Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I believe technically, illegal entry is a criminal act while unlawful presence is not.
Yes your correct. But what we have now is unprececented: Mass illegal entry over the southern border and hundreds of towns and cities giving them sancturary. Any entity recieving or benefiting from federal funds, including a person, has given up a lot of their so called rights. Of course State rights went out the window a long time ago.
Could be we'll have some new laws soon drafted.
Please keep crying, I love me some liberal tears, it's great lube for my AR15s. [emoji24][emoji23]
Sister you are the one crying. I'm practically on the floor laughing at your stupid ass. My girlfriend is asking me what's so funny. I don't talk to her about Mesorx, so I told her it was a skit on snl I was laughing about.
Than they won. The moment you stop seeking the truth it's over

I meant it is easier to determine if certain political movements will benefit by wide spread belief in something, than to find the data to prove it false. To use BP's example, I wouldn't care if everyone believed the moon was made of green cheese, as long as there were no politicians pushing to send mouse traps to the moon.
Sister you are the one crying. I'm practically on the floor laughing at your stupid ass. My girlfriend is asking me what's so funny. I don't talk to her about Mesorx so I told her it was a skit on snl I was laughing about.
What do I have to cry about broflake? My man Trump is in the Oval Office and I get to bathe in tears of triggered liberals, every day is more beautiful than the last! [emoji1]
My man Trump is in the Oval Office,
At the moment, it will not be for long. In the mid term election in 2018 my guess is that most republicans will distance themselves from your fuhrer, so enjoy. It may even be much sooner.
As fucked up as the Republican party is, they will not go for a trade war. I remind you that red states are the poorest, and they will be crushed by the buffoon you helped put in office. @DeadFlex
What do I have to cry about broflake? My man Trump is in the Oval Office and I get to bathe in tears of triggered liberals, every day is more beautiful than the last! [emoji1]

Indeed, it is beautiful - I was hesitant to support Trump, I was more or less just backing him against the Wicked Witch of the West, but what I'm seeing now is really promising. I sure hope he can keep up this momentum.
It is hilarious watching the Republican party respond to Trump's claims of voter fraud to the degree of 3-5 million illegal votes. Everyone knows he is full of shit, but they just try to humor him and pretend he isn't delusional.

It's comforting to know we have a congress that has no intention as of yet to confront his conspiracy theories and outright lies. I wonder where they will draw the line, an illegal war or economic calamity.

The president needs to be sane ALL THE TIME! He is not allowed a moment of delusion when confronted with a truth that his delicate ego can't deal with like losing the popular vote to a woman. LOL :)
I would venture to say the line is their job, they won't break rank until his actions become detrimental to their reelection and even then they won't speak until they figure a way to blame everyone else but themselves.
At the moment, it will not be for long. In the mid term election in 2018 my guess is that most republicans will distance themselves from your fuhrer, so enjoy. It may even be much sooner.
Best of luck in 2024! Maybe your out of touch party can pull their heads out of their asses and present a better candidate.
I would venture to say the line is their job, they won't break rank until his actions become detrimental to their reelection and even then they won't speak until they figure a way to blame everyone else but themselves.
It's getting there as we speak because Trump can't stop speaking.
Indeed, it is beautiful - I was hesitant to support Trump, I was more or less just backing him against the Wicked Witch of the West, but what I'm seeing now is really promising. I sure hope he can keep up this momentum.
It's great isn't it? I can't get enough of it.
Every morning now, when I open up the Journal (WSJ) it's a bit like Christmas - what presents am I getting today? The news about defunding the UN was on the order of getting a big fat Tonka truck when I was 5...
For sure! And the 20% tax on Mexican imports to pay for the wall after canceling his meeting with the Mexican president. This guy is such a badass and it is so damn refreshing to be able to cheer on a political figure in his position of power. And we have at least 4 more years of this (I'm betting on 8), fucking awesome.