Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

This is all a joke
I appreciate the answer Millard but this was all a very convenient excuse to move topics that shed poorly on the very biased MOD's party and his beliefs. I hurt his feelings and he used god power to silence me in his place of worship. Funny aint it?
Like i been saying for the past 10 pages. You cannot engage liberals with logic or apparantly facts. They will ignore or not engage you in topic. Keep robo posting hitler memes and left propoganda. When that fails they just "relocate" your message to a more "suitable" place THEY prefer. I have tested the waters and found out quickly this water burns when provoked.
Some thing real life does not allow.
Well out of respect for the god like powers that be in this thread i will digress from my very valid point.
And thats that folks

God speed hell bound you miserable biased fucks!

The only tasteless joke here is you and your posts but obviously your non-existent cognitive abilities won't allow you to recognize it.
Still I think it is good to have you here since you have been doing a great job representing your white supremacists group aka Alt-Right so don't go anywhere.

Tip of the day, when you are trying hard to make an argument as you poorly attempted above stay on point and formulate a single coherent thought please, your rambling is getting old.
The only tasteless joke here is you and your posts but obviously your non-existent cognitive abilities won't allow you to recognize it.
Still I think it is good to have you here since you have been doing a great job representing your white supremacists group aka Alt-Right so don't go anywhere.

Tip of the day, when you are trying hard to make an argument as you poorly attempted above stay on point and formulate a single coherent thought please, your rambling is getting old.
You have been proven a liar
Come at me bro. Mr. 168lbs :)
Republicans Begin to Break With President Trump

"For the first time in his presidency, Donald Trump is facing significant criticism from Republican officials and conservative groups who are rattled by his ban on immigrants and refugees from Muslim-majority nations, questioning his domestic policy agenda and worrying about what steps the New York billionaire might take next in the name of nationalism.

By Sunday evening, more than a dozen GOP members of Congress had spoken out against Trump’s executive order on immigration. Among them were an array of the party’s most influential figures."
Calls to stop President Trump's state visit to UK - BBC News

"Calls are being made to cancel a proposed state visit to the UK by President Trump after he issued an executive order clamping down on immigration to the US.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said it would be "totally wrong" for the visit to go ahead later this year.

A petition to stop it has over 800,000 signatures, way over the 100,000 needed for Parliament to consider a debate."
It is of interest how moving OT posts to a thread of its own was done for some nefarious purpose. How does the move aid in any way me personally! It does not. And, these were not just a bit OT, but of no relation or connection to Trump. And, to the contrary, a new thread was made so as to NOT lose the discussion for what is a good subject. The related posts were sure to be lost within this thread. Those objecting should ask themselves why they make such an outcry and inflammatory accusations and not a simple request for reasoning for the move.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" Hamlet, William Shakespeare.
So who exactly determines what is a good subject of discussion on this board? Who decides what thread deserves special attention by a mod to personally decide what constitutes "too far off topic"? You clearly are emotionally invested in this thread far beyond normal moderation activities as evidenced by the lack of the same standards not applied to the rest of meso. You moving the comments to me wasn't necessarily censorship but a way for you personally to show ownership of the thread. I will no longer participate in this thread because emotions have overtaken reason.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks" Hamlet, William Shakespeare
I prefer to just call someone straight out for being a "lady" instead of putting the word in bold text. I know you think this in some way makes you witty by saying bitch without actually saying it.

Well you have pissed on the carpet on marked your territory here. I will no longer participate in this thread because of the mess it's turned out to be. You are free to have your echo chamber on the seemingly only moderated thread on meso. Thank you to those that were able to have civil exchanges here without us hating each other.
White House discussing asking foreign visitors for social media info and cell phone contacts -

Miller also noted on Saturday that Trump administration officials are discussing the possibility of asking foreign visitors to disclose all websites and social media sites they visit, and to share the contacts in their cell phones. If the foreign visitor declines to share such information, he or she could be denied entry.
Here goes your CNN shit again, some real facts would be nice.
Republicans Begin to Break With President Trump

"For the first time in his presidency, Donald Trump is facing significant criticism from Republican officials and conservative groups who are rattled by his ban on immigrants and refugees from Muslim-majority nations, questioning his domestic policy agenda and worrying about what steps the New York billionaire might take next in the name of nationalism.

By Sunday evening, more than a dozen GOP members of Congress had spoken out against Trump’s executive order on immigration. Among them were an array of the party’s most influential figures."
Whether to the right or left they will say and do whatever is necessary to keep their jobs.
Great show on Fox News about trump - watters world. Provides the opposite view of divisiveness and discrimination from the democrats/liberals towards republicans....

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that (President Trump’s executive order) would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

“[Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi has the right to come out and inform Trump that banning Muslims from entering America is a ‘blessed ban,’” said one posting to a pro-Islamic State channel on Telegram, a social-media platform. The writer compared the executive order to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, which Islamic militant leaders at the time hailed as a “blessed invasion” that ignited anti-Western fervor across the Islamic world.