Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Right now it's Pence rallying the base with prolife executive orders. Wait until Bannon is in full force. Muslim ban is just the tip. We are a fascist nation in the making, if he has his way.
It's not a ban,it's a temporary 90 day moratorium. It's also not a Muslim ban, it's a ban from certain countries. You can be muslim and still come just not from those countries. Calling it a muslim ban would be incorrect.
It's not a ban,it's a temporary 90 day moratorium. It's also not a Muslim ban, it's a ban from certain countries. You can be muslim and still come just not from those countries. Calling it a muslim ban would be incorrect.
It already effected law abiding residents of this country who are Muslim. Did it matter what I callled it? We are not safer from it but divided even more after
Looks like America isn't standing for Trumps hate and bigotry. AMERICA IS TO GREAT TO HATE WITH THAT FUCKING IGNORAMUS.

Impeach trump. If only for his hairstyle.
It already effected law abiding residents of this country who are Muslim. Did it matter what I callled it? We are not safer from it but divided even more after
Don't listen to that douche bag. Alt right all the way. Just another uneducated white man who voted for hate.
It does matter because your statement is incorrect.
Fuck you. TIME will show you are a bigoted fool. I have been kind in the pAst as a fellow member, but you can kiss my ass Adolf.
Looks like America isn't standing for Trumps hate and bigotry. AMERICA IS TO GREAT TO HATE WITH THAT FUCKING IGNORAMUS.

Impeach trump. If only for his hairstyle.

So you would have rather had Hillary in the Whitehouse? People were fed up with the continuous corruption and direction this country was taking. They only had what was offered them as an alternate....They took a chance...At least they did something...Now we'll see.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt.
This is directed towards US not Trump....
Don't listen to that douche bag. Alt right all the way. Just another uneducated white man who voted for hate.
Do you really believe that your educational credentials are superior to mine? I also don't believe my degrees from college make me more qualified than a non college educated person to intelligently discuss politics. Simply means I had the ability to go to college which my parents supplied to me by working hard. That certainly doesn't qualify me as being intellectually superior to someone who didn't attend college.

You have some real serious issues that obviously extend beyond political partisanship. Calling me Hitler or racist will not get you the reaction you seek. The word racist means nothing to me. You throw that word around so much it has no meaning and I get amused when it's directed towards me. Perhaps it's time to put the bottle down and go sleep it off.
So you would have rather had Hillary in the Whitehouse
No, but she is head and shoulders above the fool who sits in the oval office.

Let's put things in perspective. Less than half of the Republican party supported T. He took the rest hostage. 74 million other America in no way support him. At best less than 25% of the population supports that megalomaniac . It's going to be a hot summer.
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Do you really believe that your educational credentials are superior to mine? I
You may be an educated fool. There are many just like you. You are judged by your words. What I see is brown and I don't want to step in it.
This is the funniest thing I read today thank you lol
You are welcome.:) At times like this humor is important.

Hot of the press a federal judge has granted a stay suspending trumps executive order.

JFK airport roiled by protests against Trump immigration ban

The New York Taxi Workers Alliance called for a temporary ban on pick-ups at John F. Kennedy Airport as a protest against President Trump’s ban on refugees from seven Muslim-dominated countries. The alliance, which represents a wide swath of yellow taxi drivers in New York City, called for a temporary stoppage of pick-ups and drop-offs at JFK between 6-7 PM on Saturday.
