Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

First the trouble with Executive orders
Second which I'm for the Lobbying ban( time limit of 5 years proposed )
Got it
Do your have anything to say about the people who got detained at JFK? They were the first victims of this not well thought off eo
Yes I have expressed it already in a previous post. It's unfortunate but not unexpected to have snags when you make this big of a policy change. Sometimes there are unintended consequences. Seems this wasn't something they planned out well enough or at least every possible scenario.
I would have agreed before, but right now I kind of want to give the liberals a taste of their own medicine. Obamas been cramming his will down our throats and it's time the Republicans said fuck them and go full force with conservative ideas.

Yes, I expected exactly that from the right. But I didn't expect the left to still be hung up counting votes or inauguration attendees. For having an openly hostile media, Trump has been amazingly adept at using trivialities to bait and distract the competition.
Why the fuck would I want to carry around a 308 as a battle rifle when I have a suppressed SBR chambered in 300BLK?

I'll add your tears to the lube, snowflake. Why don't you go join your liberal vanilla latte drinking friends at Starbucks.

Ha, ha. look at you cupcake. Your sooo tough. You dont have a clue what a decent rifle platform is. Figures. You dont have a clue about anything else. I get it though...thats what they use in the movies right?

I know, your all about image, you have to act tough because in reality well your not. I drink americanos by the way.

When you grow up maybe contemplate what a chickenshit you are to threaten people that dont agree with you. What are you 15?

This is where you threaten me again.
Ha ha.

Ill keep an eye out for your fat arms and pos rifle cupcake.
You mean indisputably - and other than death and taxes, no such thing.

About Elizabeth DeVos - Education
So the previous heads of the Dept of Education with their educator backgrounds have been really great then? Since the US is doing so spectacularly well in int'l tests? Not. Dems are scared shitless over DeVos since she's not an education statist - she will try all measures (charters and vouchers OMG!!!) to improve outcomes. Might not bode well for the teacher's unions which is why the Dems are soiling themselves. I think she'll be great.

About Tom Price - Health & Human Services
The animosity toward him is because he's perceived as the ObamaCare henchman. Look, the US people don't want ObamaCare, get over it. He's a physician btw, good enough?

About Scott Pruitt - EPA
Man-made global warming is highly disputed - science is never settled on anything, only a true fool would say otherwise. And the EPA has been over-reaching for a long time, Pruitt has a great background fighting against the EPA's excesses. He could be outstanding.
Dude how could you possibly back Devos? She is litterally so dumb, have you watched all her interviews? There is litterally no argument in favor of her being in the spot she is in.
Watch the interviews where the house questions her and see just how dumb he is and it doesn't matter what party you are you will change you mind on her I promise.
Global warming is happening without a doubt and Scott Pruit denies it entirely. To me that is just a bad person to have in there.
Like I said I don't know much about Price.
Dude how could you possibly back Devos? She is litterally so dumb, have you watched all her interviews? There is litterally no argument in favor of her being in the spot she is in.
Watch the interviews where the house questions her and see just how dumb he is and it doesn't matter what party you are you will change you mind on her I promise.
Global warming is happening without a doubt and Scott Pruit denies it entirely. To me that is just a bad person to have in there.
Like I said I don't know much about Price.

That's literally.... good spelling helps if you're critiquing the Dept of Edumakashon.

The issue isn't global warming, of course the climate changes, it's whether it's man-made. Pruitt is good in my book, fuck Al Gore and all his arrogant blathering.

Personally, I think the Dept of Education should be shut down, I'm perfectly fine with anyone who's pro vouchers, pro charter schools, and anti-union. That's all that job requires.
That's literally.... good spelling helps if you're critiquing the Dept of Edumakashon.

The issue isn't global warming, of course the climate changes, it's whether it's man-made. Pruitt is good in my book, fuck Al Gore and all his arrogant blathering.

Personally, I think the Dept of Education should be shut down, I'm perfectly fine with anyone who's pro vouchers, pro charter schools, and anti-union. That's all that job requires.
Dude my talent isn't spelling if your going to correct every spelling mistake I make we are going to be hear all day.
Just that fact that you do that tells me I can't have a political conversation with you.
Also the fact that you back Devos in my mind means you are either not informed of just how bad she is, or you are informed and just make bad choices. Let's put it this way, I am NOT that fucking smart and I am STILL more educated than Devos.
Either way I'm out of this thread, I couldn't care less anymore.

Sk8man for president 2020!!