Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Well cop I'm sitting my recliner watching tv. I got nothing better to do than piss on you.

I'm waiting for references cop. Someone has to know a loud mouth cunt like you, or is meso your first stop?
Go to a mental health professional and come back and give me a reference that your not in a straight jacket paranoid paul, flabbyarms
No one on this forum can vouch for anyone and prove it as fact so the fact youd ask me shows you dont understand basic things lol.
You are an intellectual giant if the world was composed of mongaloid retards.
If i was a cop youve already made every member weiry of me so why not start over with a new handle? You make no sense in any of your statements. Your just butt hurt cry baby flabbyarms
Go to a mental health professional and come back and give me a reference that
I thought so. Sorry pig its not going to be easy.

I will ask you again who knows you? Someone must. I'm mean you are so fucking cool.

So far all I know is you would gladly suck orange dick.:)
Coming from a guy who talks about mothers and eating dicks ect. Ill take that as a complement
Don't get confused potty mouth I'm talking about the slut who squirted you out of her pussy. Nothing I say to you should be confused as a compliment.
Don't get confused potty mouth I'm talking about the slut who squirted you out of her pussy. Nothing I say to you should be confused as a compliment.
Paul has a problem with understanding basic things, things like you are not god here or anywhere else. What you say opinion not fact. You are not and absolute end all to meso and in the grand scope of things, you are NOBODY. here ill help you out ill even start a thread statimg im am a cop if you would like.
Okay motherfucker I'm going to cut you some slack. Why do you feel trump is your messiah?
Paul has a problem with understanding basic things, things like you are not god here or anywhere else. What you say opinion not fact. You are not and absolute end all to meso and in the grand scope of things, you are NOBODY. here ill help you out ill even start a thread statimg im am a cop if you would like.
That way we can all say paul was right and paul can stand up and take a heros bow and forget all about his shit physique and 2in penis. What you say guys?
Paul has a problem with understanding basic things, things like you are not god here o
Asshole I have been her since you were sucking your mothers tits.

There have been many members here I hold in asteem. They contributeted something other than a piss poor attitude.

I know who I am. I'm a member who has serious questions about you.
Okay motherfucker I'm going to cut you some slack. Why do you feel trump is your messiah?
When did i say anything aboit him being my messiah? The fact is it has nothing to do with trump himself. I never really cared for him till he ran and started telling shit how it was and how to change it. Everyone knew the answers just noone was willimg to go up against the pc dictatorship. No politician has done this. Thats why a non politician made it into office just so you know.
Asshole I have been her since you were sucking your mothers tits.

There have been many members here I hold in asteem. They contributeted something other than a piss poor attitude.

I know who I am. I'm a member who has serious questions about you.
Yah thats right except im not a kid. Hmmm 17 tears a member eh? You know in 17 years there have been an awful lot of busts.................. i smell a cop...... yep your a cop...... he is a cop. Lol true rambling retard fahion.
When did i say anything aboit him being my messiah?
You do seem to be infatuated. Take a look at how you entered this thread. Anyone is welcome to participate. I strongly disagree with other members. We all talk shit about one another. You have not been around long enough to realize that.

The manner in which you came into this forum makes me think you want to be well known and establish trust with members quickly without taking the usual route which is to cruise it slow and gain trust.

You do seem to be infatuated. Take a look at how you entered this thread. Anyone is welcome to participate. I strongly disagree with other members. We all talk shit about one another. You have not been around long enough to realize that.

The manner in which you came into this forum makes me think you want to be well known and establish trust with members quickly without taking the usual route which is to cruise it slow and gain trust.

All your doing now is backtracking and trying to rationalize your stupidity. Go do something productive with your day. I suggest hitting those flabbyarms in the gym. Thats just me though
Lol true rambling retard fahion.
Sounds like a cop.

Do you know anyone on the boards? You come in here acting like you know shit bitch. You know nothing. My advice is to show you are not a cop. You act like one.

I really hope no members trust you until you put a couple years in.

Until then fuck off twink.
You do seem to be infatuated. Take a look at how you entered this thread. Anyone is welcome to participate. I strongly disagree with other members. We all talk shit about one another. You have not been around long enough to realize that.

The manner in which you came into this forum makes me think you want to be well known and establish trust with members quickly without taking the usual route which is to cruise it slow and gain trust.

if you go back like you say you will realize that my first comment was not directed to one said person as in me attacking someone. Get your shit straight before you talk you idiot.
Why w
Sounds like a cop.

Do you know anyone on the boards? You come in here acting like you know shit bitch. You know nothing. My advice is to show you are not a cop. You act like one.

I really hope no members trust you until you put a couple years in.

Until then fuck off twink.
Ould they need any reason to trust me? Im not askimg for anything. Jesus christ are you incabable of common sense?
Post it shit for brains.
It was a generalization referring to all trump haters you idiot. Only you took it appon yourself to take that and call me something. Lol you are so dull witted my gut hurts from laughimg all morning.

Can someone say triggered? Triggered like a little twinky cuck