Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

In trump’s America, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition
Being a woman is a health-care liability again.
This guy is a disgrace to humans...
Praise the lord. Time to get rid of one of the worst bills ever written. With the flushing of obamacare down the toilet so goes obama's legacy.
Praise the lord. Time to get rid of one of the worst bills ever written. With the flushing of obamacare down the toilet so goes obama's legacy.
It will never clear the senate. The republicans in congress who voted for it are counting on that. What a joke.
In trump’s America, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition
Being a woman is a health-care liability again.
This guy is a disgrace to humans...
What i find anti trumpers mostly have in common is they tend to believe everything they read, no matter what the sources or credibility. Since news networks figured out they can print opinions and pass them off as facts with no fallout its a win win. Problem is, most Americans have caught on to their game. Trump winning the election is proof of that
[Trumpcare ... Idiot Trumpsters ...]

The Republican health care plan that passed the House on Thursday targeted a key protection for Americans who get their health insurance through work.

It would allow health insurance companies to impose lifetime and annual caps on benefits for those who get coverage through a large-employer plan. Former President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul banned insurers from imposing such caps, and public opinion surveys have shown that prohibition was popular.

Before the Obama reforms, people who got a serious medical problem could be cut off from their health coverage once they hit their insurance limit. They sometimes went into debt to continue their treatment.

Until the last few days, the provision had been a little-noticed part of the bill that would help congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump make good on their promise to undo Obama’s key domestic accomplishment. Most of the attention on the Republican plan was focused on how it could result in 24 million Americans losing insurance, primarily by rolling back expanded Medicaid benefits.
[Trumpcare ... Idiot Trumpsters ... GATTACA ... ]

Hold, as the saying goes, my beer. The ACA specifically protected against discrimination for preexisting conditions that showed up through genetic tests. You might not be sick yet—in technical terms, the illness has not manifested—but if you, for example, test positive for one of the pathogenic variants (a less X-Manly term than “mutation”) in the BRCA gene that predisposes you to breast cancer, you could still get covered. If the House bill becomes law, that protection vanishes.
[Trumpster Magic ... LMAO ...]

But sometime later that year, his business model changed completely. Since late 2013, Jones has been pushing a collection of dietary supplements designed to prey on the paranoias and insecurities of his listeners: Infowars Life Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver. Infowars Life Brain Force Plus.
[Trumpster Magic ... LMAO ...]

But sometime later that year, his business model changed completely. Since late 2013, Jones has been pushing a collection of dietary supplements designed to prey on the paranoias and insecurities of his listeners: Infowars Life Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver. Infowars Life Brain Force Plus.

His biggest revenue is on Smart Pills....

Ryan and his sidekick, the House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, pushed through a bill that, if it ever goes into effect, could upend one-sixth of the American economy and result in tens of millions of Americans losing their health coverage. Since the Republicans failed to give the Congressional Budget Office time to “score” the bill before voting on it, we don’t have any official estimates of its likely effects. But the bill that was passed on Thursday was an amended version of a bill that the C.B.O. had previously determined would raise the number of uninsured people by twenty-four million over ten years, and increase premiums for many others, particularly the old and the sick, as well.


In short, the bill the House just passed is one of the most regressive pieces of legislation in living memory. When Republicans cut taxes on the rich and slash funding for programs aimed at the poor, they usually go to great lengths to argue that the two things are unconnected. But in this instance they have done away with the subterfuge. It’s reverse Robin Hood, in plain view.