Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The vote to acquit President Trump was a dark day for the Senate. Uninterested in hearing from witnesses (and likely scared by what they would say), uncritical of outrageous legal arguments made by the president’s lawyers and apparently unconcerned about the damage Mr. Trump has done to the integrity of America’s elections, a majority of senators insisted on looking the other way and letting him off the hook for a classic impeachable offense: abuse of public office for private gain.

But while the Senate got it wrong, the American people learned what’s right. This impeachment was about much more than the final vote of 100 senators. It was a process, and that process yielded a public education of extraordinary value. While the Senate may emerge from the process weakened, the American people, on the whole, emerge from it strengthened by a sharpened sense of what’s right and what’s wrong for an American president; of what it means for a political party to show moral courage; of what it looks like when dedicated public servants speak truth no matter the consequences; and of the importance of whistle-blowers for ensuring accountability.

The past few months have shown Americans a president who abused the public trust for his personal benefit. Before this process, we suspect, few Americans had dwelled on the question of when it crosses the line for a president to exploit for private political gain the tools of national power placed in his or her hands.
Are trumpers thinking this Ukraine issue is a fabrication? All I hear is “no evidence, no evidence.”

emails? Witnesses? All contrived?
Do you even pay attention? Trump gave full transcript. Schiff nit picked it to make it look bad. Nobody actually heard the call only 2nd hand hearsay. Why dont you understand that? If it happened to Bernie Sanders and there were no actual firsthand witnesses, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm a fair person though and you're not.
Do you even pay attention? Trump gave full transcript. Schiff nit picked it to make it look bad. Nobody actually heard the call only 2nd hand hearsay. Why dont you understand that? If it happened to Bernie Sanders and there were no actual firsthand witnesses, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm a fair person though and you're not.

Holy shit, trump did not give the full transcript, I literally can’t believe how you guys keep saying that when it’s literally not hidden. Only like 5 mins of the phone convo was released. Ffs you guys here are like the most uninformed people for the republican side. You must literally get all your info from Fox News with the mistakes you guys make.

I bet you’d believe the world was flat if trump said it was.

Btw total crap about giving Bernie the benefit of the doubt. Bet you think he’s a pure socialist.
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Are trumpers thinking this Ukraine issue is a fabrication? All I hear is “no evidence, no evidence.”

emails? Witnesses? All contrived?
No. They're saying that it's not an impeachable offense.

Take this for e.g. obama claimed executive privilege when it came to operation fast and furious (gunwalking). 4 years later courts said it wasnt executive privilege. No one cares hes out of office. But they never thought to impeach him for obstruction of Congress. Because well it's not.

Obama was caught on open mic telling the at the time Russian president something along the lines of I'll have more flexibility for something or other I forget(google obama hot mic) after my re election. Essentially telling Russia to hold off and he can work with them after 2012. I dont recall the details. Quid pro quo? Abuse of power?? Leveraging national security for a re election? Maybe. Still not an impeachable offense.

And I agree none of those things are impeachable offenses.

But all of a sudden its impeachable offense? All of a sudden Ukraine is off utmost importance. Bull shit

It's called creating a narrative.