Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The fact that the transcript was released shut the dems up quick. Never has a transcript of a convo between the President and another world leader been released before. The dems NEVER thought it would be released. “But it’s not the full transcript” lol now that is grasping at straws. Then it was off to the next “crime” they could come up with.

So both Trump and Zelensky are lying? It’s another conspiracy......Then who do you get the truth from? They had the conversation and the transcript was released, but put your own idea of what was said into it :confused:

The aid WAS given to Ukraine. And it wasn’t a bunch of blankets lol. And we got nothing in return. So no quid pro quo (which Sonland said Trump said to him directly in his testimony).

If you want to believe there was some massive crime that Trump needs to be impeached for then go down that rabbit hole. I just enjoy watching the shit show knowing what the outcome will be.

What in the world are you talking about, the small portion of the full conversation was released and in that small portion trump literally try’s to get foreign leader to investigate a political candidate. It shut no one up it only made things worse for your holier than thou leader.

So your argument is that if something illegal did happen, trump and Zelenksy would of admitted to it? What world are you living in? Why would they admit their own guilt?

Again the full transcript was not released and what was released certainly didn’t help trump.

Lol [emoji23] holy shit, so why would trump say that in the first place???!? Is your first response when getting pulled over by the cops, “officer I swear I don’t have drugs under my seat right now”. Like how the hell can you not see what happend there? He clearly went into panic mode once shit hit the fan.

Do you actually think that all of the dems think he will actually be removed? The reason this is being done is because it was wrong for him to do regardless if we actually kick him out of office. Period.

So strange, for the side that preaches positions based on principles, it’s apparently hard to for them to understand why you would do something like this based on principle.
I think they need to have a basic test that you have to pass in order to be elegible to vote, because people like you with no common sense are really ruining the country.

If you actually read the transcript, you would have seen there was a disclaimer written on it saying something along the lines that it is not a full transcript and has been heavily edited. Even before Trump was being accused of anything, that one soldier who listened to the call tried to ammend the transcript because they somehow left out the whole barisma chat.

The aid was released right after Trump found out someone put in a formal complaint. If that complaint had not been filed then they were 100% going to hold that aid back.

If your not smart enough to realize that Ukraine has no choice to side with Trump to get aid in the future then there is no hope for you. Let's just say Trump is completely innocent, if the Dems had full control of Senate and house, it would be a sure bet that Ukraine would lie and say Trump was bribing them to stay on the Dems good side for the future because they are aid dependant. Right now it's pretty obvious that Senate will not impeach him and Ukraine knows this. This aid is literally life or death for some of their people.

Seriously, I don't think what Trump did, bribing Ukraine, is something to be impeached over. I see no problem with trying to get another country to investigate a US citizen who may have committed crimes. However, the obstruction of Justice charge is fully credible and he should be impeached for that. No president should be above the laws of this country.

Also, the GOP defense went from "there was no quid pro quo" to "it's not a crime because it was a failed quid pro quo"

It the cops go undercover as a drug dealer and set up a drug deal, if there are no real drugs present, the person being set up is still charged despite them not receiving the drugs...

And there’s the document. See the bottom of the first page? Read it. It says absolutely nothing about it being “heavily edited”. That’s a leftist talking point due to the release of the call.
What in the world are you talking about, the small portion of the full conversation was released and in that small portion trump literally try’s to get foreign leader to investigate a political candidate. It shut no one up it only made things worse for your holier than thou leader.

So your argument is that if something illegal did happen, trump and Zelenksy would of admitted to it? What world are you living in? Why would they admit their own guilt?

Again the full transcript was not released and what was released certainly didn’t help trump.

Lol [emoji23] holy shit, so why would trump say that in the first place???!? Is your first response when getting pulled over by the cops, “officer I swear I don’t have drugs under my seat right now”. Like how the hell can you not see what happend there? He clearly went into panic mode once shit hit the fan.

Do you actually think that all of the dems think he will actually be removed? The reason this is being done is because it was wrong for him to do regardless if we actually kick him out of office. Period.

So strange, for the side that preaches positions based on principles, it’s apparently hard to for them to understand why you would do something like this based on principle.

Read the transcript through unbiased lenses and you see it was a normal conversation. It’s posted above for you to actually read.

Wait a minute. Are you seriously telling me that the dems haven’t been trying any and everything including impeachment to get rid of Trump and/or make him unelectable in 2020? Now that is a stretch there!

Trump isn’t perfect by a long shot, but he isn’t anywhere close to the realm of where the majority of Democrats think he is, or want everyone to think he is. There are zero high crimes or misdemeanors, but keep thinking there are.
What in the world are you talking about, the small portion of the full conversation was released and in that small portion trump literally try’s to get foreign leader to investigate a political candidate. It shut no one up it only made things worse for your holier than thou leader.

So your argument is that if something illegal did happen, trump and Zelenksy would of admitted to it? What world are you living in? Why would they admit their own guilt?

Again the full transcript was not released and what was released certainly didn’t help trump.

Lol [emoji23] holy shit, so why would trump say that in the first place???!? Is your first response when getting pulled over by the cops, “officer I swear I don’t have drugs under my seat right now”. Like how the hell can you not see what happend there? He clearly went into panic mode once shit hit the fan.

Do you actually think that all of the dems think he will actually be removed? The reason this is being done is because it was wrong for him to do regardless if we actually kick him out of office. Period.

So strange, for the side that preaches positions based on principles, it’s apparently hard to for them to understand why you would do something like this based on principle.
Principle? Its solely to try to sway whatever voters that are on the fence.

Good luck with that.
Midnight Mitch

I could be wrong as I lost count, but I think Democrats went 0-13 in votes last night/this morning.

Why are the hearings going as late as 2:00 a.m? Why the rush? Originally, Mitch McConnell, who’s acquired the nickname “Midnight Mitch” to go along with “Moscow Mitch” and “Cocaine Mitch,” ruled that the prosecution and defense only had 24 hours, to be presented in two days, for opening arguments. After some Republicans expressed concerns that the rule would make it harder for them to hide the fact they’re helping Trump engage in a coverup, McConnell gave the two sides three days instead of two. Donald Trump’s confusion was how many hours there are in a day (in case you’re a Republican, 24).

This still pushed the trial to go as late as 2:00 a.m. this morning. Keep in mind, a lot of these Senators are extremely old. They’re required to be at their desk, not engage in any conversations, and without any electronic devices. Basically, they’re all doing something in a trial over Donald Trump that Donald Trump could NEVER do.

The biggest arguments have been over witnesses. The Republicans don’t want any. For weeks, we’ve heard that four moderate Republicans may join Democrats in voting for witnesses, but from what we saw last night, that’s not going to happen.

McConnell is hoping Americans don’t pay attention because none of this helps Donald Trump. Proof of that is the fact they don’t want witnesses and Trump’s legal team engaged in spreading huge lies while never arguing for Trump’s “innocence.” Yesterday, Republicans only argued over procedure. Witnesses and documents only prove that Donald Trump is guilty. Guilty of something Republicans spent the past three years telling us was a crime (no collusion), and now are convinced that asking a foreign nation to meddle in our election isn’t a big deal.

Republicans continue to argue that Donald Trump as president (sic) has executive privilege, despite the fact he’s never exercised that during the impeachment. The only privilege Trump has are sycophantic, cowardly Republicans who place cult of personality over country.

McConnell is hoping Americans go to sleep while the trial continues. He already has Republicans sleeping on it.
