Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The greed, recklessness and illegal behavior of Wall Street institutions caused massive suffering in this country. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, their homes, and their life savings. During his campaign for president, trump told us that he was going to represent the working families of our country, that he was going to take on the establishment. He said: “I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us.” But that was just another lie. trump and his Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, are on the side of Wall Street—not the working people of this country.

MNUCHIN TELLS WALL STREET: 'You should all thank me for your bank stocks doing better'

Washington (CNN)Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is prepared to testify before a Senate panel next week that she gave a forceful warning to the White House regarding then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn nearly three weeks before he was fired, contradicting the administration's version of events, sources familiar with her account tell CNN.

In a private meeting January 26, Yates told White House Counsel Don McGahn that Flynn was lying when he denied in public and private that he had discussed US sanctions on Russia in conversations with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak. Flynn's misleading comments, Yates said, made him potentially vulnerable to being compromised by Russia, according to sources familiar with her version of events. She expressed "serious concerns" to McGahn, making it clear -- without making a recommendation -- that Flynn could be fired.
No one expects conservative republicans to change their views or move towards more progressive ideas. But to reflect on the fact that maybe, just maybe, all these evidence backed facts have a truth to them and to admit that maybe, after all , trump is not exactly living up to your expectations (based on his campaign promises)

I - ad example - would have had no issues with, for example, Jeb Bush. Better a good conservative than a bad liberal (HC) but I am capable of admitting that Hillary was not a good candidate. Maybe it's time reps came to terms that trump probably isn't either...
IMHO of course... [emoji849][emoji12]

WASHINGTON — With two days left before an 11-day recess and no vote scheduled, House Republican leaders worked on Tuesday to win votes one at a time for their latest bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act after an influential Republican voice on health care came out against the measure.

A failure to get the repeal bill to a vote this week would be the third time that Speaker Paul D. Ryan could not rally his considerable House majority around a legislative priority that Republicans have promised for seven years.

Republican leaders were ready to move on from health care after the embarrassing collapse of their measure in March, but President Trump pressed Mr. Ryan hard to deliver on a major campaign promise and personally pressured House members to fall into line.

If the effort fails, it will greatly weaken the president’s hand on Capitol Hill and cast a shadow across the rest of his legislative agenda, especially the deep tax cuts and rewrite of the tax code that he has proposed — and that are likely to be no easier to tackle than health care.

Representative Fred Upton of Michigan was only the latest Republican defector, but he carries more sway than most. The former chairman of one of the House committees that drafted the American Health Care Act, as the Republicans call their measure, Mr. Upton said the latest version of the health care bill “torpedoes” protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions.