Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

New York (AP) -- President Donald Trump made puzzling claims about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War in an interview, suggesting he was uncertain about the origin of the conflict while claiming that Jackson was upset about a war that started 16 years after his death.

Trump, who has at times shown a shaky grasp of U.S. history, said he wonders why issues "could not have been worked out" in order to prevent the secession of 11 Southern states and a war that lasted four years and killed more than 600,000 soldiers.

"People don't realize, you know, the Civil War, if you think about it, why?" Trump said in an interview with The Washington Examiner, according to a transcript released Monday. "People don't ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?"

Trump ruminated after lauding Jackson, the populist president whom he and his staff have cited as a role model. He suggested that if Jackson had been president "a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

"He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, 'There's no reason for this,'" Trump continued.

But Jackson died in 1845, and the Civil War didn't begin until 16 years later, in 1861.

Jackson was a slave-holding plantation owner. Some historians do credit him with preserving the union when South Carolina threatened to secede in the 1830s over an individual state's ability to void federal tariffs. That controversy, though, was not about slavery, and the eventual compromise that preserved states' rights is viewed as a milestone on the way to the Civil War.
[Trumpcare ... Lying ... POS ... But Trumpsters Care Not ... Kool-Aid]

President Donald Trump gave a lengthy interview Sunday morning to CBS’s John Dickerson about the Republicans’ health care plan.

His responses to basic questions — like what provisions the bill includes or how it would change the health insurance system — suggest he either doesn’t understand how the American Health Care Act works, or doesn’t want to tell the truth about it.

Dickerson is the first journalist I have seen grill Trump on what, exactly, is in the Republican plan. He isn’t asking about the politics of the bill and whether it will pass. Rather, he focuses on what are arguably basic questions: What elements are in this bill, and what do you think of them?

Trump stumbles. He says that people with preexisting conditions will be protected. Under the latest amendment to the American Health Care Act — the one that got the Freedom Caucus on board — they won’t be. He says that deductibles will go down under the Republican plan. Nonpartisan analysis expects deductibles would go up.

The health care plan that Trump described on Face the Nation is not the one that the Republican party has offered. His answers suggest an unfamiliarity with basic policy details of a plan that has been public for nearly six weeks at this point — a plan that his administration has pushed Congress to pass.

"Forget about the little shit," Trump reportedly told a room full of legislators during the health care negotiations. "Let's focus on the big picture here."

His answers on CBS suggest that, if he actually read the Republican bill, he would find it sorely disappointing — and at odds with his health care goals.
Not hard to do better than ObamacareView attachment 68199

His first version to repeal Obamacare was defeate by the Freedom Caucus, as there were protections for those with pre-existing conditions. The 2nd attempt did not look out for pre-existing conditions, was supported by Feeedom Caucus, and defeated by moderate republicans.

How do you suspect he'll get the latest attempt at repealing Obamacare thru the House?
Do you lock your home at night or when you go to work or do you just leave it wide open? Do you lock your car up or do you leave it unlocked with the keys in the ignition? How about the big walls around prisons? Sure people break into cars and homes etc but should we make it easier for them? The wall won't be 100% effective but surely won't be 100% ineffective either.

His first version to repeal Obamacare was defeate by the Freedom Caucus, as there were protections for those with pre-existing conditions. The 2nd attempt did not look out for pre-existing conditions, was supported by Feeedom Caucus, and defeated by moderate republicans.

How do you suspect he'll get the latest attempt at repealing Obamacare thru the House?
The Art of the Deal. It'll get done as the Republicans know they need to do something. How it gets done I don't know brother.
Do you lock your home at night or when you go to work or do you just leave it wide open? Do you lock your car up or do you leave it unlocked with the keys in the ignition? How about the big walls around prisons? Sure people break into cars and homes etc but should we make it easier for them? The wall won't be 100% effective but surely won't be 100% ineffective either.

And if the wall at the southern border costs as much as a prison wall you might have an argument....