Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Okay lets just assume that the great state of California covers medical and food subsidies. No one should go hungry in America or die because they don't have medical insurance.

Go after medical and pharmaceutical companies and we could reduce medical costs in half. That is what is bankrupting this country. Healthcare costs are destroying America.

Every other advanced country regulates cost, but in America people are to fucking stupid too know they are getting fucked, and even if they did they are too lazy to think about it.
I agree with what you just said and i can agree with going after companies that hire illegal immigrants, but to me it doesn't make sense to tell someone they can't work for their personal gain, but we'll (the government) will give it to you instead. We'll take the private property (income) of someone that "is" working and give it to someone we won't even allow to work. I say nip them both in the bud. And we can also go after the gouging by the pharmaceutical companies as well. Sign me up Big_paul. I'm all in.
[Cops Kill [White] Man Who Shot 7 [POC] at San Diego Pool Party]

San Diego police shot and killed a man reported to have suddenly opened fire at a poolside birthday party at an upscale apartment complex Sunday, hitting seven adults.

The suspect, later identified as Peter Selis, 49, was a resident at the La Jolla Crossroads complex, where police said he opened fire on the group with a semi-automatic pistol. Selis was white, and all the victims were people of color: four black women, two black men, and one Latino man.

Authorities said no motive was known; local media reported Selis, a mechanic at a local Ford dealership, had filed for bankruptcy protection in 2015 and was beset by money problems.

By late Sunday, at least one of the victims was dead, while others were in surgery or in critical condition, said Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman.

One witness told reporters that the shooter appeared to be relaxed, even in the midst of the violence. “He had his beer in one hand and his gun in the other,” said the witness, who said he lived in the apartment complex. He was only identified by his first name, John.

“There were two victims lying on the ground, one trying to crawl toward the other one to help,” he added. “This is truly a horrific act of violence that took place here today,” San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer told reporters at a press conference. “Our entire city, all of our thoughts and prayers, all San Diegans’ thoughts and prayers, are with the victims and their families tonight.”
Pretty sure you don't want to live off bare minimum. Also can't buy test with food stamps
You got me with the can't buy test brother. Lol Although I believe my script would be covered under Medicaid.
I will say though that I know people who'd rather live off the bare minimum than work. Welfare is fraught with abuse.

The evidence, in other words, suggests that when Trump voters say they’re highly confident, it’s more a declaration of their political identity than an indication of what they’re going to do, or even, maybe, what they really believe.

May I suggest that focus groups and polls of Trump voters are picking up something similar?

One basic principle I’ve learned in my years at The Times is that almost nobody ever admits being wrong about anything — and the wronger they were, the less willing they are to concede error. For example, when Bloomberg surveyed a group of economists who had predicted that Ben Bernanke’s policies would cause runaway inflation, they literally couldn’t find a single person willing to admit, after years of low inflation, having been mistaken.

Now think about what it means to have voted for Trump. The news media spent much of the campaign indulging in an orgy of false equivalence; nonetheless, most voters probably got the message that the political/media establishment considered Trump ignorant and temperamentally unqualified to be president. So the Trump vote had a strong element of: “Ha! You elites think you’re so smart? We’ll show you!”

Now, sure enough, it turns out that Trump is ignorant and temperamentally unqualified to be president. But if you think his supporters will accept this reality any time soon, you must not know much about human nature. In a perverse way, Trump’s sheer awfulness offers him some political protection: His supporters aren’t ready, at least so far, to admit that they made that big a mistake.

Also, to be fair, so far Trumpism hasn’t had much effect on daily life. In fact, Trump’s biggest fails have involved what hasn’t happened, not what has. So it’s still fairly easy for those so inclined to dismiss the bad reports as media bias.

Sooner or later, however, this levee is going to break.
No wall will keep people from going where they want to go.
Do you lock your home at night or when you go to work or do you just leave it wide open? Do you lock your car up or do you leave it unlocked with the keys in the ignition? How about the big walls around prisons? Sure people break into cars and homes etc but should we make it easier for them? The wall won't be 100% effective but surely won't be 100% ineffective either.