Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

In a way, it’s fitting that only hours after Chief Justice John Roberts (sternly instructed) the Senate to conduct itself as “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” President Trump went before the world in Davos and openly flaunted his demand that Senate Republicans turn the entire process into a sham devoted wholly to covering up his bottomless corruption.

Senate Republicans spent much of Tuesday evening aggressively advancing the coverup that Trump is demanding, and at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Trump went out of his way to cheer what they’ve already done to protect him.

The jarring contrast between Roberts’ admonishment and Trump’s cheerleading for the actual conduct of the Senate GOP captures a truth about our current moment. Neutral calls for both sides to adhere to a mutual set of reasonable standards seem hopelessly out of sync with the wildly lopsided imbalance we’re now seeing between the two parties’ approach to a lawless, out of control president -- one who just happens to head one of those two parties.

In Davos, Trump spewed endless lies and distortions about the misconduct for which he’s been impeached, while in effect reiterating his demand that his trial be rigged to keep that misconduct buried:
  • Trump claimed the impeachment was a “total hoax” and that Democrats “had no case.” But Trump blocked the testimony to the House of the witnesses with the most direct knowledge of his conduct -- including acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton, both of whom discussed Trump’s freezing of military aid to Ukraine with him. That’s laughable in the face of a supposedly weak case.
  • Trump claimed his conversation with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky was “totally appropriate” and that his release of the of it blew up the Democratic case against him. That’s a comical lie: The summary captures Trump making his corrupt extortion demand, and as such, it’s central to the case against him: The summary itself, and the panicked reaction of many of Trump’s own officials to that very call, is discussed at great length in
  • Trump said Ukraine ultimately “got their money,” as if that’s exonerating. But Trump only released the aid after the whistleblower had come forward. The corrupt scheme was aborted because they got caught.
  • Trump laughably claimed he pressed Zelensky on his “perfect call” out of concerns over “corruption.” But Trump nowhere mentions “corruption” on; the only investigations he’s demanded would help him politically, such as one into Joe Biden; and the narrative of Biden corruption undergirding that demand is (fabricated).
  • Trump claimed he’d like to hear Bolton testify to the Senate, but in the very next breath he said doing this would compromise national security. That’s funny, given that this whole scandal is about Trump’s subversion of our national security and foreign policy to his corrupt political ends. And again, Bolton didn’t testify to the House precisely because of Trump’s blockade against witnesses and evidence. Trump’s quote will unquestionably be read by Senate Republicans as a demand to keep Bolton from testifying and as a vow to exercise executive privilege to block it himself.
An Idiot Hides Evidence

We know Donald Trump is an idiot. But at times, it’s shocking just how transparent he is.

Often, an idiot reveals himself without an explicit statement. Like when a racist is too stupid to understand that the black-friend defense reveals they’re a racist, which is something every single Trump supporter does. But rarely do you find one who claims you can’t prove they’re a racist because they deleted all their racist comments from Facebook.

Trump does this at times. Like when he says he’s not a racist because there’s his “African-American,” or when he claims he’s innocent of sexually assaulting a woman because she doesn’t meet his standards. Trump is so transparent that his tell-tell is projection. When he accuses someone of something, it’s usually later revealed he’s guilty of the accusation. He often takes on the childish defense of “I’m rubber, you’re glue,” like he did in a debate with Hillary Clinton when she said he’s “Putin’s puppet.” I’ve written it before and I’ll do so again: I’m half expecting the revelation Sniffy was born in Kenya.

Trump’s defense against impeachment hasn’t been that he didn’t do what he’s accused of. Even Bill Clinton admitted his guilt of an affair. Trump never admits he did something wrong and those who support him are expected to follow his lead.

What Donald Trump did with Ukraine was ask a foreign government to help with his reelection. He asked a foreign government to go after a political opponent. He withheld military aid, approved by Congress, in an extortion scheme. Later, he asked China to investigate his political opponent. Donald Trump rephrases it but he’s admitted to all of this. At the very least, you would think he’d say “oops.” But no, we get “It was a perfect phone call.” No, it wasn’t. Now his fellow Republicans and lawyers have to go out and argue it was a “perfect phone call” and that it’s OK for a president to bribe a foreign government and ask them to meddle in an American election. Notice you don’t hear “no collusion” anymore? That’s because collusion is OK now.

Donald Trump’s administration has ignored subpoenas for documents and directed members of the administration not to respond to subpoena requests since the beginning of the impeachment process. While his lawyers and Republicans argue that he has the right to cite executive privilege, he hasn’t done so in this matter. Executive privilege doesn’t cover everything. It covers specific conversations and subjects, not anything and everything.

During Bill Clinton’s impeachment, his administration provided over 90,000 pages of documents. Even Richard Nixon turned over tapes and documents.

Trump said former National Security Adviser John Bolton couldn’t testify because he might reveal how Trump feels about other world leaders. Does it get worse than calling the Canadian Prime Minister “two-faced,” or Denmark’s Prime Minister “Nasty,” or even Kim Jong Un “Little Rocket Man?” That’s really only how executive privilege works if you’re a mean girl in high school.

Trump was probably thinking about how he felt about world leaders, who are often caught on tape making fun of him because he was at an international summit. He was asked how he thought the impeachment trial was going. In his answer, Donald Trump admitted to withholding evidence.

He said, “So, we’re doing very well. I got to watch enough. I thought our team did a very good job. But honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material.” And right then, he gave House Democrats more material to work with. Donald Trump has admitted to obstruction justice.

This would be like Bill Clinton saying he’ll survive impeachment because he paid for dry cleaning Monica’s blue dress, or Richard Nixon saying he won’t get caught because he taped over the Oval Office tapes with Burt Bacharach’s greatest hits.

Trump’s administration has gone from “no quid pro quo” to “get over it.” They even refuse to let the guy who made that admission testify. Now, they’ve gone from “no collusion” to Trump telling George Stephanoplous before this mess began that he’d accept help from a foreign government to “the president (sic) can do whatever he wants.”

Apparently, whatever he wants includes obstruction and concealing evidence. Donald Trump is guilty and a criminal who should be immediately frogmarched into the nearest federal prison with every Republican chucklefuck who’s participated in his corruption.

Donald Trump is an idiot who’s dumb enough to admit his guilt. But with Republicans controlling the Senate, it doesn’t matter.
