Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Dude my talent isn't spelling if your going to correct every spelling mistake I make we are going to be hear all day.
Just that fact that you do that tells me I can't have a political conversation with you.
Also the fact that you back Devos in my mind means you are either not informed of just how bad she is, or you are informed and just make bad choices. Let's put it this way, I am NOT that fucking smart and I am STILL more educated than Devos.
Either way I'm out of this thread, I couldn't care less anymore.

Sk8man for president 2020!!

Well, you've utterly failed at articulating what you are for or even against, so go ahead, skulk off.

And yes, your spelling sucks. And if you fail to grasp the irony in a thread about the Dept of Education..... sorry, can't help you.
Well, you've utterly failed at articulating what you are for or even against, so go ahead, skulk off.

And yes, your spelling sucks. And if you fail to grasp the irony in a thread about the Dept of Education..... sorry, can't help you.
I can post the reasons why and the videos from cspan to back my conclusions?
I wanted trump to succeed in the White House even though I didn't vote for him, but he is making mistakes there is no denying it.
Malevolence Tempered by Incompetence: Trump’s Horrifying Executive Order on Refugees and Visas
Malevolence Tempered by Incompetence: Trump’s Horrifying Executive Order on Refugees and Visas

The malevolence of President Trump’s Executive Order on visas and refugees is mitigated chiefly—and perhaps only—by the astonishing incompetence of its drafting and construction.

NBC is reporting that the document was not reviewed by DHS, the Justice Department, the State Department, or the Department of Defense, and that National Security Council lawyers were prevented from evaluating it. Moreover, the New York Times writes that Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, the agencies tasked with carrying out the policy, were only given a briefing call while Trump was actually signing the order itself. Yesterday, the Department of Justice gave a “no comment” when asked whether the Office of Legal Counsel had reviewed Trump’s executive orders—including the order at hand. (OLC normally reviews every executive order.)

This order reads to me, frankly, as though it was not reviewed by competent counsel at all.
I'm less concerned with what he puts in those Executive Orders than the fact he, like Obama and others before him, is using using them to make laws without passing bills through Congress. I was expecting the conflict from this election to put that power in public awareness at least, if not directly on the chopping block.
Republicans were silent with Bush's efforts to expand executive power. Democrats were silent when Obama took it further. Now it's the Rebublican's turn again to look the other way. Partisan hypocrisy at its finest.
Then what are we arguing about? Admit defeat. This is how this works. You are on the wrong side of history.
You know I am going to stop responding to you not because I changed my opinion on you or because I find you boring and not even because I am the better person hell I told you I will make an exception just for you and the other clown.
But because I am coming to the realization that you are likely mentally unstable which means you may take your anger on someone in your life and that is something I can't have on my conscience.
Look at my "like" count to responses in this thread
People enjoy me decimating the two of you
This is not even a game. This is a route. A blowout. An embarassment
You have no argument that does not involve resorting to Hitler/racism
So kindly choke on my nutz
Judges Block Parts of Trump’s Order on Muslim Immigration

Two judges temporarily blocked President Donald Trump’s administration from enforcing parts of his order to halt immigration from seven Middle Eastern countries, after a day in which students, refugees and dual citizens were stuck overseas or detained and some businesses warned employees from those countries not to risk leaving the U.S.

A nationwide ruling in Brooklyn, New York, barring refugees and visa holders already legally in the U.S. from being turned back came hours after the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups sued to halt the Jan 27 order.

A separate order in Alexandria, Virginia, forbid the government from removing about 60 legal permanent residents of the U.S. who were being detained at Dulles International Airport.

Neither ruling strikes down the executive order, which will now be subject to court hearings. White House officials didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment late Saturday.

The Department of Homeland Security, which runs the Customs and Border Protection agency, said in a statement Sunday that it would comply with judicial orders and that the government retained the right to revoke visas for reasons of national or public safety.

As scholars of authoritarianism have long advised, believe the autocrat when he speaks. The problem is that too few Americans believed in the concept of an American autocrat. Pundits ignored the threat of Trump enacting these policies through executive power. Enjoy hindsight while you can, Americans, the administration of “alternative facts” may rewrite your regrets as applause.

While the firehose of dramatic policy changes is intended to blast Americans into submission, there is one issue where the administration may find bipartisan challenge and that is the issue of the environment, in particular, the national parks. Though Trump first targeted NPS because it controls the public area where his small inauguration crowd gathered, he did so after Congress proposed to give away park land, which contributes an estimated $646bn each year in economic stimulus from recreation, 6.1m jobs, but most importantly, a core part of America’s identity and pride.

Few things bring Americans of differing political views together like love for the national parks. It is hard to find an everyday American whose dream includes having our purple mountain majesties and fruited plains sold off to the highest bidder. Both Democratic and Republican presidents have protected the national parks; even Reagan, the notorious opponent of big government, passed laws that protected the parks, along with environment regulations. That Trump’s first orders include suppression of information about the environment and prohibiting scientists and parks employees to speak suggests he sees America as little more than territory to strip down for parts.

In order to profit from national lands, he must discredit and silence those most likely to protect them: environmentalists, scientists and parks employees. That is why such a benign and beloved institution as the national parks became an object of administrative wrath.

I have obtained Steve Bannon’s full divorce and custody file (the full files are linked in this post at the bottom) which includes many details of his second marriage to Mary Piccard that have never been revealed publicly and a troubling portrait of him as a father to his daughters.

Among the allegations and revelations:

1. Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.

2. Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.

3. Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.

4. In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.

A couple of important details. These files include a mix of sworn personal declarations by Bannon and Piccard, letters from their lawyers, emails exchanged between them, and financial documents.

With respect to sworn personal declarations you should view those just as you would view testimony in a court…which means that if Bannon or Piccard were caught lying they would face perjury charges which could include jail time.

The files include many sworn declarations from Piccard and few from Bannon. The portrait of Piccard that emerges in these files is of a very organized, detail-oriented person. She has documents, dates, times to backup all of her assertions. The same cannot be said of Bannon.

In all of these documents, the “petitioner” is Mary Piccard and the “respondent” is Steve Bannon.
This thread is proving these words to be prescient.

If they knew... well, maybe. But that will never happen.

"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" - H.L. Mencken

"The Demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots" H. L. Mencken

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” ― H.L. Mencken, On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe