Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

That's just not how america works bro. I accuse you of something then tell you to prove your innocence?

The American justice system works EXACTLY like that.
Example: A bank is robbed. Video surveillance of robbery points to a person familiar to law enforcement. The bank teller identifies the same person in a police lineup. Person arrested and charged. Now, suspect must prove their innocence. Suspect will call any and all witnesses that put them far from the scene during the robbery. Plus, anything else that proves innocence.

In your argument, I believe you are referencing “presumed innocent until proven guilty.” That’s a farce man. Many, many people are incarcerated that lack resources to properly defend themselves in our justice system.
The American justice system works EXACTLY like that.
Example: A bank is robbed. Video surveillance of robbery points to a person familiar to law enforcement. The bank teller identifies the same person in a police lineup. Person arrested and charged. Now, suspect must prove their innocence. Suspect will call any and all witnesses that put them far from the scene during the robbery. Plus, anything else that proves innocence.

In your argument, I believe you are referencing “presumed innocent until proven guilty.” That’s a farce man. Many, many people are incarcerated that lack resources to properly defend themselves in our justice system.

Well people are idiots. They should never talk to cops. And they should always ask for a lawyer.

But with that said, while you're on trial, you have the 5th amendment. All that means is you dont have to participate in the trial(testify, provide witnesses...), you can participate, but you dont have to.
Well people are idiots. They should never talk to cops. And they should always ask for a lawyer.

But with that said, while you're on trial, you have the 5th amendment. All that means is you dont have to participate in the trial(testify, provide witnesses...), you can participate, but you dont have to.

Agreed on both fronts.

However, guilty people are the only ones that take the 5th, which circles back to our President.
Agreed on both fronts.

However, guilty people are the only ones that take the 5th, which circles back to our President.

Well in my experience, any lawyer worth his salt will tell you not to take the stand.

But I'm with you. Lets call the witnesses. I'd love for them to call Bolton, guiliani and whoever else the dems want (lev parnas who in my opinion is not credible at all).

But that opens it up for hunter biden to be called and the "whistleblower" to be called. Call joe biden too. Hell he shouldnt be free to campaign while the other candidates are tied up in the senate "working".

Heres the kicker. All the witnesses in the world cant manufacture a crime out of thin air. There was no crime. They're not charging the president with bribery, or quid pro quo like they were calling it.

It's abuse of power, and obstruction of congress.

Obstruction is bs, you go to court and let the court compel the subpoenaed witnesses to testify. Congress cant force the presidents hand. Thats what checks and balances are about. The framers knew that power eventually corrupts, so they built in all these checks and balances, so that everyone holds the rest accountable.

Congress asks the president for something, the president says fuck off. The judicial system settles it. Checks and balances.

As far as abusing power? Meh, it's a stretch. He wasnt the first to do it. He wont be the last. Is it right? Probably not. Is it illegal or an impeachable offense. No way.
Spin, spin all you want. Bring in witnesses.
The dems brought in their own witnesses!!! And what did they admit to? NOTHING. When asked, “What crime has been committed to your knowledge?” there was dead silence. Crickets. Not a single word spoken when asked the question multiple times to multiple groups of democratic “witnesses” during testimony. The videos are all over YouTube. Go and actually watch the hearings. They were complete duds.
The dems brought in their own witnesses!!! And what did they admit to? NOTHING. When asked, “What crime has been committed to your knowledge?” there was dead silence. Crickets. Not a single word spoken when asked the question multiple times to multiple groups of democratic “witnesses” during testimony. The videos are all over YouTube. Go and actually watch the hearings. They were complete duds.

Seems like you watched some fake edited hearings. I watched it on Fox news and they pretty much all said he was guilty of trying to get another country to get dirt on a political opponent. Fox did try to spin it to say that it isn't a crime, but according to the US Constitution it may very well be. Also, don't forget that all the first hand witnesses were blocked from testifying and told they would go to jail if they did so by the white house. That alone should tell you that even the white house thinks they did something wrong and are trying to cover it up. If I were the president, and I was completely innocent, I would have allowed everyone to testify, provided full access to the original unedited transcript, and when found that the Dems were making it all up I would use it to campaign and win reelection in a landslide.
Seems like you watched some fake edited hearings. I watched it on Fox news and they pretty much all said he was guilty of trying to get another country to get dirt on a political opponent. Fox did try to spin it to say that it isn't a crime, but according to the US Constitution it may very well be. Also, don't forget that all the first hand witnesses were blocked from testifying and told they would go to jail if they did so by the white house. That alone should tell you that even the white house thinks they did something wrong and are trying to cover it up. If I were the president, and I was completely innocent, I would have allowed everyone to testify, provided full access to the original unedited transcript, and when found that the Dems were making it all up I would use it to campaign and win reelection in a landslide. (Silence As Rep. Ratcliffe Asks Witnesses Where The Impeachable Offense Is -

Just one of the times this was done. I’m all for having a full Senate showdown. It will be embarrassing. I would LOVE for Guliani to testify. They didn’t let them participate because they didn’t want to further the circus show that was pit on. The Senate will bury this quickly, but dems will still try something else before the election. They have no other play.
Seems like you watched some fake edited hearings. I watched it on Fox news and they pretty much all said he was guilty of trying to get another country to get dirt on a political opponent. Fox did try to spin it to say that it isn't a crime, but according to the US Constitution it may very well be. Also, don't forget that all the first hand witnesses were blocked from testifying and told they would go to jail if they did so by the white house. That alone should tell you that even the white house thinks they did something wrong and are trying to cover it up. If I were the president, and I was completely innocent, I would have allowed everyone to testify, provided full access to the original unedited transcript, and when found that the Dems were making it all up I would use it to campaign and win reelection in a landslide.
That's not what I recall. And the dems arent making it up, as much as spinning it to make it into something its not( an impeachable offense).

If I were president I would be hesitant to turn anything over, that I didnt have to, to a dem house who's been trying to impeach me since my first day in office.

Democrats Are Paving the Way to Impeach Donald Trump (Democratic Rep. Sherman Drafts Article of Impeachment Against Trump)

They been trying to impeach him since before he became president. They want to remove a duly elected president, because of differing views and policies( and maybe he offended them along the way).


Americans, regardless of your political affiliation, regardless of your views, should see this as a grave threat to American democracy. People hate trump so much they turn a blind eye, the rest are just sheep and will follow liberals even to the demise of places they live in(look at nyc, look at most of cali, look at Chicago all ran by liberals).

Impeachment was never intended to be weaponized, it's not used to settle policy disagreements, its not used to remove a duly elected official just because the rival party has the majority in the house.

This is bigger than trump. What's gonna happen in the future? Is the majority party in the house(who solely holds the responsiblity of impeaching a president) going to run the country? Should a president be at the mercy of the house of representatives?

Believe me, I'm far from a trump fan boy. I'm more a byproduct of failed liberal policies, that forced my hand to look at other options.