Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Who the fuck knows you motherfucker.? No one, but you thank you will make bones being a loud mouth bitch?

No. Give us references cunt that dont have an addy ending in
Are you trolling or are you really this fucking stupid. Please tell me your trolling.
No one does
Good i could care the fuck a less. No one should even be worried aboit it unless i start asking questions. You are the only retard who thinks what you are saying insy anything but nonsensicle babble. Any member reading this, if you ever get a pm or see a post of me fishing for sources or any kind of sensitive info please bring it fourth. Screenshots are easy and can be shown to everyone.
You are the only retard who thinks what you are saying insy anything but nonsensicle babble.
Okay shit for brains give us references for the last 3 years. Again motherfucker who in the boards knows you? My guess is no one.
You are a fucking cop. I know it!
Ok i can accept thats your opinion. However anyone who agrees with you based on the points youve made in the comments are just as crazy as you are. No one with a brain would listen to your troll ramblings and feel youve made any reasonable statements.
We do motherfucker.
I dont care flabbyarms you say we as in everyone. Not everyone is a delusional parnood little bitch like you. You seem to think that when you say somethimg that it is an absolute thruout the universe. I got news bud you are nothing you are none and the only absolute is that youve shown how stupid you are. Go back a couple pages and read you sound like a total idiot.
Your last meal would be your brain and it would be a very small non nurishable meal at that loser.

References? Anyone on the boards you know who can vouch for you? Its simple. You are a cop.
Okay shit for brains give us references for the last 3 years. Again motherfucker who in the boards knows you? My guess is no one.
What the fuck are you talking aboit references and the past three years goof? What boards am i on? This one. I have a job kids and a life clearly unlike you.
Keep it up we can turn this thread from trump to watch pual destroy every ounce of credability he has by talking absolute stupidity in every fucking comment you make. Mayne you are cought up on the high of your rant and dont realize it yet. Go back and read your posts up till this point. You are clearly not firing on all eight bro. Just saying. Best you cool go back and read your insanity for yourself.
Ah now you get to stoop to the time tested grammar attach. Cause you didnt know what i meant anyway. I can go back and pull hundreds of your grammar mistake but im not a fucking total loser like you. Lmfao keep it up i want more. Im going to destroy you entirely on this forum now while i sit back in the recliner laughimg pointing out your illness
What the fuck are you talking aboit references and the past three years goof?
What I mean you stupid fuck is does anyone know you who can vouch you are not a police officer. You have no history mother fucker. We should weclome you as a nobody? Fuck you.
What I mean you stupid fuck is does anyone know you who can vouch you are not a police officer. You have no history mother fucker. We should weclome you as a nobody? Fuck you.
No one on this forum can vouch for anyone and prove it as fact so the fact youd ask me shows you dont understand basic things lol.
Im going to destroy you entirely on this forum now while i sit back in the recliner laughimg pointing out your illness
Well cop I'm sitting my recliner watching tv. I got nothing better to do than piss on you.

I'm waiting for references cop. Someone has to know a loud mouth cunt like you, or is meso your first stop?
Go get a cat scan paul. Seriously im not even joking now. Youre not all there its obvious. Till then keep all the members posted about your feelings about me being LE to be fair just make sure they read the argument between me and you before makimg any call on wether i am or not. Sound fair?