Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Energy Secretary Rick Perry is cooking up a case to stifle further federal support of renewable wind and solar energy. He’s ordered a dubiously sourced staff study that is aimed to paint renewables as an unreliable source for the nation’s electric grid.

The study, due June 23, seeks to determine whether federal tax and subsidy policies favoring renewable energy have burdened “baseload” coal-fired generation, putting power grid reliability at risk. It is being spearheaded by Energy Department political appointee Travis Fisher, who’s associated with a Washington policy group that opposes almost any government aid for renewable energy.

Fisher wrote a 2015 report for the Institute for Energy Research that called clean energy policies “the single greatest emerging threat” to the nation’s electric power grid, and a greater threat to electric reliability than cyber attacks, terrorism or extreme weather.

The Institute for Energy Research and its advocacy arm, the American Energy Alliance, has been the “influential force in shaping Donald Trump’s plans to dismantle Obama administration climate initiatives,’’ according to Bloomberg News.
WTF Is Going on With the Secret Senate Version of Trumpcare?

The Senate GOP's secret plan to restructure one-sixth of America's economy, offer a massive tax cut to the wealthy and likely deprive tens of millions of Americans of health insurance – stripping the coverage guarantees of Obamacare from millions more – could hit the Senate floor for a lightning-fast vote before July 4th.

Here's what you need to know.

Hold up. Remind me what the House Trumpcare bill would do.

This is not a bill to improve health care; it's a bill to repeal taxes on very wealthy people.

Trump assaults the rule of law

Faced with James Comey’s testimony, President Trump and his defenders beckon us down a constitutional and moral rabbit hole. His pleas on behalf of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, they tell us, were the vague wishes of a legal naif. The FBI investigation of Trump and Russia is, they say, a witch hunt designed to politicize the law, an assault on his civil liberties.

This is pernicious — and dangerous. The legal system does not unfairly threaten Trump; Trump threatens the rule of law as surely as did Richard Nixon. One cannot vindicate the presumption of innocence by shutting down an inquiry which addresses whether an American president violated his oath to uphold the Constitution by committing criminal acts.

This is not the case of an unconstrained federal government targeting a private citizen or lower officeholder. Trump is the world’s most powerful man; he can direct — or misdirect — the affairs of our country, then use the unique and awesome powers of his office to immunize his actions. The FBI investigation is all that stands between the rule of law and a president seemingly bereft of any belief that his responsibilities transcend himself. To suggest that it be foreshortened abets the blockade of truth which, based on what we know already, he apparently means to perpetrate.

The questions before us are profound:

Did Trump or his campaign barter the power of the presidency in foreign affairs in exchange for Russian help in attaining that power?

Did Trump or his campaign know about Russia’s efforts to influence the election by using e-mails illegally stolen from the DNC and Clinton campaign?

Did Trump or his associates receive Russia’s help in advancing their business interests?

Did Trump, as president, attempt to obstruct an inquiry which would resolve these questions?

As to the first three questions, all we know is that 17 intelligence agencies agree that Russia tampered in our election, and that the FBI is investigating possible collusion by Trump and/or his campaign. But with respect to obstruction of justice, Comey’s testimony — when juxtaposed with Trump’s known conduct — suggests that the president systematically attempted to deny us answers.

At best, the timeline is deeply disturbing:

WASHINGTON—Quickly crumpling up all 500 pages of the legislation upon hearing footsteps in the hallway, sources reported Tuesday that a panicked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell shoved the entire Senate healthcare bill in his mouth as a Democratic senator walked past.

According to witnesses, McConnell became visibly flustered upon realizing there was no place to hide from the Democratic colleague approaching his doorway and began ripping wads of documents from a binder and cramming them through his open jaws as rapidly as possible.

Asked about the location of an upcoming meeting, McConnell, cheeks distended to many times their original size, reportedly grunted several times and gestured toward a nearby conference room.

At press time, McConnell had spit out the massive clump of saliva-coated, half-chewed papers, which, while largely illegible, would reportedly insure 10 million more people than the original.