Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Sure he will. Just like building the wall and making Mexico pay for it. Just like providing cheaper better healthcare than Obamacare care. Just like draining the swamp of Washington insiders.

Your obedience is impressive. Reminds me off a dog that just gets beat but comes back for more!

It's like a cult... amazing ... like they were brainwashed... not that theirs need a lot of soap [emoji849][emoji12]
Sure he will. Just like building the wall and making Mexico pay for it. Just like providing cheaper better healthcare than Obamacare care. Just like draining the swamp of Washington insiders.

Your obedience is impressive. Reminds me off a dog that just gets beat but comes back for more!
On all 3 of those things you mentioned was there a six-month deadline? Or did I miss that? 7 and a half years to go, plenty of time my friend:). Stop being so impatient.
Geeze i mean cant Trump fix everything inside of 6 months and deal with the dems campaign of hate at the same time?

A lot of people probably read my posts and automatically think im pro Trump. Im not. I've just learned to question everything and believe nothing the wealthy owned media tries to feed me.

Fox news takes a lot of shit for not jumping on the bandwagon and just hammering Trump like everyone else does but they're one of the only news outlets bold enough to be different. I can speak for myself and almost everyone else i know(just regular people, not political at all) and most of us are just plain sick of hearing everyone from late night comedians to media do nothing but bash Trump.

The impact of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), also called “TrumpCare,” often focuses on the 23 million Americans projected to lose coverage. Many of the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions are also aware they could face higher premiums and reduced benefits should they buy insurance on their own under the AHCA. But 36 percent of Americans believe the cost of their health care would stay about the same under the legislation. Unfortunately, they’re wrong.

If enacted, TrumpCare will affect all Americans no matter what type of health insurance they have: Medicare, Medicaid, employer coverage, or a plan on the individual market. Here, we describe how TrumpCare would change coverage, and we provide maps that show how many people in each county and state could see their costs go up or coverage go down under the bill.

The impact of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), also called “TrumpCare,” often focuses on the 23 million Americans projected to lose coverage. Many of the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions are also aware they could face higher premiums and reduced benefits should they buy insurance on their own under the AHCA. But 36 percent of Americans believe the cost of their health care would stay about the same under the legislation. Unfortunately, they’re wrong.

If enacted, TrumpCare will affect all Americans no matter what type of health insurance they have: Medicare, Medicaid, employer coverage, or a plan on the individual market. Here, we describe how TrumpCare would change coverage, and we provide maps that show how many people in each county and state could see their costs go up or coverage go down under the bill.

As long as it's someone esle who gets fucked republicans don't care. Even the ones who think they are republicans.