Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Secretary of a education Devos is easily the worst, she has no experience and no business being in charge of our schools.
Tom Price is just a moron but idk much about him.
Scott Pruitt still thinks global warming is a hoax made up by the Chinese and he is in charge of protecting our environment.

Edit: These 3 are undisputably bad choices^

You mean indisputably - and other than death and taxes, no such thing.

About Elizabeth DeVos - Education
So the previous heads of the Dept of Education with their educator backgrounds have been really great then? Since the US is doing so spectacularly well in int'l tests? Not. Dems are scared shitless over DeVos since she's not an education statist - she will try all measures (charters and vouchers OMG!!!) to improve outcomes. Might not bode well for the teacher's unions which is why the Dems are soiling themselves. I think she'll be great.

About Tom Price - Health & Human Services
The animosity toward him is because he's perceived as the ObamaCare henchman. Look, the US people don't want ObamaCare, get over it. He's a physician btw, good enough?

About Scott Pruitt - EPA
Man-made global warming is highly disputed - science is never settled on anything, only a true fool would say otherwise. And the EPA has been over-reaching for a long time, Pruitt has a great background fighting against the EPA's excesses. He could be outstanding.
‘No Vacancies’ for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was First Accused of Bias

The Justice Department undertook its own investigation and, in 1973, sued Trump Management for discriminating against blacks. Both Fred Trump, the company’s chairman, and Donald Trump, its president, were named as defendants. It was front-page news, and for Donald, amounted to his debut in the public eye.

But an investigation by The New York Times — drawing on decades-old files from the New York City Commission on Human Rights, internal Justice Department records, court documents and interviews with tenants, civil rights activists and prosecutors — uncovered a long history of racial bias at his family’s properties, in New York and beyond.
Don't mind me if I do
Ive proven you wrong twice now
Yet you still continue posting
You post photo shopped pics and claim their real.
Your hitler post is not historically correct nor is the pic you posted
School is in session and i am your teacher
Lets go for the hat trick
Ive proven you wrong twice now
Yet you still continue posting
You post photo shopped pics and claim their real.
Your hitler post is not historically correct nor is the pic you posted
School is in session and i am your teacher
Lets go for the hat trick
View attachment 59059

In your mind perhaps, the Jesse picture is a silly response to stupid reply and it is not any more fake than what your Trump display. Educate yourself on the person you are defending first before making a fool of yourself.
That being said I try to keep it impersonal but I will gladly make an exception for you and your sidekick tenpoundsofstupidity
In your mind perhaps, the Jesse picture is a silly response to stupid reply and it is not any more fake than what your Trump display. Educate yourself on the person you are defending first before making a fool of yourself.
That being said I try to keep it impersonal but I will gladly make an exception for you and your sidekick tenpoundsofstupidity
Your posts are meant to drive hate and are blatantly false(see actual photo).
Your still a fool

MOSCOW — The authorities in Moscow are prosecuting at least one cybersecurity expert for treason, a prominent Russian criminal defense lawyer confirmed on Friday, while a Russian newspaper reported that the case is linked to hacking during the United States presidential election.

While surely touching a nerve in American politics, the developments in Moscow left a still muddled picture of what, exactly, a series of arrests by the security services here signifies.

But the virtually simultaneous appearance of at least four prominent news reports on the hacking and several related arrests, citing numerous anonymous sources, suggests that the normally opaque Russian government intends to reveal more information about the matter, though it is unclear why.
Trump ingenious quotes

“One of they key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.”

“My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.”

“The point is, you can never be too greedy.”

“My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.”

“Look at those hands, are they small hands? I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee.”

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”
Your posts are meant to drive hate and are blatantly false(see actual photo).
Your still a fool
I am guilty "great white trucker" I guess I didn't notice your username until now. It isn't the shark so is it a reference to your truck or the color of your skin? No wonder you were very upset when I mentioned KKK.
I am guilty "great white trucker" I guess I didn't notice your username until now. It isn't the shark so is it a reference to your truck or the color of your skin? No wonder you were very upset when I mentioned KKK.
Im an average brown cab driver
But im still bigger than you ;)
Keep reaching. Your good at it
Im an average brown cab driver
But im still bigger than you ;)
Keep reaching. Your good at it
Your ego perhaps similar to your demagogue. Just in case you don't know, anytime you hear someone say "bigger than you" it's their insecurity speaking again similar to your tiny hands Trump defending his tiny privates in public. Both of you are a tasteless joke.
Your ego perhaps similar to your demagogue. Just in case you don't know, anytime you hear someone say "bigger than you" it's their insecurity speaking again similar to your tiny hands Trump defending his tiny privates in public. Both of you are a tasteless joke.
No bigger than you is just reality
Your on a steroid forum dumbass.
Not a "failedarguerpostingfalsephotospretendingtoobetoughguyintellectual" forum
If there was one of ^^^those im sure youd be great
But your here. So deal with it neck chub
No bigger than you is just reality
Your on a steroid forum dumbass.
Not a "failedarguerpostingfalsephotospretendingtoobetoughguyintellectual" forum
If there was one of ^^^those im sure youd be great
But your here. So deal with it neck chub
It doesn't work that way even if your limited wisdom tells you so. It is called psychology look up the subject perhaps it will help you with your shortcomings until then great white supremacists trucker try to stay on subject of this thread.


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