Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Good move until you remember we already pay for secret service protection for his family in NYC 24/7/365 hahahaha.
Correct but the cost increases tremendously when he's there. This is imo is a nonissue. Every president gets protection period. Some obviously will cost more than others. I've never bitched about protection costs. Sorry he doesn't live in his moms basement instead of Trump Tower or Mar-A-Lago.
Correct but the cost increases tremendously when he's there. This is imo is a nonissue. Every president gets protection period. Some obviously will cost more than others. I've never bitched about protection costs. Sorry he doesn't live in his moms basement instead of Trump Tower or Mar-A-Lago.

And if he went a little over any other president that's one thing but at this rate protecting him will cost more than the bailout for the recession (exaggeration to make my point). It's not just a couple million more.

Him and his family have the White House to live in. Is that what you refer to as his mom's basement?
And if he went a little over any other president that's one thing but at this rate protecting him will cost more than the bailout for the recession (exaggeration to make my point). It's not just a couple million more.

Him and his family have the White House to live in. Is that what you refer to as his mom's basement?
I still disagree. He's the president, he can go to his places. The community organizer had nothing better so it was cheaper. But if he did, I wouldn't have bitched. It is what it is.
And if he went a little over any other president that's one thing but at this rate protecting him will cost more than the bailout for the recession (exaggeration to make my point). It's not just a couple million more.

Him and his family have the White House to live in. Is that what you refer to as his mom's basement?
These complaints started before he was even sworn in and got more and more ridiculous as time went on. The Russian connection, too many golf trips, whine, whine, whine. Here's a guy who told us to keep his presidential salary and people even found an angle to complain about that. Im all about holding the president and congress accountable but its pretty plain to see that all of these irrelevant complaints are being concocted by the same people who panicked as soon as they lost the election.

One of the more pernicious and insidious effects of the Donald Trump regime may well be the damage he does to language itself.

Trumpian language is a thing unto itself: some manner of sophistry peppered with superlatives. It is a way of speech that defies the Reed-Kellogg sentence diagram. It is a jumble of incomplete thoughts stitched together with arrogance and ignorance.

America is suffering under the tyranny of gibberish spouted by the lord of his faithful 46 percent.

As researchers at Carnegie Mellon pointed out last spring, presidential candidates in general use “words and grammar typical of students in grades 6-8, though Donald Trump tends to lag behind the others.” Indeed, among the presidents in the university’s analysis, Trump’s vocabulary usage was the lowest and his grammatical usage was only better than one president: George W. Bush.

Trump’s employment of reduced rhetoric is not without precedent and is in fact a well-documented tool of history’s strongmen.

As New York Times C.E.O. Mark Thompson noted about one of Trump’s speeches in his 2016 book, “Enough Said: What’s Gone Wrong with the Language of Politics?”: “The super-short sentences emphasize certainty and determination, build up layer upon layer, like bricks in a wall themselves, toward a conclusion and an emotional climax. It’s a style that students of rhetoric call parataxis. This is the way generals and dictators have always spoken to distinguish themselves from the caviling civilians they mean to sweep aside.”


Trump has the intellectual depth of a coat of paint.

At no time is this more devastatingly obvious than when he grants interviews to print reporters, when he is not protected by the comfort of a script and is not animated by the dazzling glare of television lights. In these moments, all he has is language, and his absolute ineptitude and possibly even lack of comprehension is enormously obvious.

In the last month, Trump has given interviews to print reporters at The Times, The Associated Press, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal. Read together, the transcripts paint a terrifying portrait of a man who is simultaneously unintelligible in his delivery, self-assured in his ignorance and consciously bathing in his narcissism.

In Trump world, facts don’t matter, truth doesn’t matter, language doesn’t matter. Passionate performance is the only ideal. A lie forcefully told and often repeated is better than truth — it is accepted as an act of faith, which is better than a point of fact.
These complaints started before he was even sworn in and got more and more ridiculous as time went on. The Russian connection, too many golf trips, whine, whine, whine. Here's a guy who told us to keep his presidential salary and people even found an angle to complain about that. Im all about holding the president and congress accountable but its pretty plain to see that all of these irrelevant complaints are being concocted by the same people who panicked as soon as they lost the election.

You're right about the presidential salary as one must be taken. The next best thing would have been to donate to charity or something which is basically what he did IIRC (he gave it to some wildlife cause or something like that).

You seem to forget that the reason he takes too many golf trips is an issue is bc HE HIMSELF made it one. The hypocrisy is undeniable and yet people refuse to pay attention. Is it the end of the world he plays golf a lot, nope it's not, but it goes to show you how he holds himself above everyone else and even his own ideas don't apply to him.

The Russian thing is still an open investigation. I'm very interested to see how deep it goes and what's uncovered.
You may be right about the golf thing @Docd187123 . I've been busy and haven't really been following along or keeping up with politics lately. Whatever his short comings are will certainly be revealed over time as well as his strengths. I gave Obama my support and he was a disappointment to myself and others and I'm generally untrusting of all things political.
Im not about to speculate on whether or not Trump will follow through. All will be revealed in due time. If he doesn't create jobs, doesn't do a good job or hold up his end, i will be right here holding him accountable but I will give the guy a bit more than 100 days to prove himself.
I don't have very high hopes for Trump and it has nothing to do with his character. He may actually have the right ideas on what needs to change in our government. I like that he wants to do away with career politicians and I believe that needs to happen, but i also know it never will because the same people who would vote on such a bill are the same who would be affected most by it(politicians). Obviously, he's going to face some very fierce competition by those firmly embedded in our system.

Its Trump vs everyone else. Who do you think will win? The best intentions mean nothing if he cant pass a single bill because the dems would rather fight and create resistance just because of the "us vs them" mentality. This gridlock is what keeps anything from changing and its designed just for that reason. The rich don't want change. Its what guarantees they can continue to thrive in the swamp they've created unchallenged. Its corruption at the highest levels of our government. (Analysis | President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally)

New York (AP) -- President Donald Trump made puzzling claims about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War in an interview, suggesting he was uncertain about the origin of the conflict while claiming that Jackson was upset about a war that started 16 years after his death.

Trump, who has at times shown a shaky grasp of U.S. history, said he wonders why issues "could not have been worked out" in order to prevent the secession of 11 Southern states and a war that lasted four years and killed more than 600,000 soldiers.

"People don't realize, you know, the Civil War, if you think about it, why?" Trump said in an interview with The Washington Examiner, according to a transcript released Monday. "People don't ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?"

Trump ruminated after lauding Jackson, the populist president whom he and his staff have cited as a role model. He suggested that if Jackson had been president "a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

"He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, 'There's no reason for this,'" Trump continued.

But Jackson died in 1845, and the Civil War didn't begin until 16 years later, in 1861.

Jackson was a slave-holding plantation owner. Some historians do credit him with preserving the union when South Carolina threatened to secede in the 1830s over an individual state's ability to void federal tariffs. That controversy, though, was not about slavery, and the eventual compromise that preserved states' rights is viewed as a milestone on the way to the Civil War.

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