Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Mesos alt right representatives make an appearance. Sorry your boy will not take you anywhere. Enjoy what you see what the reasonable people in this country do to the man you elected.

14 million Americans disagree with your uninformed, and I being kind, decision. :)

I will be back tomorrow with the latest. Enjoy him while you have him, even the most conservative republicans will leave trump and his nitwits crying in the onion patch.
Instead of repeating the same exact posts and regurgitating alt-right and one sentence nonsense how about engaging in a productive dialogue? Perhaps Trump supporters can tell us which of his recent executive orders they support and why? Or perhaps explain how his recent actions is benefiting the US ? We are all ears.
As you can see these guys don't try to reason. The repeat Trumps delusional rant. Get use to it.
As you can see these guys don't try to reason. The repeat Trumps delusional rant. Get use to it.
I will give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for a response. Surely someone defending Trump so passionately must have a full understanding of his policies and views. I am willing to be educated by them on the subject perhaps I am missing something!
Please keep crying, I love me some liberal tears, it's great lube for my AR15s. [emoji24][emoji23]

Really @DeadFlex ? You really needed to go there huh? You think you sound like a tough guy?

You know what would really make you tough? If you actually carried a mans rifle instead of an aluminum cracker jack pos rifle.

Try a dsarms 308 or kvar when you grow up big guy. You should really keep politics to adults if you cant resort to making veiled threats to fellow Americans.

Grow up "bro"!
Instead of repeating the same exact posts and regurgitating alt-right and one sentence nonsense how about engaging in a productive dialogue? Perhaps Trump supporters can tell us which of his recent executive orders they support and why? Or perhaps explain how his recent actions is benefiting the US ? We are all ears.
I love how everyone that voted Trump or does not share your views is "alt right". I would love to discuss his executive orders. List the ones that you disagree with, which I'm sure is all of them, and I will be happy to retort.
I will give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for a response. Surely someone defending Trump so passionately must have a full understanding of his policies and views. I am willing to be educated by them on the subject perhaps I am missing something!
The first step is not being so smug. This characteristic is what caused him to be elected in the first place.
Here is one order summarized.

Multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

I don't see any issues with this. I don't see what's to debate here. More border security agents? Yes please. Building a wall to increase security on our border? Sure why not it was a campaign promise. Stripping federal funds from sanctuary cities? 100% agree. You don't get to pick and choose what laws you want to follow. Ending catch and release? Absolutely. Never should of been that way to begin with.

Please feel free to point out your objections and I will be happy to discuss minus anyone's emotions or virtue signaling.
Here is one order summarized.

Multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

I don't see any issues with this. I don't see what's to debate here. More border security agents? Yes please. Building a wall to increase security on our border? Sure why not it was a campaign promise. Stripping federal funds from sanctuary cities? 100% agree. You don't get to pick and choose what laws you want to follow. Ending catch and release? Absolutely. Never should of been that way to begin with.

Please feel free to point out your objections and I will be happy to discuss minus anyone's emotions or virtue signaling.

You really think a incredibly, massively expensive wall will change the immigration issues?
You really think a incredibly, massively expensive wall will change the immigration issues?
It certainly will help. I mean to what extent that obviously is unknown to you or me. It was a point he campaigned on though and he is sticking to it. Regardless of party doesn't everyone want their choice to uphold his promises? Would he not be ridiculed if he didn't stick to his promise? Of course he would. He can't win either way.
How about him approving of torture? Im all for punishing jihadists but torture doesn't work.

Whatever happened to being the good guys? Torture is what al queda and isis do. So now we are going to act like them?

Oh yeah...and torture doesn't work.
It certainly will help. I mean to what extent that obviously is unknown to you or me. It was a point he campaigned on though and he is sticking to it. Regardless of party doesn't everyone want their choice to uphold his promises? Would he not be ridiculed if he didn't stick to his promise? Of course he would. He can't win either way.

Dude, they will dig tunnels, come by boat, fly in. It wont change a thing but make the smugglers even more money.

Come on.
I love how everyone that voted Trump or does not share your views is "alt right". I would love to discuss his executive orders. List the ones that you disagree with, which I'm sure is all of them, and I will be happy to retort.
Interesting you caught that, it was intentional, but you didn't catch the repetitive labeling of everyone with opposing views as liberal! Kind of selective?
Dude, they will dig tunnels, come by boat, fly in. It wont change a thing but make the smugglers even more money.

Come on.
As I said you or I don't know how much it will help. You or anyone can make blanket statements about what could happen but it's about as factual as me saying it will stop all illegal activities. Any measure that is taken will be countered eventually by criminals but does that mean we don't take measures to attempt to curtail it? All actions are not complete solutions because criminals always will find a way. That doesn't mean you stop trying though.
Interesting you caught that, it was intentional, but you didn't catch the repetitive labeling of everyone with opposing views as liberal! Kind of selective?
Considering I'm replying to you and not every other poster it seems logical I would point it out in response to the person I quoted.
As I said you or I don't know how much it will help. You or anyone can make blanket statements about what could happen but it's about as factual as me saying it will stop all illegal activities. Any measure that is taken will be countered eventually by criminals but does that mean we don't take measures to attempt to curtail it? All actions are not complete solutions because criminals always will find a way. That doesn't mean you stop trying though.

I agree, you dont stop trying. You fix the problem. Which is something neither side really wants. Its an easy fix.

But if it was fixed then people like trump couldn't use it as an excuse and as a reason to get people riled up.

Its an age old tactic. The dirty, dangerous, cheating immigrants that steal from the mouths of the good and decent people. It amazes me people cant see this shit for what it is.

We never fucking learn.
Instead of repeating the same exact posts and regurgitating alt-right and one sentence nonsense how about engaging in a productive dialogue? Perhaps Trump supporters can tell us which of his recent executive orders they support and why? Or perhaps explain how his recent actions is benefiting the US ? We are all ears.

Oh, so NOW the liberals wake up to executive orders...

Cute, really cute.

