Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Possibly but I am not sure that can redeem racism. It is beyond tasteless, he just happened to identify himself with the color of his skin then prefix it with great and took it personally once Alt-Right and KKK was brought to the discussion.
No where some of these guys stand now.
Possibly but I am not sure that can redeem racism. It is beyond tasteless, he just happened to identify himself with the color of his skin then prefix it with great and took it personally once Alt-Right and KKK was brought to the discussion.
Your an idiot. Plain and simple. I am well versed in meso etiquette and many know me personally and many more know me just on the forum. There is not 1 that would associate me and racism. Or me and neo nazi- ism or what ever else you intend to try and make stick. You are very small and very pissed off. You have spent the vast majority of your very SMALL contribution to meso in the political thread and the "hey im a new guy, advice on first cycle" thread. So in other words, useless. There is alot to enjoy at Meso and the political thread is right at the bottom next to source threads. I dont know about you chicken legs but i got legs again tomorrow. Gonna eat up, rest up and enjoy the rest of the night. There isnt much else to say here. Is what it is. You can keep posting your hitler/Trump photo shopped pics and the rest of us will move on to what it is we actually do here. Get it? Train, eat, sleep.
No where some of these guys stand now.
They feel emboldened by their new fuhrer, crawling out of every nook and cranny. Changing their name to Alt-Right and abandoning their white hoods won't help them though. They will be flushed in the toilet of history like their previous brothers.
Your an idiot. Plain and simple. I am well versed in meso etiquette and many know me personally and many more know me just on the forum. There is not 1 that would associate me and racism. Or me and neo nazi- ism or what ever else you intend to try and make stick. You are very small and very pissed off. You have spent the vast majority of your very SMALL contribution to meso in the political thread and the "hey im a new guy, advice on first cycle" thread. So in other words, useless. There is alot to enjoy at Meso and the political thread is right at the bottom next to source threads. I dont know about you chicken legs but i got legs again tomorrow. Gonna eat up, rest up and enjoy the rest of the night. There isnt much else to say here. Is what it is. You can keep posting your hitler/Trump photo shopped pics and the rest of us will move on to what it is we actually do here. Get it? Train, eat, sleep.

Own it great white supremacists trucker boy and keep on repeating your senseless posts it's boring.
Question for my American brothers. How do you feel about now potentially paying for the "wall" if built? Does it change your feeling that it's needed if the burden is on taxpayer's?

The consequences of NOT having a secure southern border are far more expensive in the longer run - a border wall is a bargain.
Your smaller than i was in high school. Your in your 30's ;)
Your Nelly band aid and fitness boxing is the stuff of legends
Get em little man
Lol are you still not grasping what you are doing, your insecurity is amazing. So instead of defending your racist ideology and your tiny hands Trump or explain your great white name you going through 2 years posts trying to find something to use against me!. Who is obsessed now? But again I am not surprised I know your kind very well.

Enjoy the little time your new fuhrer will spend in power because we will make sure it will be very short.

I am 42 by the way with fused hands but simple math eludes your tiny brain.
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The consequences of NOT having a secure southern border are far more expensive in the longer run - a border wall is a bargain.
Expensive for whom exactly tenpound ? The cost the simple illegals will then have to pay for a new life? Or the increased cost(blood money) the Cartels will have to pay the US govt? A wall will slow down the traffic. But then only making "rush hour" never end imo.
The consequences of NOT having a secure southern border are far more expensive in the longer run - a border wall is a bargain.
What are they going to do with that wall when they get down to the Big Bend and the Guadalupe mountain ranges in New Mexico and Texas?.. This will be quite a feat.
Enjoy the little time your new fuhrer will spend in power because we will make sure it will be very short.
The way the media is coming down on him for being delusional in the oval office he can't last long.
So instead of defending your racist ideology and your tiny hands Trump or explain your great white name you going through 2 years posts trying to find something to use against
That's how it works with these guys.