Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

This is all a joke
I appreciate the answer Millard but this was all a very convenient excuse to move topics that shed poorly on the very biased MOD's party and his beliefs. I hurt his feelings and he used god power to silence me in his place of worship. Funny aint it?
Like i been saying for the past 10 pages. You cannot engage liberals with logic or apparantly facts. They will ignore or not engage you in topic. Keep robo posting hitler memes and left propoganda. When that fails they just "relocate" your message to a more "suitable" place THEY prefer. I have tested the waters and found out quickly this water burns when provoked.
Some thing real life does not allow.
Well out of respect for the god like powers that be in this thread i will digress from my very valid point.
And thats that folks

God speed hell bound you miserable biased fucks!
This is all a joke
I appreciate the answer Millard but this was all a very convenient excuse to move topics that shed poorly on the very biased MOD's party and his beliefs. I hurt his feelings and he used god power to silence me in his place of worship. Funny aint it?
Like i been saying for the past 10 pages. You cannot engage liberals with logic or apparantly facts. They will ignore or not engage you in topic. Keep robo posting hitler memes and left propoganda. When that fails they just "relocate" your message to a more "suitable" place THEY prefer. I have tested the waters and found out quickly this water burns when provoked.
Some thing real life does not allow.
Well out of respect for the god like powers that be in this thread i will digress from my very valid point.
And thats that folks

God speed hell bound you miserable biased fucks!
Well stated. If you took this to any kind of ethics review, moving posts by a mod who is obviously biased would never be allowed. A good mod would recuse himself of that power or not participate. The great, open, far ranging discussions here on Meso took a big hit. Post what you want in the other threads, just don't do it in the biased mods thread. You will be moved. Fact.
Well stated. If you took this to any kind of ethics review, moving posts by a mod who is obviously biased would never be allowed. A good mod would recuse himself of that power or not participate. The great, open, far ranging discussions here on Meso took a big hit. Post what you want in the other threads, just don't do it in the biased mods thread. You will be moved. Fact.
Ethics review board? LOLZ
millard gives us alot of freedom here
But today is not a good example of that. Not by a long shot
I don't care about trump, all I'm saying is that after seeing those people are doing that to kids 10 an under, crossed the line for me.

also correct me if I'm wrong but I heard in their culture/religion they're allowed to do that shit

but for parents out there, that has to open ur eyes atleast a little bit...

What are you referring to? Refugees, rape?
This is all a joke
I appreciate the answer Millard but this was all a very convenient excuse to move topics that shed poorly on the very biased MOD's party and his beliefs. I hurt his feelings and he used god power to silence me in his place of worship. Funny aint it?
Like i been saying for the past 10 pages. You cannot engage liberals with logic or apparantly facts. They will ignore or not engage you in topic. Keep robo posting hitler memes and left propoganda. When that fails they just "relocate" your message to a more "suitable" place THEY prefer. I have tested the waters and found out quickly this water burns when provoked.
Some thing real life does not allow.
Well out of respect for the god like powers that be in this thread i will digress from my very valid point.
And thats that folks

God speed hell bound you miserable biased fucks!
LOL. I think it's a joke to say that you have been silenced -- in this thread or anywhere else in this forum.

And the topic that you think reflects badly on the Democrats is thriving with 30+ posts. You're welcomed.

[CA] SB-1322 Commercial sex acts: minors.
Well stated. If you took this to any kind of ethics review, moving posts by a mod who is obviously biased would never be allowed. A good mod would recuse himself of that power or not participate. The great, open, far ranging discussions here on Meso took a big hit. Post what you want in the other threads, just don't do it in the biased mods thread. You will be moved. Fact.
Have you not seen some of the crap I've posted in threads before? :oops: Obviously not lol None of it has been moved....;)
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Have you not seen some of the complete crap I've posted in threads before? :oops: Obviously not lol None of it has been moved....;)
Ya that's kinda my point. None of that "crap" was moved. None of the off topic crap in this thread was moved either. Well until the biased mod moved trukkers. Why his? Does anyone think the mod isn't biased? Why is a biased mod allowed to move posts?
You have to care about Trump to be in this thread. Mods, please move these posts to a new thread. By the authors own admission, his posts aren't about Trump.

bro get off my jock strap
What are you referring to? Refugees, rape?

to refugees raping woman and then found out their doing that to young children my dude, an for the one dude who told me the gov tell woman not to dress arousing cuz of them is wrong
Ya that's kinda my point. None of that "crap" was moved. None of the off topic crap in this thread was moved either. Well until the biased mod moved trukkers. Why his? Does anyone think the mod isn't biased? Why is a biased mod allowed to move posts?
There is no mod! If there was my ass would have bin ban 2yrs ago lol
There is no mod! If there was my ass would have bin banned 2yrs ago lol
Ok then what should we call someone that is biased and has the power to remove posts he doesn't agree with from a thread?
It happened. That's not in dispute. Trukker posted and only his posts were moved. Under the guise of being "off topic." Yeah. Right. Like "off topic" doesn't happen on every single thread.
Ok then what should we call someone that is biased and has the power to remove posts he doesn't agree with from a thread?
It happened. That's not in dispute. Trukker posted and only his posts were moved. Under the guise of being "off topic." Yeah. Right. Like "off topic" doesn't happen on every single thread.
I understand your point, now if Trukks post was deleted. Then yes i would agree on that being "biased". Won't continue to clutter....
Could the biased mod use his most awesome powers to rename the thread "BIASED MODS TRUMP SUCKS AND IF YOU POST SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE I'LL MOVE IT THREAD" Much more "on topic."
Dolphin rape bro
Oops better move this post too
Scally better make a dolphin rape thread for me and make it authored by me that i didnt start
Dolphin rape? Fucking japonese!!
Dont start bro
Dolphin rape is off topic and has enough to make an entirely separate thread but oddly enough does no infringe on biased MOD's beliefs
Therefore a new thread will not be started by said biased MOD and i wont have to find out by suprise i apparantly authored said thread about DOLPHIN RAPE
Dont start bro
Dolphin rape is off topic and has enough to make an entirely separate thread but oddly enough does no infringe on biased MOD's beliefs
Therefore a new thread will not be started by said biased MOD and i wont have to find out by suprise i apparantly authored said thread about DOLPHIN RAPE
Ya dolphin rape deemed part of Trumps agenda by biased mod so it stays.