Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Liberals on the other hand have closely stacked Venn diagrams, so that labels fits most like a glove.
You are so ignorant. Blinded by your own preconceived thoughts. No one could talk sense into you with that vacuum you possess in your cranium.
Embarrassing that some of you continue to spew propaganda only for it to be debunked. You look foolish and once again reaffirm the sterotype. I will agree that Trump discussing his hands is stupid and irrelevant. Same can be said for everyone else discussing it along with pushing fake stories to instigate it further. I don't think that type of self reflection will come though.

I look foolish! How come? Did you catch me refer to myself in third person similar to your overly eccentric demagogue.
Or perhaps I admitted to not paying my dues in taxes in public then being cheered by half-witted audience oh or maybe I was caught lying numerous times only to call my blatant lies alternative facts or perhaps my association with the Alt-Right aka KKK.

The only one who looks foolish is Trump and his supporters which includes you.
Do you have a better grip on common denominators of the "alt right"? If so, you forgot to mention them.

Liberals on the other hand have closely stacked Venn diagrams, so that labels fits most like a glove.

What exactly are you whining about now?

I gave you an opening to redeem yourself from the contradictory nonsense post you wrote and to explain your logic and this is what you came back with!?
I gave you an opening to redeem yourself from the contradictory nonsense post you wrote and to explain your logic and this is what you came back with!?

Sorry, did I use words and concepts with which you're not familiar?

Do try to construe a position of some kind, you're rambling.
I look foolish! How come? Did you catch me refer to myself in third person similar to your overly eccentric demagogue.
Or perhaps I admitted to not paying my dues in taxes in public then being cheered by half-witted audience oh or maybe I was caught lying numerous times only to call my blatant lies alternative facts or perhaps my association with the Alt-Right aka KKK.

The only one who looks foolish is Trump and his supporters which includes you.
Here is the typical deflection I expected.
Such a troll.... you can even be specific about what you object to - forget about any ability to actually make a cohesive argument. Off to the ignore list with you too.
I asked you dozens of questions about many topics you made claims about. You ignored them all when it didn't fit your rhetoric. Now you are trying to start from scratch with someone else to sound smart or look cool. You have not brought anything to the table except name calling and deflection when you can't answer a question you know to have a negative impact on your point of view. Like the torture subject. There is a blind person here who just follows rhetoric, look in the mirror

“Freedom from torture is an inalienable human right, and we are committed to building a world where human rights are respected and protected by the rule of law,” he wrote on the U.N. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in 2004.

Bush’s words were outrageously insincere and hypocritical, considering that his administration brutally tortured hundreds of captives in the war on terror, referring to it euphemistically as “enhanced interrogation.”

But in his first week as president, Donald Trump won’t stop telling the world that he approves of torture, thumbing his nose at a basic international norm of legality and decency.

What is entirely unprecedented is his willingness to use the word “torture” — a crime by definition – while openly defending it.
I look foolish! How come? Did you catch me refer to myself in third person similar to your overly eccentric demagogue.
Or perhaps I admitted to not paying my dues in taxes in public then being cheered by half-witted audience oh or maybe I was caught lying numerous times only to call my blatant lies alternative facts or perhaps my association with the Alt-Right aka KKK.

The only one who looks foolish is Trump and his supporters which includes you.
There never was or is currently an association with a KKK a neo nazi group etc etc.
You are spreading BS
Shape up
Really? I've been quite pleased with his picks. Which ones do you dislike, and who would you like to see there instead?
Secretary of a education Devos is easily the worst, she has no experience and no business being in charge of our schools.
Tom Price is just a moron but idk much about him.
Scott Pruitt still thinks global warming is a hoax made up by the Chinese and he is in charge of protecting our environment.

Edit: These 3 are undisputably bad choices^
There never was or is currently an association with a KKK a neo nazi group etc etc.
You are spreading BS
Shape up
The Southern Poverty Law Centre describes the “alt-right” as such:

A set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that ‘white identity’ is under attack by multicultural forces using ‘political correctness’ and ‘social justice’ to undermine white people and ‘their’ civilization.

Doesn't that sound familiar? Renaming a group doesn't change the core belief.
The Southern Poverty Law Centre describes the “alt-right” as such:

A set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that ‘white identity’ is under attack by multicultural forces using ‘political correctness’ and ‘social justice’ to undermine white people and ‘their’ civilization.

Doesn't that sound familiar? Renaming a group doesn't change the core belief.
Ok you got me
Typical neo nazi
Screenshot_20170127-170240.png Screenshot_20170127-170336.png
Your smarter than that. Cmon i know you are
Dont spread BS


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