Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Die after the election? That was my thought in the beginning. But once Trump started picking up steam. Had a feeling this thread may become a daily influence. :) Reading the US members views is humbling.
The man behind this thread makes an appearance. Nice work. I appreciate this thread CG. I could only wish Americans were as sensible as Canadians. I have many Canadian friends and they all think America is going off the deep end with this rise of the alt right.
The man behind this thread makes an appearance. Nice work. I appreciate this thread CG. I could only wish Americans were as sensible as Canadians. I have many Canadian friends and they all think America is going off the deep end with this rise of the alt right.
I dont like far left or far right and ive said as much. But you have to remember Canadians are left, more left and way left. They have a conservative party but the definition is drastically different from ours. Their candidates are different. They are a socialist nation in all its glory and pitfalls. I spent 3 years in Ontario
Then what are you getting at? How to fix it?
We have to realize there is a problem first. Identify the problem and correct it. In this case that means tax money where it is. In the hands of the rich. And their offshore accounts should be taxed or a corresponding amount of their booty will be seized in this country.

The wealthy do not support America. They support themselves only and the rest of the nation be damned.

The great people of this country have to educate themselves in order to see they are getting fucked. They have become stupid and complacent.
We have to realize there is a problem first. Identify the problem and correct it. In this case that means tax money where it is. In the hands of the rich. And their offshore accounts should be taxed or a corresponding amount of their booty will be seized in this country.

The wealthy do not support America. They support themselves only and the rest of the nation be damned.

The great people of this country have to educate themselves in order to see they are getting fucked. They have become stupid and complacent.
I think we all agree on that
Were not stupid or complacent i think
We just dont have the tools to fix it and as long as lobbyist like 25 billion dollar George Soros is funding these govt policies we will not treat the disgustingly wealthy the way their supposed to be treated. Just like the rest of us
That goes for both sides
I dont like rich fuckers either. No i dont like them getting out of responsibilities we all have to endure either. But i do find it curious the only 2 you pointed out happened to be members of the republican party. As if to say Romney and Trump are the reason why. This is ridiculous and near sighted.
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That's a totally losing position, oddly, the list of uber-wealthy liberals is long. Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, Soros, Steyer... how many do you need?

It's like they acquire some kind of notion that they have to change the world for everyone else as they amass their wealth. Which inevitably leads to gov't interference 24/7.

Probably rooted in some kind of repressed need for acceptance for something other than their wealth - so they seek popularity by funding and/or supporting gov't involvement in feel good liberal pet projects.
This delusional madman is on tv at the moment and said the Mexican president and himself have a good relation. Delusional.

I take comfort in the fact that the media is descending on this pile of shit in the white house like flys in shit. The meat will be stripped from his bones before this frenzy is over, and the fucking moron did it to himself with his megalomania.

America is to great to hate, and too great to allow a Trump to govern it.
I just lurk here now, have enough enemies in the UG to debate with lol :confused:
Yes you do sir. That is why I avoid it for the most part.

If you consider me an enemy don't, we have differences, but we want the same thing and that is for members to have a better board.
That's a totally losing position, oddly, the list of uber-wealthy liberals is long. Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, Soros, Steyer... how many do you need?

It's like they acquire some kind of notion that they have to change the world for everyone else as they amass their wealth. Which inevitably leads to gov't interference 24/7.

Probably rooted in some kind of repressed need for acceptance for something other than their wealth - so they seek popularity by funding and/or supporting gov't involvement in feel good liberal pet projects.
Fucking liberals
Did you know they changed the recipe to fruit loops?
Yeah its got fiber it it now. Tastes like shit. Errrr worse than it did. Used to love fruit loops :(
Which is entirely unacceptable.
Even cereal aint safe from the liberal agenda:confused:
Not up to snuff on the latest slang for hated americans of opposing view...
Alt right? Is that like faaaar right?
Yeah fuck them too

I think "Alt right" is a label slapped on any conservative who actually walk the talk - in the hopes of smearing them with some Aryan Nation associations.

Just another liberal ad hominem to toss in their limited vocabulary - add "alt right" to racist, sexist, bigot, Christian etc

As this thread makes clear, liberals can't intellectually disseminate any issue without resorting to labels for the opposing side.

In reality, I think the so-called "alt right" couldn't unite around much other than that political correctness is destroying the west.
Watching CNN and trump now says he supports NATO 100%. What a fucking mess the dumbass has said for 18 months that NATO is obsolete. His handlers must be talking to him. He is the most dangerous blunder The voters of this country have ever made.
I think "Alt right" is a label slapped on any conservative who actually walk the talk - in the hopes of smearing them with some Aryan Nation associations.

Just another liberal ad hominem to toss in their limited vocabulary - add "alt right" to racist, sexist, bigot, Christian etc

As this thread makes clear, liberals can't intellectually disseminate any issue without resorting to labels for the opposing side.

In reality, I think the so-called "alt right" couldn't unite around much other than that political correctness is destroying the west.
More alt right jargon. You need new material.