Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Um, isis. Islamic terrorists. The fact that our intelligence agencies have reported isis plans to infiltrate the Syriain Refugee program.

Infiltrate Syrian refugee program what about the 6 other countries on that list?

Also, have any been found inside this country actively planning an attack or aiding terrorists?

Seems like if there is even the slightest of difference between an Obama program and a trump program that there's room to say when Obama does it it's OK, but when trump does it it's racist or unamerican.

When the "slightest difference" happens to be a pretty substantial and significant difference, yes, it can lend to having different opinions about both. Thankfully, I need told you or anyone what I thought about the Obama refugee restrictions so you must just assume I'm all for them.

WASHINGTON—Saying the measure would greatly aid efforts to combat the rise of anti-American sentiment online, the FBI announced Tuesday that it had shut down a prominent new ISIS recruitment website,

“Blocking sites like this one, which spread propaganda in the effort to attract people to ISIS, is vital to winning the war on terror,” said spokesperson Terrence Moreland, adding that the FBI recently became aware of the site after prominent ISIS leaders began posting on social media in support of the online recruitment hub.

“While it can be hard to keep up with the number of internet outlets posting Islamic extremist propaganda, ultimately sites like are the greatest resource ISIS has to incite terrorism against the U.S.

Even though we finally managed to shut it down after a little more than a week, the site was so popular that there’s no telling how many individuals have already been radicalized.”

Moreland went on to say that the FBI was also contacting Twitter to request the removal of several prominent accounts known to encourage ISIS recruitment, including @DHSgov, @POTUS, and @realDonaldTrump, but admitted there was only so much it could do to silence such a determined enemy.
BREAKING NEWS: Full Text of Draft Dissent Channel Memo on Trump Refugee and Visa Order.
BREAKING NEWS: Full Text of Draft Dissent Channel Memo on Trump Refugee and Visa Order

Consider this a major bureaucratic uprising on the part of career foreign service officers against the President on his executive order on refugees.

Numerous Foreign Service officers and other diplomats have drafted a dissent memo expressing opposition to President Donald Trump’s executive order banning refugees and immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States. ABC reported this morning on the draft, which is likely to be submitted today.

Here’s a copy of the actual draft [link].

We are hearing that literally hundreds of foreign service officers are planning to be party to the dissent memo; it’s still unclear exactly how many.

We have redacted all names and personally identifiable information from this document.

The State Department’s Dissent Channel is a mechanism for employees to confidentially express policy disagreement, created in 1971 as a response to concerns within the Department over the government’s handling of the Vietnam War.

Authors of a memo submitted through the Channel, which is open to all regular employees of the State Department and USAID, may not be subject to any penalty or disciplinary action in response. Once a memo is submitted, the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff must acknowledge its receipt within two working days and will usually distribute it to the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, the Chairperson of the Open Forum, and, if the memo’s author is employed by USAID, by the head of that agency as well.

Taking into account the wishes of the author, the memo may also be distributed more broadly within the State Department and may be done so anonymously.

The ultimate significance of the channel is that memos must receive a substantive response within 30-60 working days.

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Sounds familiar doesn't it. Well well well we will see a tsunami of tears from the alt right when trump is impeached or loses the 2020 election bigly leaving the democratic party with a supermajority in congress. Then America will pull itself out of the gutter and take a long hot shower to feel great again.

I'm in shock every time I watch cnn, I mean the fake alternate news, and see a nazi with a very bad haircut signing executive orders.

The silver lining is it will be a devastating blow to the republican alt right in 2018 and they can ony think of how it will be in 2020 when trump is flushed from the Whitehouse.

Do you think he will go quietly or call for a insurrection? I believe it will not be a peaceful transition of power.
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It is The premise this nation was founded upon. So I'm confused on what part of it was not clear. do you know where that quote comes from?
She was a Jewish American Poet. Wrote that in the late 1800s. The statue was shipped over here from France sometime in 1885. This all had nothing to do with this country's founding.:)