Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

How the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity Explain Trump

In 1976, an Italian economic historian by the name of Carlo M. Cipolla produced an essay entitled The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. It is academic in tone, if mostly facetious in intent, but it does serve to explain and illuminate the human condition and the curse of stupidity.* The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

It is also useful to understand how we got stuck with Trump as the Republican nominee. Before I go further, I should emphasize that I don’t think all Trump supporters are stupid, especially not the reluctant ones. What I want to address is less the arguments against Trump and more the question of how we got here, because conservatives are still getting over their surprise.

How can you tell which Trump adviser delivered which unattributed comment? Follow along with us below, but be warned that we’re providing this information only on deep, deep background.
What irresponsible comments ... unbelievable!

That’s not how this works. the orange moron cannot hold the American people hostage until it and Republicans in Congress get its way on a grotesque and cruel spending plan. Let's be clear. The president's threat to drive a government shutdown is not a threat to those in Washington. It is a threat to the millions of Americans whom he promised to help and who would be hurt by a shutdown.,'-frustrated-Trump-tweets
by Eileen Ambrose, AARP, May 1, 2017

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote this week on overturning a federal guideline designed to encourage states to set up retirement accounts for millions of private-sector employees without a 401(k) or similar plan at work.

The Department of Labor last year issued guidance that would allow cities and states to set up “work and save” plans without worrying they would run afoul of federal pension laws.

The House of Representatives voted this year to get rid of the guidance, and last month the Senate narrowly agreed to roll back the one pertaining to cities. In the next vote, senators will decide whether to scrap the part affecting states.

About 55 million workers do not have access to a retirement plan at work. Research shows that workers with modest incomes are 15 times more likely to save for retirement if they can do so automatically from their paychecks.

So far, seven states have approved setting up work and save plans for their private-sector workers. More than 20 other states as well as a few major cities are considering doing the same. Under these plans, workers could have a portion of their paychecks automatically deposited into a retirement account, typically an IRA. Employers don’t contribute at all. And workers can always opt out, too.

In a letter to senators today, AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond urged them not to eliminate the Labor Department guideline. “Despite decades of federal incentives, employer sponsorship of retirement savings plans has not grown, especially amongst small employers,” LeaMond wrote. “In response, numerous states have started working with employers, investment firms and key interested parties to create easy private sector retirement vehicles for their workers.”

Eliminating the Labor Department guidance, LeaMond warned, “sends an unmistakable message to states and to voters that state flexibility to encourage greater retirement savings is not desired by Congress.”

AARP maintains that this also would have a chilling effect on more states’ considering such plans and urges its members to call their senators toll-free at 844-453-9953 and ask them to
How the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity Explain Trump

In 1976, an Italian economic historian by the name of Carlo M. Cipolla produced an essay entitled The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. It is academic in tone, if mostly facetious in intent, but it does serve to explain and illuminate the human condition and the curse of stupidity.* The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

It is also useful to understand how we got stuck with Trump as the Republican nominee. Before I go further, I should emphasize that I don’t think all Trump supporters are stupid, especially not the reluctant ones. What I want to address is less the arguments against Trump and more the question of how we got here, because conservatives are still getting over their surprise.
Very insightful. We spent the last 2 years trying to figure that cat out.