Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Why would anyone here give a damn about what some German says about our President o_O??? He doesn’t like Trump. He doesn’t like that Trump is making Europe finally step up to the plate and do their own work/pay what the agreed to. Trump is for America before he is for anyone else, and people like this are upset that they can no longer take advantage of America like they used to.

It was the world economic forum!? What's he supposed to talk about, let me guess, the economy, and how his successful policies can translate on a global scale.

It's become a political strategy to just disagree with trump. No matter what, no matter the substance. Just disagree. Let's see how that works out for politicians as a strategy. How about telling me what youre gonna do, how about talking about youre policies

From the article:
"But conduct need not be criminal to be impeachable," the group added. "The standard here is constitutional; it does not depend on what Congress has chosen to criminalize."

So he doesnt need to commit treason, or a high crime or misdemeanor, congress just has to disagree with him in order to impeach him.

Scary precedent they're trying to establish.
From the article:
"But conduct need not be criminal to be impeachable," the group added. "The standard here is constitutional; it does not depend on what Congress has chosen to criminalize."

So he doesnt need to commit treason, or a high crime or misdemeanor, congress just has to disagree with him in order to impeach him.

Scary precedent they're trying to establish.
The Constitution is irrelevant to them. And it is a VERY scary precedent that’s being set here. Time this with the assault on the 2nd amendment, and it’s a recipe for a democratic disaster.
From the article:
"But conduct need not be criminal to be impeachable," the group added. "The standard here is constitutional; it does not depend on what Congress has chosen to criminalize."

So he doesnt need to commit treason, or a high crime or misdemeanor, congress just has to disagree with him in order to impeach him.

Scary precedent they're trying to establish.

And conservatives were saying the same thing back when Clinton shit happened. That the president doesn’t need to do anything illegal to be impeached, per say. Literally takes 2 seconds to type it into YouTube. The republicans (like many politicians) will say whatever to not be caught in there own shit.

Your whole gimmick of, “ I’m not a trump fan” would be more believable if you actually had an objective view on something or you’re own original stance on anything.

All you really do is parrot a bunch hilariously terrible conservative talking point with little to no personal research and blame the dems for all your woes and misfortunes.

Give me a break, at least have the balls and say what you are. You’re a trump supporter. We all see it.

I mean idk why you’re so afraid, it’s the perfect place for you considering this is a pit for the borderline alt right types.
And conservatives were saying the same thing back when Clinton shit happened. That the president doesn’t need to do anything illegal to be impeached, per say. Literally takes 2 seconds to type it into YouTube. The republicans (like many politicians) will say whatever to not be caught in there own shit.

Your whole gimmick of, “ I’m not a trump fan” would be more believable if you actually had an objective view on something or you’re own original stance on anything.

All you really do is parrot a bunch hilariously terrible conservative talking point with little to no personal research and blame the dems for all your woes and misfortunes.

Give me a break, at least have the balls and say what you are. You’re a trump supporter. We all see it.

I mean idk why you’re so afraid, it’s the perfect place for you considering this is a pit for the borderline alt right types.
You, my friend, are wrong in so many ways.

But let's start with clinton did commit an actual on the law books crime, perjury to a grand jury. You're right that the Republicans took it and ran with it. But it's a crime nonetheless.

I could tell you who I voted for in the past few elections. Obama, then no one, then Gary Johnson. So far from a trump fan boy.
It is a foregone conclusion that the travesty of an abomination of a fraud that will take place beginning today in the Senate will result in an acquittal. But it is also something more. It is the latest sign that American politics and the GOP are broken. Big changes are coming.

My guess is that as a result of GOP abuses, the failures of our system of government, demographic shifts in the US, and flaws in the Constitution regarding representation & how presidents are elected that in the next several decades we are headed for a major systemic disruption.

That almost certainly means new political parties. It may mean major efforts to revamp our Constitution. It could mean efforts by some states at secession. At the least it will be a sea-change much like the death of the Whig Party-at worse something more like what followed that.

I'm not saying we're do for another civil war. But I am saying that our situation is unsustainable. Too few have too much power. Too many are disenfranchised. Our legal and political structures are not suited to our political reality.

To paraphrase Nixon economic advisor Herb Stein, that which is unsustainable will not be sustained. Change is coming. This Senate trial will produce a GOP "victory" but in the end it is one more nail in the coffin of our system as we now know it.

We can only hope & work toward the goal that the change that is coming is to preserve what is best in our system and will help restore fairness, balance, the rule of law and equality of opportunity for all Americans-everything currently put at risk by our present day corruption.

Thread by @djrothkopf: It is a foregone conclusion that the travesty of an abomination of a fraud that will take place beginning today in the Senate will result in…
Ever wonder why a political party, as policy, would be pro illegal immigration?

I thought about it, and really tried to think of why any one would be so adamantly pro illegal immigration (of course under the guise of humanitarian reasons).

The Political Fertility Gap

This Shocking Map Shows Republicans' Most Powerful Political Weapon

One about marriage:

It's to offset the the babies that liberals are not having (mainly because they cant afford to, cost of living in liberal cities, the high taxes in liberal cities, the high cost of education everywhere really). And I hate to talk about this, it's just such a touchy subject, but liberals are more likely to be pro choice, as where conservatives are more likely to be pro life.

Think about that the next time your city refuses to turn over a crime committing illegal alien, and he goes on to rape and murder a 92 year old woman. Because they claim to be a immigrant sanctuary haven.