Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

One of the most dangerous companies in the U.S. took advantage of immigrant workers. Then, when they got hurt or fought back, it used America’s laws against them.
[Of Course ... Low Lying Scum ... POS ...]

President Trump is placing antiabortion activist Teresa Manning in charge of the Title X program, which provides family planning funding for poor Americans or those without health insurance, according to individuals briefed on the decision.

Manning’s selection as the Department of Health and Human Services’ deputy assistant secretary for population affairs marks the second agency appointment within three days that has pleased abortion foes and angered abortion rights proponents. On Friday, the White House announced that Trump had picked (Charmaine Yoest), former president of Americans United for Life, as the department’s assistant secretary of public affairs.

Manning, a former lobbyist with the National Right to Life Committee and legislative analyst for the conservative Family Research Council, has criticized several family planning methods over the course of her career.

“Of course, contraception doesn’t work,” she said during a 2003 NPR interview. “Its efficacy is very low, especially when you consider over years — which a lot of contraception health advocates want to start women in their adolescent years, when they’re extremely fertile, incidentally, and continue for 10, 20, 30 years. The prospect that contraception would always prevent the conception of a child is preposterous.”
Good move until you remember we already pay for secret service protection for his family in NYC 24/7/365 hahahaha.

WASHINGTON — Congress would allocate more than $120 million in additional money to help cover the escalating costs of protecting the Trump family and Trump Tower under a bipartisan spending agreement that appears poised to pass this week.

About half of the money, nearly $60 million, is earmarked for the Secret Service, with most of it going toward protecting the president while he is traveling and security for Trump Tower in New York City, according to legislation being circulated on Monday.

Another roughly $60 million would be set aside in a rare provision to reimburse localities, like New York City and Palm Beach County in Florida, that have incurred “extraordinary law enforcement personnel costs” associated with protecting Mr. Trump’s residences since Election Day.

The additional funding, which comes after weeks of mostly behind-the-scenes lobbying, reflects the tremendous costs associated with protecting the lifestyle of Mr. Trump and his family. And it is likely to provide relief to those who have borne the brunt of the effort — if only for the next five months, when the current fiscal year ends.

The Secret Service has been particularly strained as it tries to keep up with its new protectees, who include a first lady and a son living at Trump Tower and Mr. Trump’s frequently traveling adult children. The agency had (requested additional money) earlier this year.

The legislation provides the Secret Service with $34 million for the increased cost of physical protection of Mr. Trump for the rest of the fiscal year.

Duterte has been accused of ordering extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers. More than 8,000 people have been killed since he began his drug crackdown eight months ago, according to Reuters.

But the president suggested the Philippines leader’s standing among his own people outweighed those concerns.

“You know he’s very popular in the Philippines,” Trump said. “He has a very high approval rating in the Philippines.”

WASHINGTON — Congress would allocate more than $120 million in additional money to help cover the escalating costs of protecting the Trump family and Trump Tower under a bipartisan spending agreement that appears poised to pass this week.

About half of the money, nearly $60 million, is earmarked for the Secret Service, with most of it going toward protecting the president while he is traveling and security for Trump Tower in New York City, according to legislation being circulated on Monday.

Another roughly $60 million would be set aside in a rare provision to reimburse localities, like New York City and Palm Beach County in Florida, that have incurred “extraordinary law enforcement personnel costs” associated with protecting Mr. Trump’s residences since Election Day.

The additional funding, which comes after weeks of mostly behind-the-scenes lobbying, reflects the tremendous costs associated with protecting the lifestyle of Mr. Trump and his family. And it is likely to provide relief to those who have borne the brunt of the effort — if only for the next five months, when the current fiscal year ends.

The Secret Service has been particularly strained as it tries to keep up with its new protectees, who include a first lady and a son living at Trump Tower and Mr. Trump’s frequently traveling adult children. The agency had (requested additional money) earlier this year.

The legislation provides the Secret Service with $34 million for the increased cost of physical protection of Mr. Trump for the rest of the fiscal year.

And the winner is....

Like so much else under President Trump, though, this idea has now been turned on its head and people are worried about the very survival of the values on which America built its reputation and helped construct an entire international system, including the United Nations. The latest example is Mr. Trump’s decision to invite Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, to the White House.

Though the Philippines is an ally and a democracy, Mr. Duterte is neither a democratic leader nor a worthy ally. For about two decades as mayor of Davao, he was accused of allowing death squads to roam the city and kill freely. Most victims were poor drug users and low-level criminals, but bystanders, children and political opponents were also caught up in the bloodshed.

After his election last year, Mr. Duterte took the killing campaign nationwide, effectively giving free license to the police and vigilantes. He has boasted about his tenure in Davao, and admitted to personally killing three kidnappers without trial. The mayhem got so bad that last week a Filipino lawyer formally asked the International Criminal Court to charge Mr. Duterte and 11 officials with mass murder and crimes against humanity over the extrajudicial killings of nearly 10,000 people over the past three decades.


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