Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump is writing executive orders one after the other, and trying to do everything he promised his supporters he would do. But getting all this thru congress and the senate and into law is a whole different ball game. And if we had a mess in the Eastern Europe and the middle East? "You aint seen nothing yet"
Trump is writing executive orders one after the other, and trying to do everything he promised his supporters he would do. But getting all this thru congress and the senate and into law is a whole different ball game. And if we had a mess in the Eastern Europe and the middle East? "You aint seen nothing yet"

I may not agree with all of your political views but I appreciate your reasoning an open mind
For sure! And the 20% tax on Mexican imports to pay for the wall after canceling his meeting with the Mexican president. This guy is such a badass and it is so damn refreshing to be able to cheer on a political figure in his position of power. And we have at least 4 more years of this (I'm betting on 8), fucking awesome.


Hmmm, how about a cap with something about "Hardball Time" and an eagle etc at the front - with "Trump" on the back?

Donald Trump wants to finance his wall along the border with Mexico by imposing a 20 per cent tax on imports, the White House revealed just hours after Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto abruptly cancelled a planned summit in Washington.

Mr Peña Nieto took the rare decision to cancel a meeting with a new US president after Mr Trump issued an order to start building the wall and insisted that Mexico would bear the cost — prompting 24 hours of escalating vitriol between the capitals.

“This morning we have informed the White House that I will not go to the meeting scheduled for next Tuesday with @POTUS,” Mr Peña Nieto tweeted on Thursday.


While Mr Peña Nieto is the first foreign leader to snub Mr Trump, others have been put in similarly awkward positions since his election.


Donald Trump wants to finance his wall along the border with Mexico by imposing a 20 per cent tax on imports, the White House revealed just hours after Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto abruptly cancelled a planned summit in Washington.

Mr Peña Nieto took the rare decision to cancel a meeting with a new US president after Mr Trump issued an order to start building the wall and insisted that Mexico would bear the cost — prompting 24 hours of escalating vitriol between the capitals.

“This morning we have informed the White House that I will not go to the meeting scheduled for next Tuesday with @POTUS,” Mr Peña Nieto tweeted on Thursday.


While Mr Peña Nieto is the first foreign leader to snub Mr Trump, others have been put in similarly awkward positions since his election.


Mr. Nieto had no other choice, considering who he is and where he is!

President Enrique Peña Nieto on Thursday called off a trip to Washington on Thursday morning after emphasizing that Mexico would not finance the wall. Hours later, Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, said the border barrier would be funded by a 20 percent import tax on goods from Mexico.

Spicer did not provide details of how the policy would work. Later, he appeared to backtrack, telling reporters that the tax was “one idea” to pay for the wall and that his intent was not to “roll out” a new policy. He said it could be part of a broader import tax plan backed by some House Republicans.

Critics said that if implemented, such a tax would mean that the wall’s cost ultimately would be borne by U.S. consumers.

Peña Nieto had been scheduled to meet with Trump on Tuesday to discuss immigration, trade and drug-war cooperation. But the Mexican leader came under (intense political pressure)at home after Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday launching the border-wall plan. The Mexican president called off the visit after Trump tweeted Thursday morning that it would be “better to cancel the upcoming meeting” if Mexico was unwilling to pay for the barrier.
I was watching the news today and another Republican, Hailey Barber, said that building the wall was a metaphor. That has become a talking point for Republicans who know better, and I use that liberally :) What do Mesorx Republicans say? Is it a metaphor, or are even the crazy republicans walking away from your candidate's position on a 25 billion dollar wall?

What fools you are. You are the kind of stupid fucks that would follow Hitler to Stalingrad.
I was watching the news today and another Republican, Hailey Barber, said that building the wall was a metaphor. That has become a talking point for Republicans who know better, and I use that liberally :) What do Mesorx Republicans say? Is it a metaphor, or are even the crazy republicans walking away from your candidate's position on a 25 billion dollar wall?

What fools you are. You are the kind of stupid fucks that would follow Hitler to Stalingrad.
Not that I care ,or serious, but he would have made it if it hadn't been snowing!:):eek::D
The only difference is that Hitler came to power during political times that America has never seen. Fucking weak ass morons. What will you do when your mistake truely sinks America?

Only a fucking idiot could believe what Trump is puking on America now.
Not that I care ,or serious, but he would have made it if it hadn't been snowing!:):eek::D
I know I know, it's snowing in the satellites that are sending those images to your tv. If you use aluminum to shield your brain you can't see it. Try closing your eyes and covering your ears as well. I will tell you when it is okay to return to reality.
Not that I care ,or serious, but he would have made it if it hadn't been snowing
I do take you seriously though. Hitler was much more intelligent though than your buffoon. Hitler lost touch with reality when the Russians reached the Oder river. No worries though, even the congressional majority would not allow things to get that fucked up. Maybe.
How do you think he’d feel about being referred to as Lap Dog Trump? Let’s go for it.

Do you think Donald Trump is just Mike Pence’s puppet?

Interesting idea, right? Particularly since the very idea would make our new president totally nuts. Hehehehe.

And it’s possible. Trump is not a man who concentrates on policy issues. So far, the parts of the job that have obsessed him most are crowd size and vote size. And yeah, the wall. But there has to be somebody behind the scenes deciding the non-ego questions. Pass the word that it’s Pence.

The best early evidence is reproductive rights. Not an issue Trump seemed all that interested in during the campaign — you generally had to sort of poke him to bring it up. Yet one of the first things he did as president was to sign an order that will eliminate American aid to international health programs that provide information on abortion.

Every Republican president since Ronald Reagan has issued the order, which is often referred to as the global gag rule. But Trump’s seems much worse. The Reagan-Bush-Bush version covered family planning programs. Trump’s targets global health in general.

So when it comes to combating the Zika virus in South America, we’ll only be helping organizations that are willing to order their staffs never to bring up the fact that abortion exists.
We’re talking about a potential loss of billions of dollars in American aid.

I know some of you are having trouble giving the president credit for anything right now. But this doesn’t sound like him.

If a woman Trump knew was pregnant and learned she had a virus that could cause terrible brain damage to the fetus, his immediate reaction would not be barring everybody from mentioning the word abortion. The only politician who would behave like that would be someone who had spent his entire career trying to impose his deeply held conservative religious values on people who had different beliefs.

That would be Mike Pence.
This is the guy who, as a member of Congress, co-sponsored a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the procedure. Whose war against Planned Parenthood when he was governor of Indiana led to the closing of five clinics. (None of them did abortions. They did, however, provide testing for sexually transmitted diseases, and one of the counties where a clinic was closed suffered a big H.I.V. outbreak.)
I know I know, it's snowing in the satellites that are sending those images to your tv. If you use aluminum to shield your brain you can't see it. Try closing your eyes and covering your ears as well. I will tell you when it is okay to return to reality.
Actually BP I DON'T watch TV...... Perhaps thats part of your problem;):D
And, by the way, He's not mine, he's yours now. I didn't vote for him or anyone else.