Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You are wrong. This is done from time to time. Sorry, you are not the recipient of any special treatment.

No one has ever been banned for voicing their opinions about Trump.

You have a lot more invested in this thread than me. It is arguably more yours than mine. I don't understand why you feel so threatened.
IMO he is the recipient of "special treatment." There are all kinds of posts in this thread that are off topic. None were moved. Why his?
IMO he is the recipient of "special treatment." There are all kinds of posts in this thread that are off topic. None were moved. Why his?
All kinds of stuff off topic here
Yet only mine removed. And yet only the ones that make the Democrats look miserable
Care to point out where there are a series of OT posts that could make their own thread. And, that this was somehow directed at someone is laughable.
I'm not arguing either way. But its obvious the "mod" is biased. How can a mod be allowed to edit/move posts in a thread that has his bias front and center? That's censorship plain and simple.

INDIAN WELLS, Calif. — Leaders of the influential Koch network on Sunday expressed opposition to President Trump's ban on refugees and immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, saying the executive order is not in keeping with their aims to build a free and open society.

“We believe it is possible to keep Americans safe without excluding people who wish to come here to contribute and pursue a better life for their families,” said Brian Hooks, the president of the Charles Koch Foundation, who is co-chairing a weekend conference of donors who help finance the Koch operation.

“The travel ban is the wrong approach and will likely be counterproductive,” he added. “Our country has benefited tremendously from a history of welcoming people from all cultures and backgrounds. This is a hallmark of free and open societies.”

The statement represents the network's first public critique of Trump since his election victory.
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Never watched PBS but they sound legit from what you say

I've never watched PBS...ever, they sound somewhat legit. Has to better than CNN.

They are legit. Every now and then they have a program that leans left but as far as just reporting the news, its as good as it gets.

Some people will say they are bs because they recieve public funding but its not true. They overwhelmingly tell it like it is regardless of party affiliation.
right i heard they the refugees were raping children bro... and taking pics with them on social media like wtf?. & what carnage you see, can you share?

I don't think a day goes by that I don't read about the rapid growth of violence and other crime or specific instances of it. Women advised by their government to dress so not as to arouse refugees, told not to go around in public without male protection, etc. I never looked for a site that collects all the reports, but I bet there's a few out there.
LOL.Trump's proposed ban on refugees is one of his top campaign promises!

I don't care about trump, all I'm saying is that after seeing those people are doing that to kids 10 an under, crossed the line for me.

also correct me if I'm wrong but I heard in their culture/religion they're allowed to do that shit

but for parents out there, that has to open ur eyes atleast a little bit...
I don't care about trump, all I'm saying is that after seeing those people are doing that to kids 10 an under, crossed the line for me.

also correct me if I'm wrong but I heard in their culture/religion they're allowed to do that shit

but for parents out there, that has to open ur eyes atleast a little bit...
You have to care about Trump to be in this thread. Mods, please move these posts to a new thread. By the authors own admission, his posts aren't about Trump.
I don't think a day goes by that I don't read about the rapid growth of violence and other crime or specific instances of it. Women advised by their government to dress so not as to arouse refugees, told not to go around in public without male protection, etc. I never looked for a site that collects all the reports, but I bet there's a few out there.

I think those rules are ridiculous like wtf? that is a joke to just tell people to do that...

also correct me if I'm wrong but don't those refugees hate everyone who doesn't believe in there religion?


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