Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

By lowering the ridiculous taxation and rape of corporations, we become a prime place to set up shop and there would be no reason for big businesses to keep leaving
Legitimate topic of discussion, but the money has to come from some where. Corporations for the most part don't pay much. If the rich and corporations don't pay up then we do. Please explain to me why a corporation like GE doesn't pay tax many years. Tell me why Mitt Romney payed 13%. And we know nothing about the asshole in the oval office most likely payed nothing for many years. Now he says he is proud of his returns and may let us see them after he leaves office.
Keep investigating. Keeps you antifas busy tilting at windmills.

Whatever keeps me looking at hilarious memes tied to the corruption of #45 sure. I've always loved memes but now I have purpose lol. Plus most of the people I work with don't even speak English, and can't vote or have no knowledge of the current events. You guys seem decent enough. You just hated Obama so much Trump was the rebound.
Honestly Trump didn't even have to campaign much, for most that voted for him they were sold at Mexicans this and Muslims that. Small percentage of you actually like him for other reasons.
No, thats just how the democrat party controls it's followers. By tricking the weak minded in to believing the other side is racist and homophobic, etc. Most who voted for trump voted because of all the political corruption and lies. They were offered a choice between trump the business man and the life long political criminial in hillary clinton. She lied to the american people through her whole campaign and she was shown to be on the take getting from her time as a politician with her dirty antics. And when all that evidence came out of how corrupt and dirty she was they didnt even deny it. The narrative was switched from hillary to those dirty bastards that told on her. How dare they. And even the fake news pimps that have been shown how in the bag for clinton they are and how dirty they are, even after all the lies and they were caught in thebleft still believes in them. Why? Because the left doesn't care about tye truth, the facts or the country at all. The left cares about getting their way and nothing more. Rather than a peaceful transition of power the left lights cars on fire, destroys buildings, riots at colleges and keeps conservative speakers from thier constitutional right to free speech. They try to find eveey trick they can to stop the transfer of power to put their own party leader in office. Their recounts and threatening and bribing electors to go against their voters. There's just too many people that are sick of the lies and antics on the left that they voted against the person that was supposed to win by a landslide. They are also sick and tired of the peoples that march loudly in the streets that hate this country. The voices on the network news that hate this country so much that they rally the world against america because a candidate says "make america great" or "america first". The left violently protests attitudes like those and tries to demonize patriotism. All in all i dont think you have a clue why peoples voted for trump. I think you have been played like a puppet into believing what your corrupt politicians and news media brainwashed you into believing.
No, thats just how the democrat party controls it's followers. By tricking the weak minded in to believing the other side is racist and homophobic, etc. Most who voted for trump voted because of all the political corruption and lies. They were offered a choice between trump the business man and the life long political criminial in hillary clinton. She lied to the american people through her whole campaign and she was shown to be on the take getting from her time as a politician with her dirty antics. And when all that evidence came out of how corrupt and dirty she was they didnt even deny it. The narrative was switched from hillary to those dirty bastards that told on her. How dare they. And even the fake news pimps that have been shown how in the bag for clinton they are and how dirty they are, even after all the lies and they were caught in thebleft still believes in them. Why? Because the left doesn't care about tye truth, the facts or the country at all. The left cares about getting their way and nothing more. Rather than a peaceful transition of power the left lights cars on fire, destroys buildings, riots at colleges and keeps conservative speakers from thier constitutional right to free speech. They try to find eveey trick they can to stop the transfer of power to put their own party leader in office. Their recounts and threatening and bribing electors to go against their voters. There's just too many people that are sick of the lies and antics on the left that they voted against the person that was supposed to win by a landslide. They are also sick and tired of the peoples that march loudly in the streets that hate this country. The voices on the network news that hate this country so much that they rally the world against america because a candidate says "make america great" or "america first". The left violently protests attitudes like those and tries to demonize patriotism. All in all i dont think you have a clue why peoples voted for trump. I think you have been played like a puppet into believing what your corrupt politicians and news media brainwashed you into believing.

Um I read most of that. And I do believe Hilary is dirty and a liar. If She was elected I would be talking shit about her to. But do you honestly believe every piece of news about Trump is fake? C'mon man even people we know personally and love ain't all good. Broke ass normal people are dirty and try to get over, billionaires are a million times worse. Edit: I don't hate Hilary at all
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Also why don't you Trumpsters address his lawsuits for fraud and the settlements, he's a con man to put it nicely, real shit look it up. Take one second to investigate the shady shit he's done over the years.
Um I read most of that. And I do believe Hilary is dirty and a liar. If She was elected I would be talking shit about her to. But do you honestly believe every piece of news about Trump is fake? C'mon man even people we know personally and love ain't all good. Broke ass normal people are dirty and try to get over, billionaires are a million times worse.
No, i dont believe it's all fake. I think some of the biggest things are fake like the russia thing. This is the biggest thing out there right now and there is not a shred of evidence after almost a year of fbi and cia investigation. I think the guy says some stupid shit and has his problems, but the news has been proven to have been doing everything they can to take him down. For instance the whole mexican immigrants being criminals was taken out of context and what he actually said was true. His remarks and some of his actions were that of someone who hasn't been guarded like a politician thier whole life. Fact is he wasnt my first or even second choice, but out of those who were running on the left or the right we didn't have much to choose from. In the end, the way i see it is people said they thought trump was gonna do this and trump was gonna do that, but fact of the matter was... hillary has been doing all the things that some feared trump might do. We didnt have to guess with hillary. We knew what she was doing.
Also why don't you Trumpsters address his lawsuits for fraud and the settlements, he's a con man to put it nicely, real shit look it up. Take one second to investigate the shady shit he's done over the years.
I like the name Trumpsters. Reminds me of Hulksters. You're welcome to use Trumpinators too as we terminate every fucked up thing barry soetoro did.

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.

“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”
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Breaking news: Trump revels highly classified information to Russians. He is absolutely incompetent and should be impeached asap.