigrated our nation and its commitment to freedom on the eve of his inauguration. He must retract his tweet and apologize to survivors and to our entire nation.”

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League:

"No one should cavalierly draw analogies to Nazi Germany, especially the next leader of free world. It is not only a ridiculous comparison on the merits, but it also coarsens our discourse and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust."

Trump making that comment is stupid and should not have used that comparison. I don't agree with everything he says as I find him to be a bit too egotistical at times about trivial matters. The difference I see here is that not one person has decided to call out all of the Hitler references pertaining to Trump when they are just as stupid and clearly diminishes the damage Hitler did to the world. How can one condemn his remark but in the same breath agree with using the same basic nazi rhetoric towards him? All I see are people posting and hitting the like button on posts calling Trump Hitler or a nazi. There is some hypocrisy for you.
Guys you absolutly have to watch this you tube video. "the netherlands welcomes trup in his own words".

It's fucking hilarious.
diminishes the damage Hitler did to the world.
No it doesn't. It is a comparison whether you like it on not, it just may be that most of your countrymen believe he is the incarnation of AH. Like I said before Hitler was much smarter, and would never trip on his own lips the way your candidate does. 74 million people can't be wrong about this megalomaniac.
It's debunked. Line up sheep. Baaahhhh. It's got to be embarrassing at some point.
The images or that his hands are tiny? That is a serious question by the way.

What is really embarrassing is the president of the United States defending the size of his "tiny hands" on national TV. Really!
Thank you for the laugh and I am serious but do you really not see the contradiction between your first paragraph and the rest of your post.

You were complaining of the blanket labeling which you yourself have been doing all along and once again in the same post by labeling everyone else with opposing views as liberals!

Perhaps I am missing something, explain your logic please.

Do you have a better grip on common denominators of the "alt right"? If so, you forgot to mention them.

Liberals on the other hand have closely stacked Venn diagrams, so that labels fits most like a glove.

What exactly are you whining about now?
The images or that his hands are tiny? That is a serious question by the way.

What is really embarrassing is the president of the United States defending the size of his "tiny hands" on national TV. Really!
Embarrassing that some of you continue to spew propaganda only for it to be debunked. You look foolish and once again reaffirm the sterotype. I will agree that Trump discussing his hands is stupid and irrelevant. Same can be said for everyone else discussing it along with pushing fake stories to instigate it further. I don't think that type of self reflection will come though.