Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump is sworn in, rockets fall on Ukraine (Opinion | Trump is sworn in, rockets fall on Ukraine)

COULD IT have been just a coincidence that Russian-backed forces in Ukraine launched their biggest offensive in months the day after Vladimir Putin spoke by phone with President Trump? Somehow, we doubt it. Rather, the volleys of Grad rockets and heavy artillery that have been raining down on Ukrainian army positions since Sunday look a lot like a test of whether the new president will yield to pressure from Moscow.

Jon Stewart Savages Trump: ‘Purposeful, Vindictive Chaos’

The bulk of Mr. Stewart’s appearance was devoted to his recitation, in a willfully halfhearted Trump accent, of several new executive orders, the president’s preferred style of leadership thus far. The first order: “To secure our border, China shall immediately, and without hesitation, send us their wall. Done. Boom.”

To get Mexico to pay for it, “when the wall arrives at the southern border, we shut the lights; we pretend we’re not home,” Mr. Stewart said. “It’s C.O.D.; Mexico has to sign for it.”

He also announced: “America now finally has an official language. The new official language of the United States is” baloney. (Mr. Stewart used a far stronger word beginning with “b.”)

Mr. Stewart then read a third executive order of greater length:

I, Donald J. Trump, am exhausting. It has been 11 days, Stephen. 11 [expletive] days. Eleven. The presidency is supposed to age the president, not the public.

The reason that I, Donald J. Trump, am exhausting is that every instinct and fiber of my pathological self-regard calls me to abuse of power. I want — no, deserve — not just your respect but your adoration. Parades with the tanks and the synchronized dancing, and why can’t they train 10,000 doves to spell out “Trump” in the clouds? How hard can it be? They’re already flying.

I, Donald J. Trump, am exhausting because it is going to take relentless stamina, vigilance and every institutional check and balance this great country can muster to keep me, Donald J. Trump, from going full Palpatine, with the lightning coming out of the fingertips and “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate.”

We have never faced this before. Purposeful, vindictive chaos. But perhaps therein lies the saving grace of my, Donald J. Trump’s, presidency.

No one action will be adequate. All actions will be necessary. And if we do not allow Donald Trump to exhaust our fight and somehow come through this presidency calamity-less and constitutionally partially intact, then I, Donald J. Trump, will have demonstrated the greatness of America. Just not the way I thought I was gonna.
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Potential nominee profile: Neil Gorsuch
Potential nominee profile: Neil Gorsuch - SCOTUSblog

He is celebrated as a keen legal thinker and a particularly incisive legal writer, with a flair that matches — or at least evokes — that of the justice whose seat he would be nominated to fill. In fact, one study has identified him as the most natural successor to Justice Antonin Scalia on the Trump shortlist, both in terms of his judicial style and his substantive approach.


Some of the most high-profile cases in which Gorsuch has cast a vote have involved the religion clauses of the Constitution (those prohibiting the establishment of religion and creating a right to free exercise), as well as congressional statutes expanding protection for religious adherents (known as RFRA and RLUIPA).

To state the obvious, Reuters is a global news organization that reports independently and fairly in more than 100 countries, including many in which the media is unwelcome and frequently under attack. I am perpetually proud of our work in places such as Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Thailand, China, Zimbabwe, and Russia, nations in which we sometimes encounter some combination of censorship, legal prosecution, visa denials, and even physical threats to our journalists. We respond to all of these by doing our best to protect our journalists, by recommitting ourselves to reporting fairly and honestly, by doggedly gathering hard-to-get information – and by remaining impartial. We write very rarely about ourselves and our troubles and very often about the issues that will make a difference in the businesses and lives of our readers and viewers.

We don’t know yet how sharp the Trump administration’s attacks will be over time or to what extent those attacks will be accompanied by legal restrictions on our news-gathering. But we do know that we must follow the same rules that govern our work anywhere, namely:
So complaining about that would make my argument more credible? Nice to know lol.

I have actually said that while I think gun laws to a certain extent are fine, I still disagree with some of them.

I love Chinese rice!

Who said FDR is my hero? I disagree on those concentration camps as I do about this ban.

You've spent the last 8 years crying about Obama, please allow the rest of us some crying time. You can't have it all.

Unlike you, I made coherent arguments as to why Obama's policies were both disastrous and typically also violated the Constitution as well as his obligations as POTUS.

Enjoy your rice. Let's hope the Chinese didn't put too many heavy metals in it.
Unlike you, I made coherent arguments as to why Obama's policies were both disastrous and typically also violated the Constitution as well as his obligations as POTUS.

You made arguments. Coherent is not the word I'd use to describe them though.

Enjoy your rice. Let's hope the Chinese didn't put too many heavy metals in it.

I do enjoy the ride but if I were you, I'd worry more about the AAS you inject with Chinese raws since, you know, you're injecting them and shit
Unlike you, I made coherent arguments as to why Obama's policies were both disastrous and typically also violated the Constitution as well as his obligations as POTUS.

Enjoy your rice. Let's hope the Chinese didn't put too many heavy metals in it.

But EPA is a joke and should be abolished (D J T ) and talking about heavy metals in food. I never enjoyed calling out an imbecile more in my life. I know he has me on ignore :) I like others to see how brilliant our Ivy leage businessmen here.