Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Insertnamehere is a true friend and the guy goes above and beyond to help his friends out. I don't think any of you realize just how good of a human being he is.

GigaloRob is another great guy. I agree with most of his posts, except maybe political ones :p, but the man has a brain capable of seeing things most miss. He has always shown me respect and I will to him. We disagreed in the beginning of this thread but that hasn't made us butt heads ever.

Trukk you know I have love for you. I don't always agree with you on these things but you give respect and I will gladly give it back.

MassTurk provides perspective on what it's like to become a US citizen. I respect his views and enjoy how he handles things here. Plus, both my grandmothers were born in Turkey so we have a "special bond" hahahaha

I also respect Doc Scally here bc while many of you disagree with the content of what he posts here, he is simply offering another viewpoint that apparently many share. Sure he hates trump but so does half the country lol and for the most part he never gets into the back and forth name calling even when provoked.
Guess I'm chopped. Liver, huh?

“This is one of those clarifying moments in American history.” --Eliot Cohen

I am not surprised by President Donald Trump’s antics this week. Not by the big splashy pronouncements such as announcing a wall that he would force Mexico to pay for, even as the Mexican foreign minister held talks with American officials in Washington. Not by the quiet, but no less dangerous bureaucratic orders, such as kicking the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff out of meetings of the Principals’ Committee, the senior foreign-policy decision-making group below the president, while inserting his chief ideologist, Steve Bannon, into them.

Many conservative foreign-policy and national-security experts saw the dangers last spring and summer, which is why we signed letters denouncing not Trump’s policies but his temperament; not his program but his character.

We were right.

And friends who urged us to tone it down, to make our peace with him, to stop saying as loudly as we could “this is abnormal,” to accommodate him, to show loyalty to the Republican Party, to think that he and his advisers could be tamed, were wrong.

In an epic week beginning with a dark and divisive inaugural speech, extraordinary attacks on a free press, a visit to the CIA that dishonored a monument to anonymous heroes who paid the ultimate price, and now an attempt to ban selected groups of Muslims (including interpreters who served with our forces in Iraq and those with green cards, though not those from countries with Trump hotels, or from really indispensable states like Saudi Arabia), he has lived down to expectations.

Precisely because the problem is one of temperament and character, it will not get better. It will get worse, as power intoxicates Trump and those around him. It will probably end in calamity—substantial domestic protest and violence, a breakdown of international economic relationships, the collapse of major alliances, or perhaps one or more new wars (even with China) on top of the ones we already have. It will not be surprising in the slightest if his term ends not in four or in eight years, but sooner, with impeachment or removal under the 25th Amendment. The sooner Americans get used to these likelihoods, the better.

Guess I'm chopped. Liver, huh?


Na man, you know I love choose liver lol. I actually had liver a few weeks ago was delicious. I'm just pissed I wasn't invited to stroll to your house for the brew party where you oiled up and played in man thongs. I'm upset over that :( lolol
OT posts moved to new thread. If I missed a post that should be moved, let me know.

[CA] SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
[CA] SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Also on every fucking thread in the history of fucking Meso they get "side tracked" or "off topic" yet not a single post removed or edited.
I come in to a Trump bash fest and post some thing related to California Democrats passing a child prostitution law and it immediately gets removed and a new thread generated which i did not start.

Not cool with this bullshit
The power of the MODS have spoken
Doesnt exactly fit the agenda, does it?o_O
Also on every fucking thread in the history of fucking Meso they get "side tracked" or "off topic" yet not a single post removed or edited.
I come in to a Trump bash fest and post some thing related to California Democrats passing a child prostitution law and it immediately gets removed and a new thread generated which i did not start.

Not cool with this bullshit
The power of the MODS have spoken
@Millard Baker
I wanna hear from the big MB
Whats up with this?
I'm curious if it's common practice to remove several posts and insert them inside an entirely new thread that was not created by a member? I see people off topic in almost every thread on Meso yet a topic and comments were transported from this thread to a newly made thread not created by a member.
Also on every fucking thread in the history of fucking Meso they get "side tracked" or "off topic" yet not a single post removed or edited.
I come in to a Trump bash fest and post some thing related to California Democrats passing a child prostitution law and it immediately gets removed and a new thread generated which i did not start.

Not cool with this bullshit
The power of the MODS have spoken
I'm curious about this as well. Every thread in Meso goes off in different directions yet I have never seen comments cut and moved to another thread that was created by a mod specifically to move comments out of another thread. Would love an explanation on this.