Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You, my friend, are wrong in so many ways.

But let's start with clinton did commit an actual on the law books crime, perjury to a grand jury. You're right that the Republicans took it and ran with it. But it's a crime nonetheless.

I could tell you who I voted for in the past few elections. Obama, then no one, then Gary Johnson. So far from a trump fan boy.
Oh for fucks sakes man you literally didn’t even understand my point. I never said he didn’t commit a crime, I said the conservatives themselves admitted the president didn’t have to commit one to be impeachable during the Clinton ordeal.

Again with your played out centrist gimmick.
Ever wonder why a political party, as policy, would be pro illegal immigration?

I thought about it, and really tried to think of why any one would be so adamantly pro illegal immigration (of course under the guise of humanitarian reasons).

The Political Fertility Gap

This Shocking Map Shows Republicans' Most Powerful Political Weapon

One about marriage:

It's to offset the the babies that liberals are not having (mainly because they cant afford to, cost of living in liberal cities, the high taxes in liberal cities, the high cost of education everywhere really). And I hate to talk about this, it's just such a touchy subject, but liberals are more likely to be pro choice, as where conservatives are more likely to be pro life.

Think about that the next time your city refuses to turn over a crime committing illegal alien, and he goes on to rape and murder a 92 year old woman. Because they claim to be a immigrant sanctuary haven.

Lmao wooooowwwwww. Okay yeah, you spouting this conspiracy theory bullshit shows your true colors for sure.

So let’s take that exact same idea and spin it for the conservatives.

Wonder why conservatives are by policy anti immigration?

They’re all racist xenophobic white supremacists. They just want America to be a white nation no one with dark skin allowed.
Lmao wooooowwwwww. Okay yeah, you spouting this conspiracy theory bullshit shows your true colors for sure.

So let’s take that exact same idea and spin it for the conservatives.

Wonder why conservatives are by policy anti immigration?

They’re all racist xenophobic white supremacists. They just want America to be a white nation no one with dark skin allowed.
Dont be silly.

My stance was backed by facts, yours by opinion.
Oh for fucks sakes man you literally didn’t even understand my point. I never said he didn’t commit a crime, I said the conservatives themselves admitted the president didn’t have to commit one to be impeachable during the Clinton ordeal.

Again with your played out centrist gimmick.
I misread your post. I dont know for sure if what you're saying is true. I was way too young during the clinton impeachment to remember.

But you can definitely see hypocrisy on both sides when you see the record then from now. I'll agree with that.
I'm not white, and pride for my nation doesnt make me a xenophobic.

So why am I anti illegal immigration.


You’re clearly having trouble comprehending my points here.

You make the claim the liberals are pro immigration because we don’t reproduce enough (lmfao) and I made the ridiculous claim that conservatives are against immigration because they are xenophobic racists.

I was using your ridiculous views in the opposite direction.
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I'm not white, and pride for my nation doesnt make me a xenophobic.

So why am I anti illegal immigration.


And I’m a Blackfoot native currently serving in the us army. Who also loves America. But recognizes it has its terrible history and present flaws that still need to be recognized and addressed.

You need to seriously slow down and wait like 10 minutes before you post because either you’re not intellectually competent to even address or you’re just automatically assuming the most generic liberal stance on a subject to me.
You’re clearly having trouble comprehending my points here.

You make the claim the liberals are pro immigration because we don’t reproduce enough (lmfao) and I made the ridiculous claim that conservatives are against immigration because they are xenophobic racists.

I was using you’re ridiculous views in the opposite direction.

Me and you can be considered liberal 9r conservative based on our views. We arent politicians.

I should've been more clear. Democrats are pro illegal immigration as a policy. There has to be a reason. It cant solely be because of humanitarian reasons.

And maybe, it's to offset the fact that people in democratic run cities/ states arent having as many children as people in Republican ran cities/states. Manly because of democratic policies, that make it too expensive to live in these places.

Couple it with what I posted earlier in this thread about people moving out of democratic states in record numbers( voting with their feet) plus a pro choice view.

The blue-state exodus gains momentum

Factor in some blue states will lose seats in the house do to shifts in population.

And you can see why democrats would have a pro illegal immigration view point.
And I’m a Blackfoot native currently serving in the us army. Who also loves America. But recognizes it has its terrible history and present flaws that still need to be recognized and addressed.

You need to seriously slow down and wait like 10 minutes before you post because either you’re not intellectually competent to even address or you’re just automatically assuming the most generic liberal stance on a subject to me.
And I’m a Blackfoot native currently serving in the us army. Who also loves America. But recognizes it has its terrible history and present flaws that still need to be recognized and addressed.

You need to seriously slow down and wait like 10 minutes before you post because either you’re not intellectually competent to even address or you’re just automatically assuming the most generic liberal stance on a subject to me.

No one is denying American history. And no one is claiming america is perfect.

And thank you for your service.
Me and you can be considered liberal 9r conservative based on our views. We arent politicians.

I should've been more clear. Democrats are pro illegal immigration as a policy. There has to be a reason. It cant solely be because of humanitarian reasons.

And maybe, it's to offset the fact that people in democratic run cities/ states arent having as many children as people in Republican ran cities/states. Manly because of democratic policies, that make it too expensive to live in these places.

Couple it with what I posted earlier in this thread about people moving out of democratic states in record numbers( voting with their feet) plus a pro choice view.

The blue-state exodus gains momentum

Factor in some blue states will lose seats in the house do to shifts in population.

And you can see why democrats would have a pro illegal immigration view point.
Now if you want to look at it conversely, republicans are anti illegal immigration, because of the shift in ideals, right. Immigrants are gonna come here, most likely to the huge coastal cities where theres more jobs, and a larger social system. Where they can chase the American dream. Put their kids through college...

The kids of immigrants will most likely lean left. And vote left. And local governments and Congress are all voted in by popular vote. So it makes sense that republicans would be against immigration as a policy. They already stand little to no chance of winning over these deep blue states.

But if i had to pick one over the other. I'm gonna pick the one that puts america first.

It's not about race it's not about humanity. It's the long game. It's the strategy for people that are looking ahead at what would lead to them gaining power.