Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I believe the president, and in the president.

I believe the Senate is right to acquit the president. I believe a fair trial is one with no witnesses, and that the trial was therefore fair. I believe the House was unfair because it found evidence against him. I believe that if the president does something that he believes will get himself reelected, that’s in the public interest and can’t be the kind of thing that results in impeachment.

I believe former national security adviser John Bolton has no relevant testimony because he (didn’t leave the White House on good terms).

I believe the president’s call was perfect. I believe he is deeply concerned about corruption in Ukraine. I believe the president can find Ukraine on a map.


Author's Note: This essay is in memory of former Atlantic editor and Washington Post columnist (Michael Kelly), who once wrote a column by this name and in this form about a prior president.

I believe the President. I have always believed him.

I believed him when he said And I believe him now when he says his travel ban has nothing to do with religious discrimination.

I believed him when he said Mexico is sending us its rapists and criminals, and I believed him when he said he loves Hispanics. I believe that Trump Tower makes the best taco bowls.

Ripping Trump A New One

Last night, Donald Trump delivered the most partisan, hateful, and divisive State of the Union since the one he delivered last year.

If you didn’t watch the speech, you probably haven’t heard anyone cite anything specific he said. If you did watch the speech, you probably haven’t talked about anything he said. Instead, you’ve talked about the dis.

Before the speech, Trump pretended not to see Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stick out her hand, and he dissed her by refusing to shake it. She dissed him in her introduction but excluding the traditional “the high privilege and distinct honor” of introducing the president. After the speech, she ripped in half her advance copy of Trump’s speech.

Liberals are applauding while conservatives are upset, which is a bit surreal. How can you cry about disrespect when you support Donald Trump, a man who’s feuded with veterans, Gold Star families, women, and children. You’re really upset Nancy Pelosi disrespected the State of the Union after Donald Trump turned it into a game show? Personally, I think Pelosi gave that speech all the respect it deserved.

It was full of lies. Donald Trump tried to claim all the credit for an economy that’s been on the upswing for 11 years. He claimed he rescued the nation from an economic disaster. He lied about the number of factories he’s brought to this nation. He claimed he’s built 100 miles of his racist wall on our border with Mexico when he hasn’t built 100 feet (and no mention of Mexico paying for it). He lied about the number of jobs the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada will replace. He claimed the U.S. became the world’s number one producer of natural gas and oil during his administration, which actually occurred in 2009.

But his biggest lie was the claim of protecting preexisting conditions. At this very moment, his administration is in court trying to take that away.

In addition to the lies, Trump made it hateful. Extremely hateful. He demonized sanctuary cities and immigrants. But then, he made a game show moment of having Melania place the Presidential Medal of Freedom around the neck of Rush Limbaugh.

Trump played to his base and threw out red meat for his 2020 reelection campaign. The GOP actually changed “four more years” at one point. And yet, Nancy was disrespectful.

Pelosi later tweeted, “The manifesto of mistruths presented in page after page of the address tonight should be a call to action for everyone who expects truth from the President and policies worthy of his office and the American people.”

When asked why she ripped the speech immediately after Trump stopped talking and in clear view of the cameras, she said, “It was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative.”

With all the alternative things in my imagination she could have done to that speech, she did the courteous thing.

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because that writer is any less biased than Trump right? This person speaks nothing but the truth? Fucking hardly! Anybody who believes everything any politician says is a fool. Same with anybody in the media. It's a zero sum game when fucking EVERYBODY lies. I hope Scally posts this shit just to brainwash idiots and doesnt actually believe it because I'd really have to question his intelligence if he believes half the shit he posts. Btw, I dont believe that.

Here’s a tiny question. What happens to a society that can’t speak the unspeakable? Let me give you an example of what I mean. Every day, when I check Twitter, I’m greeted by what I call the rhetorical questions approach to sociopolitics. Pundit after American pundit cries: “My God! What is it called when a President’s put above the law?!” Or: “Heavens? What kind of society have we become?”

Forgive me a little sarcasm. Gee, guys. I don’t know. What is it called when…? You see, all these rhetorical questions have the same answer. A set of words that Americans can’t say, because America’s thinking class, leaders, politicians, and so forth, won’t, can’t them, to begin with. You know the words. The words are ones like “fascism” and “authoritarianism” and “theocracy” and “concentration camps” and “crimes against humanity” and “genocide.” They are terrible words, it’s true. But they are nonetheless accurate (for example, "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">“family separations” are a literal form of genocide.) What else do you call it when a society has ethnic bans and kids in cages? Shouldn’t you use these words?

So let me ask again: what happens to a society that can’t say the unspeakable? The answer is both simple and obvious: the unspeakable does. Hence, if like me, you’d lived through and studied social collapses, America’s systemic inability to speak the unspeakable meant there would be inevitable, very real, and horrifically destructive consequences. The bad guys would keep winning. Society would keep on collapsing. Democracy would keep disintegrating. The things Americans couldn’t say would keep on rising and take control of their lives.
because that writer is any less biased than Trump right? This person speaks nothing but the truth? Fucking hardly! Anybody who believes everything any politician says is a fool. Same with anybody in the media. It's a zero sum game when fucking EVERYBODY lies. I hope Scally posts this shit just to brainwash idiots and doesnt actually believe it because I'd really have to question his intelligence if he believes half the shit he posts. Btw, I dont believe that.

Dude, I voted to Trump, so did my dad, and we both agree he is the most corrupt and evil president we have ever seen. I know my karma took a big hit by voting for him. We don't even watch Fox or CNN anymore (grew up watching fox). We get all our info directly from the US government. Statistics and the actual bills do not lie

In a sense, Limbaugh is the perfect idol for Trump and his cultist followers, who seal themselves off from reality and immerse themselves in conspiracy theories. A president who considers himself as president of only his supporters and who has debased and cheapened our language and our politics, making the reprehensible perfectly acceptable, would of course want to honor someone of Limbaugh’s ilk.

Republicans, who claim to be offended by the accusation they were knuckling under to Trump on impeachment (before they knuckled under on impeachment) and collapse on the fainting couch when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rips up her copy of Trump’s historically divisive and dishonest address, cheer Trump’s selection.

Maya Wiley, an attorney, professor and civil rights activist, observes: “The hand wringing over Nancy Pelosi tearing up a speech full of misdirection is overshadowing the real offense to decency. Trump honoring the racist and sexist Rush Limbaugh is the latest slap in the face of ‘a more perfect union.’” She adds: “He pardoned [former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff Joe Arpaio], who joked about the concentration camp conditions of his detention of undocumented immigrants. He pardoned war criminals over the objection of his military leaders, and now this.” And yet the media dutifully propagates the feigned outrage of Republicans over Pelosi’s gesture.

The media might for once decline to be manipulated in another Republican theatrical stunt. Put in front of Republicans some of Limbaugh’s hateful statements and ask why they cheer the award. Ask them if the president of the United States should honor birthers or openly misogynistic media personalities. When the next Republican spinner or campaign operative talks about Trump seeking to make headway with African Americans or Hispanics, ask whether honoring Limbaugh sends a message about Trump’s real attitudes.

Trump’s great lie is convincing Americans that white males no matter what their conduct — Brett Kavanaugh, convicted war criminals and, most of all, himself — are victims of elites. That, in turn, gives them license to unleash bigotry and engage in intolerable, unhinged conduct, all in the name of vindicating themselves from oppression. That mentality of grievance, propagated effectively by Limbaugh, is nothing more than cover for white nationalism. The country should denounce, not honor, its practitioners.