Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


After O.J. Simpson was acquitted of double murder in 1995, he probably threw a victory party. But I bet even O.J.’s party wasn’t as vindictive and petty as Donald Trump’s. It probably didn’t have as many Big Macs either.

Donald Trump went after all his enemies. He said Speaker Nancy Pelosi was a “terrible person” and questioned her religion as well as that of Mitt Romney’s. He spent over an hour airing his grievances. He actually started early at the National Prayer Breakfast, which is pretty surreal. For the organizers of the breakfast who didn’t take down Trump for attacking people’s religion, maybe their commitment to their religion should be questioned for allowing such a rant by Mr. Two Corinthians. Evangelicals are just as much cowards as the entire Republican Party for sacrificing all their principles to Hair Fuhrer.

Trump also attacked the nepotism of Hunter Biden while claiming his kids “could” be making millions of his presidency if they wanted to. Then, he pointed out Ivanka, who literally has a position in the White House along with her husband where they both have security clearances they couldn’t qualify for. Did I already use the word “surreal?”

Usually, when a person gets off after doing a terrible crime, such as murder or attempting to bribe a foreign nation with taxpayer money to help their political campaign, they’d lay low. But then again, O.J. did write a book titled “If I did it,” which was a “hypothetical” description of how he “would have” conducted the murders “if he did it.” Interestingly enough, O.J. was supposed to give an interview on a network special to promote “If I did it” before it was canceled after affiliates protested. I’ll give you one guess to name that network. Clue: It’s the same one Trump and each of his sycophants favor and has its hosts speaking at his rallies. Maybe O.J.’s ghostwriter could be available for Trump’s version of “If I did it.”

Donald Trump is acquitted. That’s a fact, just like it’s a fact he’s impeached. Many members of the Trump cult claim he’s not impeached because he was acquitted. So, don’t be like them in saying his acquittal isn’t real. It is. What isn’t real is his exoneration. Because quite frankly, Donald Trump is about as exonerated as O.J.

And another thing Trump and O.J. have in common…they both did it.


And the Republicans, all of them, sitting there like brain-dead fish all schooled in one spot, applauding on cue, accepting the president*’s sourball compliments as though they were being blessed from Above. (There was one particularly weird passage when he congratulated Rep. Steve Scalise for surviving his gunshot wounds and then went into how lousy a second-baseman Scalise is and expressed amazement that Scalise’s wife was upset that Scalise had been shot. "He was not going to make it. I said, she loves you. Why? Because she was devastated. A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn.” Ask the man who knows, I guess.)

I have resisted using the word “cult” to describe where the Republican party is at right now because I think it absolves too many of the people that made something like Trumpism inevitable. But, Lord above, we’re looking at a battalion of drill-thralls now, with no minds of their own and no souls to speak of.
That's a little extreme.

It's called precedent bro. A lot of this political bullshit isnt written in great detail in the articles of the constitution. So you gotta go play the precedent. That funny little times magazine meme is referring to the effect trump what he does how hes treated will have a lasting effect in politics in the future.

We are talking weaponizing impeachment. We are talking not letting judicial branch settle the differences between the executive and the legislative branches.

It's a funny little troll job. trump will be dictator for 1000 years. But the precedent all of this is setting. That's what will last 1000 years. Not trump.

Yeah, you’re right, the extremes of the right are becoming the norm. The showing their true principles and beliefs with their literal worship of trump. Look at warrior up there wanting trump to be in office for as long as possible. It’s downright gross and unpatriotic rhetoric that are coming out of the rights mouth. The right are now proving to be oligarchy sympathizers. They want this to be what England was.
Yeah, you’re right, the extremes of the right are becoming the norm. The showing their true principles and beliefs with their literal worship of trump. Look at warrior up there wanting trump to be in office for as long as possible. It’s downright gross and unpatriotic rhetoric that are coming out of the rights mouth. The right are now proving to be oligarchy sympathizers. They want this to be what England was.
The fact you thought I was serious shows how ignorant you are. You sound like those ass clowns on CNN. Do yourself a favor and pull your head out your ass, Scrape the shit out of your nostrils and breathe some fresh air, would ya?
The fact you thought I was serious shows how ignorant you are. You sound like those ass clowns on CNN. Do yourself a favor and pull your head out your ass, Scrape the shit out of your nostrils and breathe some fresh air, would ya?

Woah, you can actually somewhat form a paragraph ?? I honestly thought you were some sort of homophobic xenophobic bigoted auto-response bot.

Just so you guys know, literally all my friends that are liberals don’t watch cnn and most dislike it. You guys are the ones here blurting our Fox News propaganda.

I mean I get it, you’re a follower. You think through the info being fed from Fox New, hard to think for yourself so Fox and friends gots your back.