Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The ban is about stirring nationalism/populism for other purposes. WH is being run by a revenge-obsessed general fired 4 incompetence & an Alt-Right media mogul who says he's a Leninist. Can't make this up.

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[Very unlikely, but mentioned often.]

Section 4.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.


So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt who offer no sign they deserve it. The Trump White House issued a statement on Friday commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the statement didn’t make specific mention of the Jewish people—who were the target of the Holocaust, or Shoah, which is a term devised after World War II to describe the effort by Nazi Germany to eradicate Jews from the face of the earth.

After reading it, I thought to myself, “The Trump White House is an amateur operation, understaffed and without much executive-branch experience, and whoever wrote the statement and issued it blew it out of ignorance and sloppiness.”

I won’t be making that mistake again.

Jake Tapper of CNN reported Saturday night that Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks defended and even celebrated the White House statement. The decision not to mention the Jews was deliberate, Hicks said, a way of demonstrating the inclusive approach of the Trump administration: “Despite what the media reports, we are an incredibly inclusive group and we took into account all of those who suffered…it was our honor to issue a statement in remembrance of this important day.”

No, Hope Hicks, and no to whomever you are serving as a mouthpiece. The Nazis killed an astonishing number of people in monstrous ways and targeted certain groups—Gypsies, the mentally challenged, and open homosexuals, among others. But the Final Solution was aimed solely at the Jews. The Holocaust was about the Jews. There is no “proud” way to offer a remembrance of the Holocaust that does not reflect that simple, awful, world-historical fact. To universalize it to “all those who suffered” is to scrub the Holocaust of its meaning.

Given Hicks’s abominable statement, one cannot simply write this off.

So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt who offer no sign they deserve it. The Trump White House issued a statement on Friday commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the statement didn’t make specific mention of the Jewish people—who were the target of the Holocaust, or Shoah, which is a term devised after World War II to describe the effort by Nazi Germany to eradicate Jews from the face of the earth.

After reading it, I thought to myself, “The Trump White House is an amateur operation, understaffed and without much executive-branch experience, and whoever wrote the statement and issued it blew it out of ignorance and sloppiness.”

I won’t be making that mistake again.

Jake Tapper of CNN reported Saturday night that Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks defended and even celebrated the White House statement. The decision not to mention the Jews was deliberate, Hicks said, a way of demonstrating the inclusive approach of the Trump administration: “Despite what the media reports, we are an incredibly inclusive group and we took into account all of those who suffered…it was our honor to issue a statement in remembrance of this important day.”

No, Hope Hicks, and no to whomever you are serving as a mouthpiece. The Nazis killed an astonishing number of people in monstrous ways and targeted certain groups—Gypsies, the mentally challenged, and open homosexuals, among others. But the Final Solution was aimed solely at the Jews. The Holocaust was about the Jews. There is no “proud” way to offer a remembrance of the Holocaust that does not reflect that simple, awful, world-historical fact. To universalize it to “all those who suffered” is to scrub the Holocaust of its meaning.

Given Hicks’s abominable statement, one cannot simply write this off.[/QUOTE

More lies and bigotry and racism from Trump
Another day, another appalling spectacle of dishonesty and bigotry.
TheMoneyIllusion » More lies and bigotry and racism from Trump

Another day, another appalling spectacle of dishonesty and bigotry. Here is the dishonesty:

Earlier in the day, Mr. Trump explained to an interviewer for the Christian Broadcasting Network that Christians in Syria were “horribly treated” and alleged that under previous administrations, “if you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible.”

“I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them,” the president said.

In fact, the United States accepts tens of thousands of Christian refugees. According to the Pew Research Center, almost as many Christian refugees (37,521) were admitted as Muslim refugees (38,901) in the 2016 fiscal year.

As far as bigotry, Trump announced that he will favor Christian refugees over Muslim refugees:

In an executive order that he said was part of an extreme vetting plan to keep out “radical Islamic terrorists,” Mr. Trump also established a religious test for refugees from Muslim nations: He ordered that Christians and others from minority religions be granted priority over Muslims.

And here’s the racism:

More details are emerging about the 23 January meeting between President Trump and the leaders of the House and Senate, where the premier [?] was said to repeat false claims that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.

If true, Trump’s claim would amount to the largest electoral fraud in American history. When one of the Democrats questioned what proof Trump had of this massive voter fraud, he defended his claim by telling an anecdotal story that German golfer Bernhard Langer, who Trump described as a friend, had told him.

Trump said the very famous golfer, Bernhard Langer – a German citizen who is ineligible to vote – told him recently of how he was standing in line at a polling station on Election Day, near Boca Raton, Florida, when he was turned away from the voting booth by an official.

Trump said that Langer witnessed people in line that didn’t look like they were legally allowed to be at the polls as evidence to support his voter fraud claim.

Now some will argue that’s not racism, perhaps Trump and Langer assumed that fat people were illegals, or people wearing white after Labor Day. But I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that race had something to do with the “look” of people who obviously were not qualified to vote.

There some of us actually having a real discussion. You should read and join sometime it's informative and respectful :)
so I'm just happy I didn't vote & im glad I'm not into politics like some & is it awkward with family for some of you because of you guys voting for the opposite people ?