Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump admin took down voting commission website (with recommendations on making voting better, if you're interested) but MIT has it back up!

I'm sure you all will be happy to know devos was confirmed.
She wasn't confirmed. HER nomination goes to the full Senate.

A woman who put her kids through private school now iin charge of the education of kids who did not pop out of the pussy of a billionaire.
This ban is in effect for 7 countries and doesn't affect 90% of the Muslim population. This executive order was approved to protect the citizens of the United States from countries known to harbor and produce terrorist activities. He is making good on the things he campaigned about, the very topics that got him elected in the first place. This is a Temporary ban and people are going bananas over it.

Buckle up Trump supporters because this is what's going to happen on every single item/campaign promise he implements. Of over 300,000 immigrants coming into our country, only 100 were detained and questioned.

We have short memories don't we? Where was this outrage when our entire economy moved overseas? Where was it when Obama increased the national debt more than all other presidents combined? What is it about putting America first that troubles everyone so?

Ive listened to presidential hopefuls for over 30 years and they all promise change and we get change all right, not the good kind either. Trump is going full speed ahead and implementing change and trying to secure our borders. Are there going to be some unfortunate occurrences as a result? Of course. There always are and nothing worthwhile ever comes without a price. The majority of US citizens support what Trump is trying to do. 49% approve, 41% disapprove. America First means something to me.
This ban is in effect for 7 countries and doesn't affect 90% of the Muslim population. This executive order was approved to protect the citizens of the United States from countries known to harbor and produce terrorist activities. He is making good on the things he campaigned about, the very topics that got him elected in the first place. This is a Temporary ban and people are going bananas over it.

What would the you say if a president banned 7 different types of firearms that are currently allowed for civilian ownership and that didn't affect 90% of gun owners?
What would the you say if a president banned 7 different types of firearms that are currently allowed for civilian ownership and that didn't affect 90% of gun owners?

First of all, the government already does ban a lot of firearms for no reason that makes sense to anyone with a room temperature IQ or higher. That doesn't make it right, but I haven't heard you complain about it?

Secondly, what does that have to do with the price of rice in China? That's supposed to be an analogy?

Your liberal hero FDR created concentration camps in the US. This is a temporary ban on 7 unpleasant nations, one or two barely being nations. Cry me a river...

You need to take a deep breath and get some perspective.
What would the you say if a president banned 7 different types of firearms that are currently allowed for civilian ownership and that didn't affect 90% of gun owners?
Im not getting the correlation. There are few things the government can do to me that hasn't already been done. They take 33 plus % of everything i make in taxes, then misspend my money and create a horrendous debt with it, then consider higher taxes to cover their incompetent use of the taxes ive already paid. To top that off, i get a bonus check once a year that they take over 40% of. Every year, i look at what i gross on that check and what i get and try not to get pissed off. Then, they steal people's houses right out from under them if they cant pay their property tax. These are issues i care about. Whether or not a few hundred possibly dangerous or a few thousand have to wait a few months to enter this country doesn't really bother me tbh. There are far too many immigrants coming to this country when its already having a hard time with the population it already has.
First of all, the government already does ban a lot of firearms for no reason that makes sense to anyone with a room temperature IQ or higher. That doesn't make it right, but I haven't heard you complain about it?

So complaining about that would make my argument more credible? Nice to know lol.

I have actually said that while I think gun laws to a certain extent are fine, I still disagree with some of them.

Secondly, what does that have to do with the price of rice in China? That's supposed to be an analogy?

I love Chinese rice!

Your liberal hero FDR created concentration camps in the US. This is a temporary ban on 7 unpleasant nations, one or two barely being nations. Cry me a river...

You need to take a deep breath and get some perspective.

Who said FDR is my hero? I disagree on those concentration camps as I do about this ban.

You've spent the last 8 years crying about Obama, please allow the rest of us some crying time. You can't have it all.
Im working right now doc, but i will elaborate on my feelings a little better when i get a chance.
Honestly, i dont care much about money, material possessions, etc, despite my issues with how our government has been run but i will say this; We have people starving and homeless in our own nations capitol and we should be concerned about solving the numerous problems we have within our borders first and foremost.

Second, we have military vets that cant even get the medical coverage they were promised and deserve. Instead, they wait at VA hospitals with terrible service and barely enough funds to make ends meet. You've seen the Wounded Warrior Project commercials im sure. Why should veterans have to ask us for money for services and care our government should be providing? Its fucked.
Im working right now doc, but i will elaborate on my feelings a little better when i get a chance.

Take you're time Ded. This issue won't be going away anytime soon hahahaha.

Honestly, i dont care much about money, material possessions, etc, despite my issues with how our government has been run but i will say this; We have people starving and homeless in our own nations capitol and we should be concerned about solving the numerous problems we have within our borders first and foremost.

Do you honestly believe we only have the ability to choose one or the other? You truly don't think we can take on both issues concurrently?

Second, we have military vets that cant even get the medical coverage they were promised and deserve. Instead, they wait at VA hospitals with terrible service and barely enough funds to make ends meet. You've seen the Wounded Warrior Project commercials im sure. Why should veterans have to ask us for money for services and care our government should be providing? Its fucked.

For someone who risks life and limb for their country they should be taken care of no questions asked. Full agreement. Problem is, our gets being taken care of has little to do with immigration in this country and how politicians squander away money to and amongst themselves.
Also, Wounded Warriors Project is a garbage charity to donate to in case anybody doesn't know. Many charities for vets donate 90% or more of the money they make while wounded warriors only donates around 60%. The other 40% gets used for extravagent conventions and shit.

Gorsuch is a judge on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Denver-based federal court that covers Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming, as well as the portions of Yellowstone National Park that extend into Montana and Idaho. He was appointed to the position by George W. Bush in 2006 and was confirmed by the Senate in a voice vote.

He attended Harvard Law School, as well as Columbia and Oxford, and clerked for Justices Byron White and Anthony Kennedy of the Supreme Court. (White retired in 1993 and died in 2002.) It’s the sort of gleaming ivory C.V. that was (largely absent) from the rest of Trump’s shortlist.

Academically, Gorsuch would fit right in: Every current justice attended law school at either Harvard or Yale. But if he’s confirmed, it would be the first time a justice and his former clerk sat together on the Supreme Court. Gorsuch is 49. The youngest member of the current court, Justice Elena Kagan, is 56.

Ideologically, Gorsuch would almost certainly represent a reliably conservative vote and voice, restoring the tenuous balance on the court that existed before Scalia’s death. According to ”judicial common space” scores, developed by a team of political scientists and legal scholars, Gorsuch would be the most conservative justice save for the silent stalwart Justice Clarence Thomas and would sit somewhere just to the right of the ideological space occupied by Scalia.