Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You made arguments. Coherent is not the word I'd use to describe them though.

I do enjoy the ride but if I were you, I'd worry more about the AAS you inject with Chinese raws since, you know, you're injecting them and shit

Be specific then - I assiduously made clear references to bad policies and their consequences, constitutional violations etc - and in return you and your liberal ilk went off on the deep red emotional end of the spectrum. Inherently impossible to have a constructive argument with your kind if you refuse to engage around facts.

Not using Chinese raws - IIRC they're Indian, Thai, Swiss - but who knows what's in there, all the brands I use have a good track record though.

The Chinese have a little worse history of safe food products, toys, cars and, well, the list goes on.

I'm unsubbing this thread - I've found precious little intellectual horsepower on display here.
Never Again: Muslim Ban Echoes Authoritarian States
Never Again: Muslim Ban Echoes Authoritarian States

America’s denial of refuge to people fleeing atrocities threatens a carefully constructed international system.

It was a defining moment when former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani announced on national television that the president of the United States was intent on persecuting Muslims.

“I’ll tell you the whole history of it: When he first announced it, he said, ‘Muslim ban,’” Giuliani told Fox News on January 28. “He called me up, he said, ‘Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.’”

The motto of mass persecution is “never again.” It is a mantra uttered when memories of old horrors are revived in the wake of new affronts. Every time, state propagandists argue that the policy is necessary for the safety of citizens, the security of the state or the good of the people.

We heard the futile cry of “never again” in Bosnia, in Rwanda, in Syria.

And now, we are hearing echoes of it in America.

What we must never forget about Donald Trump’s Muslim ban is that, in the beginning, there was no pretext. That came later, devised by Giuliani, who — according to his own account — dutifully put together a legal strategy to justify the senseless persecution of a religious minority.

We must never forget the policy began as bigotry, plain and simple: a ban on Muslims on the basis they are Muslims, an affront to international norms and a constitution that holds that all are created equal.

There is nothing rational about a Muslim ban: prohibiting citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan Syria and Yemen from coming to the United States does not strengthen national security. Detaining Muslim children, cancer victims and caregivers — those are among the many Muslims who were detained after the ban — does nothing but afflict the innocent. No terrorists have been caught. No lives have been saved.
Be specific then - I assiduously made clear references to bad policies and their consequences, constitutional violations etc - and in return you and your liberal ilk went off on the deep red emotional end of the spectrum. Inherently impossible to have a constructive argument with your kind if you refuse to engage around facts.

Not using Chinese raws - IIRC they're Indian, Thai, Swiss - but who knows what's in there, all the brands I use have a good track record though.

The Chinese have a little worse history of safe food products, toys, cars and, well, the list goes on.

I'm unsubbing this thread - I've found precious little intellectual horsepower on display here.

Well you've got to pick one: are you unsubbing from this thread or do you want me to be more specific?
Im working right now doc, but i will elaborate on my feelings a little better when i get a chance.
Honestly, i dont care much about money, material possessions, etc, despite my issues with how our government has been run but i will say this; We have people starving and homeless in our own nations capitol and we should be concerned about solving the numerous problems we have within our borders first and foremost.

Second, we have military vets that cant even get the medical coverage they were promised and deserve. Instead, they wait at VA hospitals with terrible service and barely enough funds to make ends meet. You've seen the Wounded Warrior Project commercials im sure. Why should veterans have to ask us for money for services and care our government should be providing? Its fucked.

One more thing Ded:

If you look at the banning immigrants thread that 10lbsleft started, you'll see a guy who served his country but doesn't like the medical service he got in return bc a nurse "smiled at him while wearing a headrag". I mean he didn't complain about the medical service he received, just that the nurse appeared to be a Muslim. He also thinks she should leave the country lol
One more thing Ded:

If you look at the banning immigrants thread that 10lbsleft started, you'll see a guy who served his country but doesn't like the medical service he got in return bc a nurse "smiled at him while wearing a headrag". I mean he didn't complain about the medical service he received, just that the nurse appeared to be a Muslim. He also thinks she should leave the country lol
That's ridiculous to me but there's always a few that take things too far in either direction.
Perhaps he spent too much time fighting terrorists in his tour, many of whom wear those. Who knows. War can make people lose it.
Its a difficult and emotional time for many and when emotions run high, fears override logical thought. I just try my best to live in the here and now and not let my mind create unnecessary stresses. Now is a good time for everyone to take a deep breath, and try to create more positive energy. That's what's needed now. I don't believe anything Trump could do as a single entity can outweigh the energy that millions of people create when they are all creating a massive cloud of negative energy. If everyone were willing to think positively and create higher energy, the result would be astounding and Earth changing. I trust that things will work out exactly as they are supposed to and the end result will be to the benefit of all souls involved.
Michael Scally, why are you so salty with your constant anti-Trump rhetoric? Hop on the Trump Train broflake or you're gonna get left behind!
Michael Scally, why are you so salty with your constant anti-Trump rhetoric? Hop on the Trump Train broflake or you're gonna get left behind!
Hop on the trump train? We have enough ignorant fucks on this board already.

Dr Scally is infinitely more useful to this board than your worthless alt right ass imbecile.
Hop on the trump train? We have enough ignorant fucks on this board already.

Dr Scally is infinitely more useful to this board than your worthless alt right ass imbecile.
I think it's about time for your pacifier! [emoji22][emoji24]
I think it about time for you to swallow dick. Have respect for members who contribute. You contribute nothing.