Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

And here goes Europe as expected, the very people that experienced first-hand what a demagogue, megalomaniac can do to the world. It won't be long and I agree with Big_Paul there is no way he is going to complete the first term.

"Hollande: Trump administration is 'encouraging extremism'

French president calls on European countries to stand ‘stand together’ at meeting of leaders in Lisbon"

Hollande: Trump administration is 'encouraging extremism'
Stop watching CNN and other liberal biased stupid shit...can u comprehend?
Please excuse my lack of knowledge on American policy. But shouldn't having a green card allow you access back to the US ? Or is that still considered a non landed img?
Please excuse my lack of knowledge on American policy. But shouldn't having a green card allow you access back to the US ? Or is that still considered a non landed img?
Evidently not! A woman was detained last night at an airport in New York. She has had a green card for 5 years, has a PHD from here in the States and was in Iran doing some research for a couple of weeks and they wouldn't let her in. They did finally release her several hours later, an immigration officer told her they didn't have any guidance in how to handle all this shit.
Evidently not! A woman was detained last night at an airport in New York. She has had a green card for 5 years, has a PHD from here in the States and was in Iran doing some research for a couple of weeks and they wouldn't let her in. They did finally release her several hours later, an immigration officer told her they didn't have any guidance in how to handle all this shit.
Unfortunate but expected after a huge policy shift. Hopefully it's implemented better soon.
Evidently not! A woman was detained last night at an airport in New York. She has had a green card for 5 years, has a PHD from here in the States and was in Iran doing some research for a couple of weeks and they wouldn't let her in. They did finally release her several hours later, an immigration officer told her they didn't have any guidance in how to handle all this shit.

Google Criticizes Impact on Staff of Trump Immigration Order

Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai criticized President Donald Trump’s immigration order in an email to staff late Friday, saying the U.S. ban on foreign nationals from seven countries affects at least 187 Google employees.

“We’re upset about the impact of this order and any proposals that could impose restrictions on Googlers and their families, or that could create barriers to bringing great talent to the US,” Mr. Pichai said in the email, according to a copy reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. “It’s painful to see the personal cost of this executive order on our colleagues.”


In his message to employees, Mr. Pichai suggested at least 187 employees hailed from countries included in the ban. “Our first order of business is to help Googlers who are affected,” he said. “If you’re abroad and need help please reach out to our global security team.”

Mr. Pichai, who grew up in India, said that at an internal meeting on Friday broadcast to all staff, two Google employees apparently affected by the policy discussed their situations. They were “grappling with what this might mean for them and their families,” he wrote. “Just as that discussion was happening, another Googler was rushing back from a trip to New Zealand to make it into the US before the order was signed.

Evidently not! A woman was detained last night at an airport in New York. She has had a green card for 5 years, has a PHD from here in the States and was in Iran doing some research for a couple of weeks and they wouldn't let her in. They did finally release her several hours later, an immigration officer told her they didn't have any guidance in how to handle all this shit.


Donald Trump in explaining how effective “the wall” between Mexico and the
US would be said to “ask Israel”. This is one liar asking us to ask another
liar! The facts are very clear:

-After most of the residents were ethnically cleansed, a temporary wall of
fences was built around remaining 3500 Palestinians in Al-Majdal to starve
them until they agreed to leave ‘voluntarily’ in 1951 (long after the end
of the 1948 war). The city was renamed Ashqelon
-The wall around Gaza was completed before even the first Palestinian
suicide bombings started and it was a clear failure. Hundreds of tunnels
were dug underneath and used to transport everything from people to camels
to cars.
-The wall in the West Bank was less than 25% complete when Hamas made a
political decision to stop bombings and run for elections in 2006. Hamas
held to its end of this even though they were not allowed to govern after
being elected.
-The International Court of Justice ruled the wall illegal since it is
built in the occupied areas (just like the Israeli colonies are illegal and
subject to 4th Geneva convention)
-Even today in 2017, the wall is actually less than 70% complete; nearly
10,000 Palestinians cross to the Israeli side without Israeli permission to
work DAILY and so any person interested in doing violence could do it
-The wall zigzags in ways clearly intended to capture maximum agricultural
lands and natural resources instead of being more secure straighter lines
in most of its currently built course. (what Zionists call ‘maximum
geography with minimum demography’)
-The Israeli wall was slated to cost $2.5 billion and be finished in three
years and here we are 14 years later and it cost $8 billion and is not even
finished yet! Imagine the US wall (expected to cost $15-20 billion but will
cost 3-4 times more). US taxpayers are already burdened with $20 trillion
public debt (roughly $60,000 for each of us)
-There are Palestinians on both sides of the wall (hundreds of thousands on
the so called "Israeli side"). There are also Israelis on both sides of it.
Thus, it cannot be a security issue. ;)
Trump just signed an executive order on lobbying. Would you consider this to be positive considering you said it wouldn't see the light of day?
Thanks for bringing it up and yes I do just like I gave him credit for killing TPP, I am waiting on the term limits which was the second part of my post. Obviously it will require a constitutional amendment so we will see.
Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Cowardly and Dangerous

First, reflect on the cruelty of President Trump’s decision on Friday to indefinitely suspend the resettlement of Syrian refugees and temporarily ban people from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States. It took just hours to begin witnessing the injury and suffering this ban inflicts on families that had every reason to believe they had outrun carnage and despotism in their homelands to arrive in a singularly hopeful nation.

The first casualties of this bigoted, cowardly, self-defeating policy were detained early Saturday at American airports just hours after the executive order, ludicrously titled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States,” went into effect. It must have felt like the worst trick of fate for these refugees to hit the wall of Donald Trump’s political posturing at the very last step of a yearslong, rigorous vetting process. This ban will also disrupt the lives and careers of potentially hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have been cleared to live in America under visas or permanent residency permits.

That the order, breathtaking in scope and inflammatory in tone, was issued on Holocaust Remembrance Day spoke of the president’s callousness and indifference to history, to America’s deepest lessons about its own values.

The order lacks any logic. It invokes the attacks of Sept. 11 as a rationale, while exempting the countries of origin of all the hijackers who carried out that plot and also, perhaps not coincidentally, several countries where the Trump family does business. The document does not explicitly mention any religion, yet it sets a blatantly unconstitutional standard by excluding Muslims while giving government officials the discretion to admit people of other faiths.

The order’s language makes clear that the xenophobia and Islamophobia that permeated Mr. Trump’s campaign are to stain his presidency as well. Un-American as they are, they are now American policy.
Thanks for bringing it up and yes I do just like I gave him credit for killing TPP, I am waiting on the term limits which was the second part of my post. Obviously it will require a constitutional amendment so we will see.
I'm glad you give him credit for something. We don't have to agree on everything he wants to do or is doing but it's good to see people willing to say he did something positive. I don't mind people calling what they perceive as negative as long as they are willing to acknowledge good things as well.
Silicon Valley’s responses to Trump’s immigration executive orders, from strongest to weakest

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings:

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick:

Apple CEO Tim Cook:


In my conversations with officials here in Washington this week, I've made it clear that Apple believes deeply in the importance of immigration -- both to our company and to our nation's future. Apple would not exist without immigration, let alone thrive and innovate the way we do.

I've heard from many of you who are deeply concerned about the executive order issued yesterday restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. I share your concerns. It is not a policy we support.

There are employees at Apple who are directly affected by yesterday's immigration order. Our HR, Legal and Security teams are in contact with them, and Apple will do everything we can to support them. We’re providing resources on AppleWeb for anyone with questions or concerns about immigration policies. And we have reached out to the White House to explain the negative effect on our coworkers and our company.

As I've said many times, diversity makes our team stronger. And if there’s one thing I know about the people at Apple, it’s the depth of our empathy and support for one another. It’s as important now as it’s ever been, and it will not weaken one bit. I know I can count on all of you to make sure everyone at Apple feels welcome, respected and valued.

Apple is open. Open to everyone, no matter where they come from, which language they speak, who they love or how they worship. Our employees represent the finest talent in the world, and our team hails from every corner of the globe.

In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, "We may have all come on different ships, but we are in the same boat now."

Much easier for Trump to make life worse for those he promised to hurt than it will be to make life better for those he promised to help.
I'm afraid your right on this Dr. Scally. Trump said all the right things to swing the vote to him. And I liked a lot of what he was saying, but now I think we're in a lot of trouble, here and everywhere else.
I was against Hillary Clinton from the beginning. I followed her and that SOB husband of hers during his time as governer of Arkansas up till he was President. They are both corrupt and belong in prison.
Now we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I'm afraid your right on this Dr. Scally. Trump said all the right things to swing the vote to him. And I liked a lot of what he was saying, but now I think we're in a lot of trouble, here and everywhere else.
I was against Hillary Clinton from the beginning. I followed her and that SOB husband of hers during his time as governer of Arkansas up till he was President. They are both corrupt and belong in prison.
Now we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Right now it's Pence rallying the base with prolife executive orders. Wait until Bannon is in full force. Muslim ban is just the tip. We are a fascist nation in the making, if he has his way.