Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Idk how to break it down for you?
@samsc744 posted false and misleading content and was called out for it
Proven false.
Then attempts to pass it off as humor. *Lie*
I realize this is uncomfortable. But thats how the truth works
It is often very uncomfortable
Don't even fucking try. The lies are from you and originate in fake news that trumps spin crew spew.
Everything is possible in your small frontal lobe including your white supremacists belief. Absolute trash.
There is alot of that here.What should we expect from folks who voted for unapologetic racist. Rants is what you will get everytime.
His stupidity has no limits. It is great and tremendous like everything else about him.
I think he's a good guy outside political discourse. I will agree with little he posts here.
We need to remember what brings here to Meso. This is a side show.
These guys are like puppets, and the media is pulling all their strings.
For the first time, a president talks about giving the government back to the people, strengthening our borders, buying and selling American and he's met with fierce opposition from those with the inability to discern fact from fiction. Ive heard it all in this thread. Guys freaking out about healthcare reform as if Trump is just gonna leave people out in the cold without a replacement. Guys jumping to all sorts of uneducated conclusions about what Trump will or will not do.

I've never identified myself as Republican or Democrat. In fact, ive been fed up with our government and its puppet presidents for a long time but now a guy comes along and he doesn't look like the other politicians that came before him, he doesn't talk like them, he doesn't have much at all in common with them and for once, that's a guy im willing to get behind. He's made a believer out of me and i may not agree with everything he says or does but I believe he truly wants to do a good job and make good on all of the things he focused on during his campaign.

He's been more transparent with his plans and beliefs than any other president before via social media. Is he perfect? Of course not. But I'll take it any day over a guy that says one thing and does another. In fact, im quite enjoying watching the C-linton N-ews N-etwork and others print lies and then look like the agenda driven biased corrupt entities they are when they're forced to print retractions every other day. Its been enlightening for many who used to believe these networks printed truth. They are nothing more than entertainment. Devoid of truth or morals. They are a soap opera that manipulates the masses by getting an emotional response, nothing more.
Idk how to break it down for you?
@samsc744 posted false and misleading content and was called out for it
Proven false.
Then attempts to pass it off as humor. *Lie*
I realize this is uncomfortable. But thats how the truth works
It is often very uncomfortable
That is how it played in your tiny brain. my response below that you neglected to copy. I guess insulting your old
fuhrer and then the new one hurts. Own it white supremacists trucker boy.

In your mind perhaps, the Jesse picture is a silly response to stupid reply and it is not any more fake than what your Trump display. Educate yourself on the person you are defending first before making a fool of yourself.
That being said I try to keep it impersonal but I will gladly make an exception for you and your sidekick tenpoundsofstupidity
These guys are like puppets, and the media is pulling all their strings.
For the first time, a president talks about giving the government back to the people, strengthening our borders, buying and selling American and he's met with fierce opposition from those with the inability to discern fact from fiction. Ive heard it all in this thread. Guys freaking out about healthcare reform as if Trump is just gonna leave people out in the cold without a replacement. Guys jumping to all sorts of uneducated conclusions about what Trump will or will not do.

I've never identified myself as Republican or Democrat. In fact, ive been fed up with our government and its puppet presidents for a long time but now a guy comes along and he doesn't look like the other politicians that came before him, he doesn't talk like them, he doesn't have much at all in common with them and for once, that's a guy im willing to get behind. He's made a believer out of me and i may not agree with everything he says or does but I believe he truly wants to do a good job and make good on all of the things he focused on during his campaign.

He's been more transparent with his plans and beliefs than any other president before via social media. Is he perfect? Of course not. But I'll take it any day over a guy that says one thing and does another. In fact, im quite enjoying watching the C-linton N-ews N-etwork and others print lies and then look like the agenda driven biased corrupt entities they are when they're forced to print retractions every other day. Its been enlightening for many who used to believe these networks printed truth. They are nothing more than entertainment. Devoid of truth or morals. They are a soap opera that manipulates the masses by getting an emotional response, nothing more.
So says the puppet.
I think he's a good guy outside political discourse. I will agree with little he posts here.
Possibly but I am not sure that can redeem racism. It is beyond tasteless, he just happened to identify himself with the color of his skin then prefix it with great and took it personally once Alt-Right and KKK was brought to the discussion.
560000 died in the civil war, That is what this is shaping up to be.

All over a delusional pos like trump.