Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[Legal Analysis ...]

I am well aware that we have a president who, as even his supporters would surely acknowledge, is less assiduous than most in his use of the English language. (I’ve complained about it before and will continue to do so), and I will continue to try as best I can to apply rigorous standards to what President Trump writes and says, because I believe that careful use of our common language is a bulwark against foolishness and evil.

Here are three sentences from recent news reports, all of which are, I predict, destined to become among the more celebrated sentences in U.S. presidential history, and therefore worth taking a closer look at.

Sentence 1. “While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”


Sentence 2. “Having concluded those meetings [with senior Justice Department officials] today, I have decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States.


Sentence 3. “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”

99.8% of Americans would not receive a nickel in tax breaks from the repeal of the Estate Tax. So why do Trump and his billionaire friends want to repeal it? So they can get billions of dollars in tax breaks while they cut programs that ordinary Americans depend on....
This is truly fucked up. They hide money and have enough tax loopholes that they pay a smaller percentage than most working people. They are bankrupting this country with their greed. When it comes crumbling down they will have their fortunes and weather the storm while the middle class goes down the drain. The vast majority of republicans will be going down as well. That means the trump republicans who will not benefit from trumps planed tax cuts.

I thought people might wise up after 2008-2009, but I guess there wasn't enough pain. Next time around it will not be so easy because there will be no free money for banks to lend or money for bailouts.
He pisses you off, that's good enough for me:D
I'm sorry bro that isn't good enough. You get upset when we point out how deranged he is. The least you could do is to give us a few reasons why you feel he will be a good president. I think that would be fair.
I'm sorry bro that isn't good enough. You get upset when we point out how deranged he is. The least you could do is to give us a few reasons why you feel he will be a good president. I think that would be fair.
I wouldn't say I get upset, I like to give fair opposition. The SCOTUS was my main reason..and he delivered:). As far as him being a great President, only time will tell my friend:(
I wouldn't say I get upset, I like to give fair opposition. The SCOTUS was my main reason..and he delivered:). As far as him being a great President, only time will tell my friend:(
He may get to deliver again too. Ruthie looks like she died last month and nobody told her yet. Lol
I'm sorry bro that isn't good enough. You get upset when we point out how deranged he is. The least you could do is to give us a few reasons why you feel he will be a good president. I think that would be fair.
I feel he's already a good president. I agree with most of his executive orders. If he does nothing more than reverse everything barry did I'll consider his first term a success. I think he'll accomplish much more. Obviously you antifas will go bonkers with every move he makes. Just makes it more satisfying. [emoji6]
He wasn't a politician and that was good enough for many. Electing Hillary would've been the same as reelecting Obama for another 4 years. They had their chance to not allow our entire industrial infrastructure move to Mexico and overseas and stood with hands in pockets and did nothing while millions lost their jobs and joined the other millions on welfare. Who do you think pays for all that welfare @Big_paul ? If you guessed you, me and everyone else with a job that pays taxes, you guessed right. By lowering the ridiculous taxation and rape of corporations, we become a prime place to set up shop and there would be no reason for big businesses to keep leaving. More people with jobs =less strain on those of us that have them and less people on welfare or unemployment. It makes sense if you'd put your petty political loyalties aside.
Honestly Trump didn't even have to campaign much, for most that voted for him they were sold at Mexicans this and Muslims that. Small percentage of you actually like him for other reasons.